April 11, 2023 at 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Approval of a Flexible Agenda (For Possible Action)
The Trustees reserve the right to take items in a different order to accomplish business in the most efficient manner.
2. Consent Items SG-G (For Possible Action)
Information concerning the following consent items has been forwarded to each Board Member for study prior to this meeting. Unless a Trustee or member of the audience has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the consent list, the items are approved at one time by the Board of Trustees.
Note: If one of the following items is removed for discussion, it will be heard at the end of the consent items. |
2.A. Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of March 20, 2023
Attached are Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of March 20, 2023 for review and approval.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of March 20, 2023. |
2.B. Accounts Payable Special and Regular Run Vouchers
A complete list of payments contained in Accounts Payable Special Vouchers numbers 2389, 2390, 2391, 2392, 2393, 2394, 2395, 2396, and Regular Run Voucher Numbers 2397and 2398 are attached. Vouchers have been prepared in accordance to state law and copies of the Vouchers are available for review by the public at the Superintendent's office prior to the meeting.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Special Run Voucher Numbers 2389, 2390, 2391, 2392, 2393, 2394, 2395, 2396, and Regular Run Voucher Numbers 2397and 2398.
2.C. Personnel Report No. 23-04
Listed on the Personnel Report No. 23-04 are personnel actions presented for consideration by the Board of Trustees. Salaries for individuals employed will be determined in accordance with salary regulations of the District.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve personnel actions in Personnel Report No. 23-04.
2.D. Budget Voucher Adjustments
A complete list of budget adjustments made by the Director of Business Services during the recent course of business is provided for review and approval by the Board of Trustees as required by NRS 354.598005.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Budget Voucher Adjustments as submitted.
2.E. Second Reading of Board Policy No. 452-Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Related Medical Conditions
Policy No. 452 - Pregnancy, Childbirth and Related Medical Conditions is presented as a second reading.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Board Policy No. 452 - Pregnancy, Childbirth and Related Medical Conditions as a second reading.
2.F. Second Reading of Board Policy No. 454-Leave Under Federal Law and Nevada Revised Statutes
Board Policy 454 -Leave Under Federal Law and Nevada Revised Statutes is presented as a second reading.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Board Policy No. 454 - Leave Under Federal Law and Nevada Revised Statutes as a second reading.
2.G. Second Reading of Board Policy No. 621-Grant Application Authorization
Board Policy 621 - Grant Application Authorization is presented as a second reading.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of Board Policy 621 - Grant Application Authorization.
2.H. Bullying/Behavior Quarterly Report - Quarter 3 (Information Only)
DCSD Assistant Director of Educational Services, Shannon Brown, has provided a data report detailing the bullying, behavior, suspensions, and expulsions from January 1, 2023-March 31, 2023.
2.I. Monthly Update of Enrollment Counts (Information Only)
Monthly update on enrollment numbers for each school site is provided to the Board.
3. Introduction and Special Recognition SG-C&R (Special Recognition)
4. Nevada Association of School Boards (NASB) Report SG-G (Information and Discussion)
Katherine Dickerson, the representative for DCSD on the NASB Board of Directors, will present details of NASB accomplishments, current issues, and goals.
5. Board Reports SG-G, C&R (Information and Discussion)
Brief updates from the Board regarding District activities.
6. Correspondence
7. Good News SG-C (Information Only)
Each month the Board President will share "good news", which may include recognizing employees, students, and/or groups.
8. Superintendent Report SG-G (Administrative Report)
Superintendent, Keith Lewis, will report to the Board regarding activities of the past month and upcoming District events that may be of interest to them.
Below is a summary of donations received by school sites over the last month. The District wishes to acknowledge and thank the generosity of all donors on behalf of the students we serve. Douglas High School Steve Chappell and Carson Valley Inn- Donated $6915 to use towards the Hall of Fame Boards in the DHS Gym for basketball, volleyball and wrestling. |
9. CAT 259D3 C Compact Track Loader with Accessories Purchase Approval SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will consider the purchase of a CAT 259D3 C Compact Track Loader with snow blower, bucket, and broom accessories from Cashman Equipment in the amount of $101,639.00.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the purchase of a CAT 259D3 C Compact Track Loader with snow blower, bucket, and broom accessories from Cashman Equipment in the amount of $101,639.00 as recommended by Director of Facilities, Phil Demus.
10. Painting Maintenance Contract Approval SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will consider awarding a bid for services to Custom Painting and Decorating Inc. for the Douglas County School District Painting Maintenance Project, in the amount of $52,240.00.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board award the bid for the Douglas County School District Painting Maintenance Project to Custom Painting and Decorating Inc. in the amount of $52,240.00 and to authorize the Superintendent to approve recommended change order increases that would increase the scope of painting maintenance to not exceed the full budgeted amount of $100,000 as recommended by Director of Facilities, Phil Demus and Project Manager, Scott McCullough. |
11. Pavement Maintenance Contract Approval SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will consider awarding a bid for services to West Coast Paving for the Douglas County School District Pavement Maintenance Project, in the amount of $64,000.00.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board award the bid for the Douglas County School District Pavement Maintenance Project to West Coast Paving in the amount of $64,000.00 and to authorize the Superintendent to approve recommended change order increases that would increase the scope of pavement maintenance to not exceed the full budgeted amount of $100,000 as recommended by Director of Facilities, Phil Demus and Project Manager, Scott McCullough. |
12. Consideration of 2023-2024 Tentative Budget and Scheduling of Public Hearing for Tuesday, May 16, 2023 SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Included in each Board Member's agenda packet is a copy of the District's proposed 2023-24 tentative budget. NRS 354.596 requires that all school districts approve and file a balanced tentative budget with the Nevada Department of Taxation by April 15. The statute further requires that the District hold a hearing on their tentative budget not sooner than the third Monday in May and not later than that last day of May.
Included in each Board Member's agenda packet is a summary of the General Fund appropriations as well as the projected budgets for all other funds. The projected budget is balanced. It is expected that any revisions to the April Tentative Budget in terms of projected revenues or expenditures will be made and reviewed at the May 16th public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the FY 2023-2024 Douglas County School District Tentative Budget and declare a public hearing on the budget for Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. at the DCSD Airport Training Center, 1126 Airport Road Building G-1, Minden NV 89423.
13. Review and Update of the District's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for 2023-2024 SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Including prior year ending fund balance adjustments for the District's 2023-2024 December Amended Budget, Staff would like to review with the Board a revised five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as required by Nevada Revised Statute(NRS) 354.5945. Along with the five-year Capital Improvement Plan is the request for the continuation of the levy for Residential Building Permit Tax that supports the five-year Capital Improvement Plan as required by Nevada Revised Statute NRS 387.331. This request is sent to the Department of Taxation for their approval to be heard at the Douglas County Commission in support of this tax.
Included in each Board Member's agenda packet is the aforementioned revised five-year Capital Improvement Plan and request for continuation of the levy for Residential Building Permit Tax that supports the five-year Capital Improvement Plan. The five-year Capital Improvement Plan has been revised principally to accommodate revised cash flow timing, revised cost estimates of certain projects, and addition of projects. Susan Estes, Director of Business Services, will provide detailed explanations and rationale for proposed changes to the updated five-year Capital Improvement Plan, and answer any questions that the Board may have. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and authorize its filing with the Department of Taxation.
14. Expulsions SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
District staff will provide a presentation to the Board regarding expulsions in the district including but not limited to information on the year of the violation, the school where the violation occurred, a description of the primary violation, whether there was a secondary violation involved, and whether alternative education was offered. The Board may discuss the data presented and discuss possible solutions to the issues which include drug/alcohol use, possession and distribution; fighting; and possession of weapons.
15. Public Comment (5:30 p.m.)
Comments from the public are invited at this time on topics not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. A sign-up sheet is provided and individuals who wish to address the Board are asked to indicate their desire to speak and the topic about which they will speak. Individuals wishing to address the Board at this time will be limited to three minutes. The Board is precluded from acting on items raised during Public Comment that are not already on the agenda.
16. District Staffing Presentation SG-G (Information Only)
Executive Director of Human Resources, Joe Girdner, will provide a presentation on historical district staffing numbers and current vacancies in the district.
17. Committee Assignments SG-G (Discussion Only)
The Board will discuss the various committee assignments to provide further explanation of the purpose of each committee.
18. Closed Session (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will recess to closed session in order to discuss matters with its management representatives pursuant to NRS 288.220(4).
19. Meet and Confer Agreements SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The District, having participated in the Meet & Confer process, has reached agreement on a Memorandum of Understanding with Douglas County Administrators Association, Classified Supervisors and Professional Employees, Confidential Employees, and DCSD Cabinet that includes a 2.0% salary increase for 2022-23 and DCSD paying the full 3.75% PERS rate increase that will go into effect on July 1, 2023.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding agreement as presented, which includes a 2.0% salary increase and full coverage of the July 1, 2023 PERS rate increase, with the Douglas County Administrators Association, Classified Supervisors and Professional Employees, Confidential Employees, and DCSD Cabinet. |
20. Negotiated Agreements SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The District has reached an agreement on a Memorandum of Understanding with the Douglas County Professional Educators Association, Douglas County Support Staff Organization, and Chapter #6, Bus Drivers Association that includes a 2.0% salary increase for 2022-23 and DCSD paying the full 3.75% PERS rate increase that will go into effect on July 1, 2023.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding agreement as presented, which includes a 2.0% salary increase and full coverage of the July 1, 2023 PERS rate increase, with the Douglas County Professional Educators Association, Douglas County Support Staff Organization, and Chapter #6, Bus Drivers Association. |
21. Prioritizing Agenda-Possible Items for Future Board Meetings (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will seek requests from its members for items to be placed on future meeting agendas in accordance with its policies. The Board will discuss all agenda items on the list and prioritize those it wishes to come forward at the next Board Meeting.
22. Public Comment
Comments from the public are invited at this time on topics not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. A sign-up sheet is provided and individuals who wish to address the Board are asked to indicate their desire to speak and the topic about which they will speak. Individuals wishing to address the Board at this time will be limited to three minutes. The Board is precluded from acting on items raised during Public Comment that are not already on the agenda.
23. Adjournment
(*) Times are estimated. Items on the Agenda may be taken out of order. The Board of Trustees may combine two or more agenda items for consideration, and may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. Generally speaking, the item will be heard no earlier than the time indicated.
If copies of the complete agenda (and supporting materials) are desired in advance, they may be obtained at the District Office on the Friday or Monday preceding a regular Tuesday meeting of the Board. Please contact Caryn Harper at 775-782-5134 or Charper@dcsd.k12.nv.us. Notice to Individuals with Disabilities: Members of the public who require special assistance or accommodations are asked to notify the District Administration at 1638 Mono Avenue, Minden, Nevada, 89423, or by calling 782-5134, so that such notification is received at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the meeting. In conformance with the Open Meeting Law, it is hereby noted that the agenda for the meeting of the Douglas County School Board of Trustees has been posted at the following locations: Douglas County School District, Minden, NV District website: www.dcsd.k12.nv.us State of Nevada website: https://notice.nv.gov |