November 10, 2020 at 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Approval of a Flexible Agenda (For Possible Action)
The Trustees reserve the right to take items in a different order to accomplish business in the most efficient manner.
2. Consent Items SG-G (For Possible Action)
Information concerning the following consent items has been forwarded to each Board Member for study prior to this meeting. Unless a Trustee or member of the audience has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the consent list, the items are approved at one time by the Board of Trustees.
Note: If one of the following items is removed for discussion, it will be heard at the end of the consent items. |
2.A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of October 13, 2020
Attached are Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of October 13, 2020 for review and approval.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of October 13, 2020.
2.B. Minutes of the Douglas County High School Scholarship Sub-Committee Meeting November 4, 2020
Attached are Minutes of the Douglas High School Scholarship Sub-Committee Meeting of November 4, 2020 for review and approval.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes of the Douglas High School Scholarship Sub-Committee Meeting of November 4, 2020.
2.C. Minutes of the Bidding Sub-Committee Meeting November 6, 2020
Attached are Minutes of the Bidding Sub-Committee Meeting of November 6, 2020 for review and approval.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes of the Bidding Sub-Committee Meeting of November 6, 2020.
2.D. Accounts Payable Special and Regular Run Vouchers
A complete list of payments contained in Accounts Payable Special Vouchers numbers 2129, 2130, 2131, 2132 ,2133, and Regular Run Voucher Number 2134 and 2135 are attached. Vouchers have been prepared in accordance to state law and copies of the Vouchers are available for review by the public at the Superintendent's office prior to the meeting.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Special Run Voucher Numbers 2129, 2130, 2131, 2132, 2133, and Regular Run Voucher Number 2134 and 2135.
2.E. Personnel Report No. 20-11
Listed on the Personnel Report No. 20-11 are personnel actions presented for consideration by the Board of Trustees. Salaries for individuals employed will be determined in accordance with salary regulations of the District.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve personnel actions in Personnel Report No. 20-11.
2.F. Budget Voucher Adjustments
A complete list of budget adjustments made by the Director of Business Services during the recent course of business is provided for review and approval by the Board of Trustees as required by NRS 354.598005.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Budget Voucher Adjustments as submitted.
2.G. Approval of Annual NWRPDP Report
Annually the Northwest Regional Professional Development Program (NWRPDP) provides a report on the number of teachers and administrators employed by the school district who receive training through the program and evaluation of training received. As per NRS 3911A.205, this report is submitted for approval by the DCSD Board of Trustees.
Recommendation: Approve the Annual NWRPDP Report.
2.H. Second Reading Board Policy No. 103-Equal Education Opportunity SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Board Policy No. 103 - Equal Education Opportunity, is presented as a second reading.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of Board Policy No. 103 - Equal Education Opportunity.
2.I. Second Reading Board Policy No. 104-Fair Employment Practices SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Board Policy No. 104 - Fair Employment Practices as a second reading.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of Board Policy No. 104 - Fair Employment Practices.
2.J. Second Reading Board Policy No. 112-Sexual Harassment SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Board Policy No. 112 - Sexual Harassment as a first reading. This Board Policy is presented as a second reading.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of Board Policy No. 112 - Sexual Harassment.
2.K. Second Reading Board Policy No. 543-Safe and Respectful Learning Environments SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Board Policy No. 543 - Safe and Respectful Learning Environments as a second reading.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of Board Policy No. 543 - Safe and Respectful Learning Environments.
2.L. Monthly Update of Enrollment Counts (Information Only)
Monthly update on enrollment numbers for each school site is provided to the Board.
3. Introduction and Special Recognition SG-C&R (Special Recognition)
The Board President will recognize the two new incoming board members, as well as the recipients of awards presented by the Nevada Association of School Boards (NASB). The Superintendent will also make two special recognitions of DCSD employees.
4. Nevada Association of School Boards (NASB) Report SG-G (Information and Discussion)
Karen Chessell, NASB Director, will present details of NASB accomplishments, current issues, and goals.
5. Board Reports SG-G, C&R (Information and Discussion)
Brief updates from the Board regarding District activities.
6. Correspondence
7. Superintendent Report SG-G (Administrative Report)
Superintendent, Mr. Lewis, will report to the Board regarding activities of the past month and upcoming District events that may be of interest to them.
Below is a summary of donations received by school sites over the last month. The District wishes to acknowledge and thank the generosity of all donors on behalf of the students we serve. District Wide *Walmart Gardnerville-Donated approximately $12,000 in school supplies *Starbucks Roasting Plant-Donated 384 boxes of coffee K-Cups *Kathleen Hill-Donated Miscellaneous School Supplies *Carson City Toyota-$5000 for use towards technology CCMES Grocery Outlet-$1,180 Douglas County High School *Dan VanderMay D.V.M.- Donated an animal scale to the Ag Science Program |
8. Consideration of Bond Refinancing Resolution (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Discussion and possible action on a resolution designated as the "2020 Refunding Bond Resolution"; declaring the necessity of incurring a bonded indebtedness on behalf of the Douglas County School District for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding bonds of the District; authorizing the issuance of the Douglas County School District, Nevada, Taxable/Tax-Exempt General Obligation (Limited Tax) Refunding Bonds, Series 2020, in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $11,900,000; providing the terms, conditions, and form of the bonds; and providing the effective date.
RECOMMENDATION: The Board authorizes the 2020 Refunding Bond Resolution, #20-03 as submitted.
9. Board Proposed Items - Edgenuity Presentation SG-G, C (Information and Discussion)
Rommy Cronin-Mack, Executive Director of Education Services, Area 3 will present an update on the implementation of Edgenuity in DCSD.
10. DCSD Self-Insured Health Insurance Plan - Proposed Revisions to Plan for Calendar Year 2021 SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will be provided with information about the Health Insurance plan and discuss any recommendations made by the Health Advisory Committee for changes to the plan coverage in the upcoming year.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the plan changes recommended by the Health Advisory Committee as presented. |
11. Staffing Report SG-G (Information Only)
Joe Girdner, Executive Director of Human Resources, will provide a summary report of certified and classified staffing between the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years.
12. Second Reading Board Policy No. 117-Notice of Non-discrimination on the Basis of Sex Under Title IX SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Board Policy No. 117 - Notice of nondiscrimination on the basis of sex under Title IX is presented as a second reading.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of Board Policy No. 117 - Notice of nondiscrimination on the basis of sex under Title IX.
13. Public Comment (5:30 p.m.)
Comments from the public are invited at this time on topics not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. A sign-up sheet is provided and individuals who wish to address the Board are asked to indicate their desire to speak and the topic about which they will speak. Individuals wishing to address the Board at this time will be limited to three minutes. The Board is precluded from acting on items raised during Public Comment that are not already on the agenda.
14. Superintendent Contract Revisions SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will consider revising the employment contract of Superintendent, Keith Lewis, to change the timeline by which the Board would conduct an annual performance evaluation of the Superintendent.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Board approve the proposed revision of the Superintendent's contract. |
15. Superintendent Goal Setting SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Superintendent, Keith Lewis, will present his proposed 2020-21 professional goals to the Board.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Board approve Superintendent Lewis' professional goals as proposed.
16. Closed Session (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will recess to closed session in order to discuss matters with its management representatives pursuant to NRS 288.220(4).
17. Prioritizing Agenda-Possible Items for Future Board Meetings (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will seek requests from its members for items to be placed on future meeting agendas in accordance with its policies. The Board will discuss all agenda items on the list and prioritize those it wishes to come forward at the next Board Meeting.
18. Public Comment
Comments from the public are invited at this time on topics not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. A sign-up sheet is provided and individuals who wish to address the Board are asked to indicate their desire to speak and the topic about which they will speak. Individuals wishing to address the Board at this time will be limited to three minutes. The Board is precluded from acting on items raised during Public Comment that are not already on the agenda.
19. Adjournment
(*) Times are estimated. Items on the Agenda may be taken out of order. The Board of Trustees may combine two or more agenda items for consideration, and may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. Generally speaking, the item will be heard no earlier than the time indicated.
If copies of the complete agenda (and supporting materials) are desired in advance, they may be obtained at the District Office on the Friday or Monday preceding a regular Tuesday meeting of the Board. Please contact Caryn Harper at 775-782-5134 or Notice to Individuals with Disabilities: Members of the public who require special assistance or accommodations are asked to notify the District Administration at 1638 Mono Avenue, Minden, Nevada, 89423, or by calling 782-5134, so that such notification is received at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the meeting. In conformance with the Open Meeting Law, it is hereby noted that the agenda for the meeting of the Douglas County School Board of Trustees has been posted at the following locations: District website: State of Nevada website: |