January 21, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Adjourn to closed session to discuss: the employment, compensation, performance, discipline of specific employees of the district.
4. Reconvene in open session no earlier than 6:15pm.
5. Public Comments-No more than five (5) minutes.
6. Approve Consent Agenda
6.A. Approve Activity Accounts
6.B. Pre-paids
6.C. Approve Accounts Payable
6.D. Approve Board Meeting Minutes
7. Communications
7.A. Mrs. Ginnie Gunningham
7.B. Mrs. Jenny Keffer
7.C. Mr. Jallen Bashford
7.D. Mr. Ross Eberle
7.E. Mr. Tim Wilson
8. Presentations
8.A. Lego League
9. Old Business
9.A. Keystone Solar
9.B. DHS curriculum handbook FY 2026 2nd reading/adoption
9.C. Cardiac Emergency Response Plan
10. New Business
10.A. Quarter 2 Financial Review (revenue/expenditures)
10.B. Closed Session Minutes Six Month Review
10.C. Policy 7:40 review for Non-public school students
10.D. District FY26 budget
10.E. Facility use form/online ML Schedule-review/adoption/fee discussion
10.F. FFA National Farm Machinery Show
10.G. Dual Credit Reimbursement
10.H. Project Rise Grant
11. Action items from closed session
11.A. Approve Intermittent FMLA for Kris Yakowicz
11.B. Approve new hire and contract of Dakota HS Principal John Paddock $110,000.00
11.C. Approve stipend pay of $3163.42 for Amanda Elmer 2nd sem HS Academic Success teacher.
11.D. Approve stipend pay of $3163.42 for Chelsea Shellhause 2nd Sem HS English teacher.
11.E. Approve salary adjustment for Dave Goeke-5th grade Sub-from $210.89 to $227.56 per diem.
11.F. Approve an agreement with Goeke Farms LLC regarding property line.
11.G. Approve FMLA leave for Zowie Boyer.
12. Other
13. Adjournment