February 5, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Reception of Visitors
III. Recognitions and Celebrations
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Center Cass Strategic Plan Learning Initiatives
The Superintendent will provide an update on district initiatives that have grown out of the strategic plan. Prioritizing these initiatives based on the impact on student learning and the available resources was done in consultation with the District Leadership Team.
IV.B. Staffing Plan for 2015-17
IV.C. SASED Positions Converted to Center Cass Positions
As a follow up to previous Board discussions, this month's Personnel Report includes the following SASED positions that need to be converted to Center Cass positions beginning with the 2015-16 school year. Due to changes several years ago with how they service member districts, we are required to make this change. Center Cass already pays for these positions through SASED fees; the only difference is that they will now be Center Cass employees, instead of SASED employees.
1.0 FTE School Psychologist at Prairieview/Lakeview (the current employee is recommended for hiring) 1.0 FTE School Social Worker at Ide (the current employee is recommended for hiring) 1.0 FTE Speech Pathologist at Ide (this position will be posted) |
IV.D. New Option for Reporting Bullying
In order to remain in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, we are adding the option to provide information related to incidents of bullying via an online reporting system. We have had a Bullying Hotline in operation for the past four years and the board receives a usage report on the hotline annually. This online reporting option comes at no cost to the District, This online option is necessary in the event someone making the report is deaf or hard of hearing and unable to use a telephone.
IV.E. Visitor Management System
Based on discussions at the District Safety Committee last year, we are planning to implement a visitor management system in each of our schools.
A visitor management system would require that upon entering the office, a visitor presents their drivers license to be scanned by office staff. The name and ID of the visitor are electronically cross-checked with the Sex Offender Database. Upon receiving a clean report, a visitor badge is automatically printed and the individual will be allowed to enter the school. This process will also be used for chaperones on field trips. It is our expectation to have this system in place by Spring Break. |
IV.F. PARCC Assessment Planning
Administrators and teachers have been working diligently to ensure that the district is prepared for our students to be successful in the first year of the required PARCC assessment. In addition to written information that has been sent home previously, we are hosting a PARCC Parent Night on Thursday, Feb. 19 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Lakeview Jr. High.
There are two components to the PARCC - the Perfomance-Based Assessment (March 2-27) and the End of the Year assessment (May 4-29). In between the two PARCC assessment windows, we will also be administering the spring version of the MAP assessment (April 27-30). While the PARCC assessment is supposed to provide parents, students, and staff with better information on student progress than ISAT had previously been able to do, we will continue to look for ways to ensure that instructional time is protected. We are concerned about the amount of time that could be spent disrupting the continuity of learning through the overuse of externally mandated tests. Ultimately, we would are looking for less reliance on state-mandated assessments and more use of both formative and summative local assessments that are embedded into classroom instruction. |
IV.G. SASED Talking Points
None this month
IV.H. FOIA Requests
The Superintendent will update the Board on all FOIA requests received since the previous Board of Education meeting.
The most recent FOIA requests are as follows: Scott Reeder (sreeder@illinoispolicy.org) of the Illinois Policy Institute demanded the following information on Jan. 7, 2015: 1) Provisions within the district’s collective bargaining agreement providing for compensation (pay and or benefits) for union officials while performing union-related activities. 2) The pay record of the employee(s) who receive this benefit. The demand required approximately 1 hour of resources was completed on Jan. 12, 2015. |
V. Scheduled Public Comment
Individuals wishing to address the Board are requested to notify the Superintendent in advance of the meeting. Tim allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
VI. Consent Agenda Items (5)
Items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. At the request of a Board Member, any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately as an Action item. |
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
VI.B. Financial Affairs
Attached are the Financial Reports for your review.
VI.C. Personnel Report
None Retirement Sue Hagensee - Lakeview IMC Specialist Transfers None New Hires Kathleen Wysocki - BACC Terrence Folliard - Bus Driver (replacing Jim Mathiasch who retired on Jan. 16, 2015) Kim Travis - School Psychologist (beginning 2015-16 school year) Meg Will - School Scoial Worker (beginning 2015-16 school year) FMLA Joy DeFors: leave began 12/1/14 - expected return 3/11/15 - Amy Burrows Sub Gina Hendron: leave began 12/10/14 - expected return 3/24/15 - Lauren Kurey sub Joanna Bergmann (pending) 3/23/15 - Re-Employment None Positions Open: Speech Pathologist (1.0 FTE) IMC Specialist (1.0 FTE) School Psychologist (0.6 FTE) Instructional Coach (1.0 FTE) Substitute Bus Driver Substitute Teachers
VI.D. BACC Summer Program
Information related to the 2015 BACC Summer Program is attached for the Board's review. We are not recommending any changes to the program and fees for 2015 will remain the same as last summer.
VI.E. Destruction of Closed Session Recordings
As per Policy 2:220, after 18-months have passed since being made, the audio recording of a closed meeting is destroyed with Board approval. Approval is requested to destroy recording of July 16, 2013 closed session minutes.
VI.F. Intergovernmental Agreement
Each year we are a part of an intergovernmental agreement to participate in a local governmental property assessment consortium. The purpose of this consortium is to pool resources in the event there is a costly assessment appeal.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the intergovernmental agreement to participate in a local governmental property assessment consortium as presented.
VI.G. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D, E, and F be approved as presented.
VII. Discussion Items without Action (20)
VII.A. Committee Reports
This is an opportunity for Committee Chairs and individual Board members to update the entire Board on any pertinent committee activities.
VII.B. Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee has now been formed and is in need of a Board appointed Committee Chair.
VIII. Public Comments
Members of the public may address the Board in response to items the Board has taken action on or plans to take action. Time allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
IX. Discussion Items with Action (20)
IX.A. Date for March Committee of the Whole Meeting
Currently the Board has a COW meeting scheduled for Monday, March 23, 2015, however the Superintendent will be out of town March 23-25. The Superintendent respectfully requests that the Board consider an alternative date such as Thursday, March 26 or Thursday, March 19 for the March COW meeting.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the Board identify an alternative date for the March COW meeting, to be determined based on the availability of all Board members. |
IX.B. Illinois Vision 20/20
The Board will be provided information that is intended to continue previous conversations related to Illinois Vision 20/20. The purpose of Vision 20/20 is to provide a platform for lawmakers that is supportive of public education in Illinois. A list of school districts and other organizations that support Vision 20/20 can be found at http://illinoisvision2020.org/supporters/.
Recommendation: The superintendent recommends that the Board adopts the resolution as presented in support of Illinois Vision 20/20.
IX.C. Student Registration Fees
Based on previous discussions and guidelines set at the Board level, the attached student registration fees for 2015-16 are presented for the Board's consideration. The proposed fees include a $5.00 per student reduction in fees and a shift in practice to aligning the fees directly to the cost of student devices for one-to-one, insurance for the device, and special events determined by grade levels (field trips, assemblies, and various P.E. activities such as roller blading and bowling). Parents will not be asked to send in money throughout the school year for field trips and assemblies.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the 2015-16 Student Registration Fees as presented.
IX.D. Approval of Financial Model Concept
At the Jan. 26, 2015 Committee of the Whole meeting, Board members indicated a desire to bring back the concept of a new financial model for fund balances to the Board meeting on Feb. 5, 2015 for approval. The concept is being presented and pending Board approval. It will be sent to the district's attorney and then the Policy Committee for drafting of final language. The goal is to have the Board of Education adopt the concept into Board Policy at a future meeting.
X. New Business
XI. Old Business
XI.A. Board of Education Election
Today is the deadline for write-in candidates to file a statement of intent with the DuPage County Election Commission (at least 61 days before the April 7 election).
Reminder for the Board: If one qualified write-in candidate files, that person will fill the remaining seat. If more than one write-in candidate files, then the top 3 candidates (regular or write-in) will be elected. Write-in candidates should consult the Commission to make sure they comply with all other requirements (e.g. statement of economic interests). If no one files to be a write-in candidate, the six Board members will have 45 days to fill the vacancy through the process set forth in Board policy. |
XI.B. Alignment of School Day for Grades K-5
As a continuation of the ongoing discussion regarding our ability to align the school days of Ide and Prairieview in order to allow for increased collaboration and professional development among teachers, the Superintendent is pleased to report that there are currently no barriers to moving forward for the 2015-16 school year.
The Director of Transportation reports that combining bus routes for Prairieview and Ide students is feasible. Teachers at both schools support plans to move ahead with the alignment of their daily schedules. With the Board's permission, we would like to move forward with a chance for parents to provide input and then bring back recommendations to the March 12 Board meeting for approval. |
XII. Executive Session
The Board may enter into executive session for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body 5ILCS120/2(c)(1) and collective negotiating matters 5ILCS120/2(c)(2).
Superintendent Evaluation/Performance Goals Collective Bargaining process with CCEA |
XIII. Adjourment