October 9, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Reception of Visitors
III. Recognitions and Celebrations
III.A. TEAM 66 Community Day
Please see attachment
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. SASED Facility Needs
Michael Volpe, Executive Director of SASED, will provide the Board with a brief presentation about the future facility needs of SASED. Dr. Volpe will also entertain questions from the Board.
IV.B. New Subdivision - Farmingdale Village Unit 26
In 2008, Gallagher & Henry received subdivision approval for Farmingdale Village Unit 26, located north of Heritage Parkway and west of Lemont Road (directly west of the Vicente Subdivision). The
developers would like to move forward with construction of a portion of the subdivision starting this year. Applications have been submitted to modify the approved subdivision with the request going before the Woodridge Plan Commission on Monday, October 6th and before the Village Board on Thursday, October 16th. According to the Village of Woodridge, site improvements for the Phase 1 of the subdivision are expected to begin immediately following Village approval. A map of Farmingdale Village Unit 26 is included. Farmingdale Village Unit 26 will be the third single-family subdivision to begin construction in Center Cass this year, with one more in the planning phase for Darien. Construction started earlier this year on Timbers Edge, a 149 lot subdivision north of 83rd Street, and Fox Wood Estates, a 17 lot subdivision south of 75th Street and east of Dunham Road. In an effort to create the most accurate enrollment projections possible, we are working with the developers to determine estimates on how quickly homes will be constructed.
IV.C. Full-Day Kindergarten Qualitative Report
IV.D. SASED Talking Points
The notes from this past month's SASED Board of Control meeting are attached.
V. Scheduled Public Comments
Individuals wishing to address the Board are requested to notify the superintendent in advance of the meeting. Time allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
VI. Consent Agenda Items (5)
Items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. At the request of a Board Member, any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately as an Action item. |
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
VI.B. Financial Affairs
VI.C. School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
In 2010, the Illinois House of Representatives passed a resolution establishing a day in October as School Bus Driver Appreciation Day in the State of Illinois. This was intended to be a tribute to the hard work and dedication of the men and women who provide a safe ride to school for our children. In Center Cass District 66 we would like to recognize our own bus drivers on Thursday, October 23.
To recognize our CCSD66 Transportation Department, I recommend that the Board of Education approve the attached resolution.
VI.D. Personnel Report
We are excited to welcome several new employees.
Resignations None Retirement None Transfers None New Hires Alyssa Szynal Re-Employment None Positions Open: Teaching Assistant Substitute Teachers |
VI.E. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
I recommend that Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, and D be approved.
VII. Discussion Items without Action (20)
VII.A. Committee Reports
This is an opportunity for individual Board members to update the entire Board on any pertinent committee activities.
VII.B. 2014 Levy Planning
See attachment
VII.C. Set Agenda for October 20, 2014 COW Meeting
The Board will have an opportunity to set the agenda for the Oct. 20 COW meeting. One potential topic is to discus the Strategic Plan indicators for each goal area.
VIII. Public Comment
Members of the public may address the Board in response to items the Board has taken action on or plans to take action. Time allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
IX. Discussion Items with Action (20)
IX.A. CCESP Collective Bargaining Agreement
As of Sept. 17, 2014 the CCESP has ratified a collective bargaining agreement and it is being presented for the BOE's consideration.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the CCESP Collective Bargaining Agreement as presented.
IX.B. Extra Duty Stipend for Building Leadership Teams
In September the Steering Committee discussed the need for a new BLT stipend for teachers. This
additional stipend is needed to address the extra work being done by either Team Leaders or BLT (not team leaders) members through the addition of approx. 30 minutes per week outside the normal work day. While we want to avoid the mentality that “every committee gets paid”, at the same time this committee structure is an integral part of our PLC initiative and meets on a weekly basis. After reviewing the hourly rate in the CCEA collective bargaining agreement and the number of addtional hours these positions will require, the Steering Committee recommended an additional $600 stipend per BLT member for the 2014-15 school year. Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the BOE approve an additional $600 stipend per BLT member for the 2014-15 school year. |
IX.C. Audit Report
Included in your Board packet is a copy of our District audit. The audit identified no problems in terms of internal control or other matters.
Board action to accept the FY 14 audit is required.
X. New Business
X.A. Plan for CCEA Collective Bargaining
Board members will have an opportunity to discuss the upcoming CCEA collective bargaining process and determine how board representatives will be selected.
X.B. Board Committee Chairs
Board members will have an opportunity to discuss the potential benefits of having designated "Board Committee Chairs" who would help facilitate the committee process.
XI. Old Business
XI.A. School Board Joint Conference
THE IASB/IASA/IASBO Annual Joint Conference will be held November 21-23, 2014 in Chicago. A preview of the conference and session offerings is currently available online
http://iasb.mys1cloud.com/conferencepreview2014.pdf. Due to the large number of possibilities for professional development at the conference, Board member are encourage to review the options for presentations prior to the November Board of Education meeting (11/6/2014). This will enable the Board to coordinate attendance in the most relevant sessions. |
XII. Executive Session
The Superintendent recommends that the Board enter into executive session for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body 5ILCS120/2 (c) (1).
Superintendent Evaluation/Performance Goals |
XIII. Adjournment