May 13, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Reception of Visitors
III. Awards, Presentations, Recognitions
We have none for the March 2014 Board Meeting
This year's Second Annual STEM Night highlighted the growth of the STEM program over the past two (2) years. Led by Erika Myers, staff worked to expand the evening to allow for more students to showcase their learning. Last year, the student portion of the event only included the 8th graders. This year we included 6th graders showing the programming they had learned in Scratch and 7th graders demonstrating their skills in robotics. Both of those topics are new to the STEM curriculum this year and very popular with the students. We added an Engineering Challenge to the event, so that participants had two (2) opportunities to test out their design skills. We stationed student helpers at interactive bulletin boards created by Mrs. Foellmer and Miss Hitt. Lastly, this year the STEM Night was coordinated with the History Fair. This helped with attendance, as well as our objective of showcasing student learning at Lakeview. Our estimated attendance of STEM night 2013 was around 250 people. This year we exceeded 500 attendees!!
III.B. History Fair
Mr. Little started the History Fair as an activity at Lakeview in 2011-12 as an integrated part of the curriculum studying the City of Chicago. Prior to this, we had no materials for that unit, and had sought out ways to increase student engagement and deepen their understanding. This appeared to do that, and for the last 3 years, has served as our main vehicle for studying Chicago and Illinois History. All 7th grade students participate in History Fair as a culminating project for our Chicago/Illinois unit. Also, with the advent of the Common Core Learning Standards, the History Fair has helped our students master their reading, writing, researching, and analysis skills. Social Studies teachers collaborate with the ELA teachers for several weeks to write research papers prior to the final project construction.
In the first year of the History Fair, Lakeview students did not attend a fair beyond out of district. Last year, several students attended the NIU Regional History Fair and then twenty-two students attended the State competition. The History Fair has become a fun way to learn about the history of both Chicago and Illinois, while simultaneously elevating the ability of our students to construct arguments, analyze documents, and write formally. Congratulations to the following students who are being recognized as our 2013-14 History Fair State Qualifiers: Kirk Hoffman Kyle Gustafson Phillip Pakowski Samantha Guagliardo Grace Dodge Jennifer Szutowicz Max Wescher Meghan Gibbons |
III.C. Learning Never Stops Initiative
Mr. Hummel, Director of Technology, will give a presentation to the Board outlining the Learning Never Stops (LNS) Initiative. The LNS Initiative is an action item for the Board's consideration this evening.
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. 2013-14 Parent & Staff Survey Results
Results of this year's Parent and Staff Surveys will be shared at the May 13 Board meeting.
IV.B. 8th Grade Graduation
The 8th Grade Graduation is scheduled for Tuesday evening, June 11, 2014. The ceremony will be held at Lakeview beginning at 7:30 p.m. All BOE members are invited to take part in the ceremony and hand out diplomas to some of our graduates. We will divide the graduates based on the number of you that are able to attend. Of course, if you have a certain graduate that you are close to and would like to present them with their diploma, please let Mr. Windsor know and he will assign that row of graduates to you. We will meet in the Lakeview office at 7:15 p.m. for final directions and the entire ceremony should be over by 8:30 p.m. Please let Mr. Windsor know immediately, if you have not already done so, if you will be able to take part this year. This year's ceremony will be streamed live online for families who cannot attend. Thank you to Mr. Bob Brandt, a district parent, for volunteering to assist with the recording of this event!
An initial negotiation meeting with CCESSPA is scheduled for May 12. Following that meeting, the Board will be updated on the next steps for negotiations. Thank you to Board Member Murphy for serving as the BOE Representative for CCESSPA negotiations.
IV.D. Volunteer Recognition
As the Board is aware, we have some volunteers whose youngest child is graduating from 8th grade this year and want to honor their many years of dedication to Center Cass School District 66. While all parent volunteers are recognized at the building level each year, the Board of Education will also recognize the parent volunteers whose youngest or only child is graduating this year at the June Board meeting.
IV.E. Straight "A" Recognition
As part of our Student Achievement Recognition program, we will recognize all Straight "A" students this year at the June Board meeting. While Prairieview and Lakeview recognize student achievement at the building level, this is an opportunity for the Board of Education to recognize the efforts of these students as well!
IV.F. TEAM 66 Update
Mark Huang, Kate Scheck, and Kayla Klein met with teachers at each school on May 6 to introduce the grant application process. The presentation may be viewed at It is anticipated that the first round of grants will be submitted to the Board of Education at the July BOE meeting.
IV.G. Strategic Planning Update
The current draft of the Strategic Plan has been shared with the entire team for a final review. The Strategic Plan will be presented to the Board at the June meeting for approval.
IV.H. Foxwood Estates and Timbers Edge Updates
The new Foxwood Estates subdividsion located on Dunham Rd. has been approved by the Village of Woodridge. The developer anticipates residents moving in after Jan. 1, 2015.
The Timbers Edge subdivision platt is anticipated to go before the Village of Woodridge Planning Commission again in June 2014. We do not anticipate a significant number of students enrolling from either subdivision during the 2014-15 school year. We will continue to work with developers to inform our enrollment projections. |
IV.I. District Dashboard
In an effort to increase communication of relevant information, each month we provide an updated account of a variety of district indicators. This is a work in progress as we continue to seek out additional information to be included.
IV.J. SASED Talking Points
The monthly SASED Board of Control update is provided as an information item for the Board’s review.
V. Public Comment
Members of the public may address the Board in response to items the Board has taken action on or plans to take action. Time allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
VI. Consent Agenda Items (5)
Items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. At the request of a Board Member, any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately as an Action item. |
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
VI.B. Financial Affairs
VI.C. SASED Resolutions - Staff Dismissals
Attached are SASED resolutions for the dismissal of non-certified and certified staff. The SASED Board of Control has already taken action on this issue and we will affirm their action as an administrative agent.
I recommend that the BOE approve the SASED dismissal resolutions as presented.
VI.D. Personnel Report
None Retirement Lisa Boyer - 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher/Lakeview JHS - End of 2017-2018 SY Nancy Panfilio - Accounts Payable/District - 6/30/2014 Transfers Sheryl Sulima - 5th Grade Teacher/Prairieview to Instructional Coach/Grades K-5 - 2014-2015 SY New Hires None Positions Open: BACC Assistant Substitute Teachers 5th Grade Teacher
VI.E. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
I recommend that Consent Agenda Items A, B, C and D be approved.
VII. Discussion Items without Action (20)
VII.A. Board Policy for Fund Balances - 4.20
As a follow up to the Finance Committee meeting on May 6, a review of Board Policy 4:20 is recommended.
Our current policy sets a target of 15-20% for fund balances. A target of 25% or higher would result in the school district receiving the highest category of financial recognition from ISBE, as well as have a positive impact on the District's bond rating. A copy of the current policy and additional language is provided for the Board's consideration.
VII.B. First Reading of Policy Section 7 and 8
The Policy Committee met on Tuesday, April 15 and are recommending the following policies for First Reading.
VIII. Discussion Items with Action (20)
VIII.A. Student Registration Fees
At the June 6 Finance Committee meeting there was discussion about student fees and to what extent the District is able to absorb additional costs into the FY 15 budget. As a result of that discussion, it is recommended that the 2014-15 Student Registration Fees remain level with 2013-14.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the Student Registration Fees as presented.
VIII.B. June Board Meeting
At the June Board meeting, we have traditionally recognized students who have received Straight A's and long-time parent volunteers whose youngest child is graduating from 8th grade. This year we also thought it would be a nice time to invite the Strategic Planning Team to see the plan approved and have a reception. However, the June 10 Board meeting is scheduled the day before 8th grade graduation. Since many people are being invited to the June Board meeting, we thought it might be best to bump it back one week to June 17.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board move the previously scheduled June 10 Board meeting to June 17. |
VIII.C. Learning Never Stops Initiative
The Learning Never Stops (LNS) Initiative is the result of the collective efforts of a number of staff members and our Technology Committee. These individuals have worked to ensure that we have a plan for creating 21st learning opportunities for each of our students over the next three years, while also considering financial limitations.
It should be noted that approving the plan as presented will have an impact on the FY 15 budget, since there is no increase in student fees. Implementation will likely require the use of some portion of our fund balances. The LNS plan is a fluid document that will serve as guide as we move forward and it will be reevaluated on an ongoing basis. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the Learning Never Stops Initiative as presented.
VIII.D. Revised Superintendent Contract
A revised contract for the Superintendent is being presented for the Board's consideration in order to address a variety of changes that have either previously been made, or are being considered at this time. Previous changes include the reduction of vacation days from 30 to 25 days per year and a reduction in the amount of health insurance premiums paid by the Board on behalf of administrators from 100% to 90%. The contract being presented seeks to extend the Superintendent's employment through June 30, 2018.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approved a new contract for the Superintendent as presented. |
IX. Scheduled Public Comments
Individuals wishing to address the Board are requested to notify the superintendent in advance of the meeting. Time allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
X. Executive Session
X.A. Executive Session
I recommend that the Board enter into executive session for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees 5ILCS120/2 (c) (1).
Superintendent Contract |
XI. New Business
XII. Old Business
XIII. Adjournment