November 17, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION - Roll Call) The consent agenda consists of non-controversial items that the Board adopts routinely without debate. Any single member may remove an item from the consent agenda by requesting removal at the time the consent agenda is moved for adoption. The full text of items approved by consent may be found at the conclusion of the agenda.
(7:05-7:10) |
I.A. Approval of Agenda
I.B. Approval of Minutes (Meetings of October 27 and November 9, 2016)
I.C. Monthly Treasurer's Report for September 2016
I.D. Approval of Payment of Bills and Other Financial Transactions in the grand total amount of $2,268,625.64
I.E. Acceptance of Monthly Financial Report
I.F. Approval of Personnel Staff Changes
I.G. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations
I.H. Apollo Gym Floor Replacement Change Order Totaling $775.00
I.I. Substitute Teacher Pay Rate for District 742 Retirees
I.J. Call for Bids - Apollo High School HVAC Infrastructure Upgrades
I.K. Assurance of Compliance and Mandated Reporting
II.A. Discovery Community School Presentation
Principal Tammy Wilson, along with students and staff, will present information and highlights about Discovery Community School. Information is attached.
II.B. Achievement Vision Card
Dr. Marsha Baisch, Assistant Superintendent, will provide an update on reading proficiency for the District. Information is attached.
II.C. Summary of November Work Session and Preview of December Work Session
The topics of the Board Work Session held on November 9, 2016, included Referendum Next Steps, and Board Policies and Administrative Procedures Review (Sections 500 and 200). Dr. Marsha Baisch, Assistant Superintendent, will provide a summary.
Dr. Baisch will preview the topics for the December 7, 2016, Work Session, which will be a World's Best Work Force presentation and Superintendent's Evaluation. |
III.A. Audit Report (ACTION)
Nancy Schulzetenberg with the accounting firm of BerganKDV, Ltd. will present the 2015-16 audit report. She will also review the Student Activities audit for 2015-16.
The Administration recommends acceptance of the audit reports for 2015-16. |
III.B. Board Policies and Administrative Procedures Review (Section 500) (DISCUSSION)
Carol Potter, Executive Director of Student Services/Special Education and Joni Olson, Executive Director of Student Achievement/Strategic Alignment, will present the following proposed updated/revised and new Board Policies for Section 500, Students, for a second reading. Board Policies/Administrative Procedures recommended to be repealed are also included. Information on the policy changes and notes is attached. Board Policy 506 is being revised by the Discipline Policy/Code of Conduct Team.
Board Policy 501 - Weapons Board Policy 502 - Student Searches Board Policy 504 - Student Dress and Appearance Board Policy 505 - Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Materials on School Grounds by Employees and Students Board Policy 507 - Corporal Punishment Board Policy 508 - Extended School Year Board Policy 509 - Enrollment of Non-Resident Students Board Policy 510 - School Activities Board Policy 511 - Student Fundraising Board Policy 512 - School Sponsored Student Publications Board Policy 513 - Student Promotion, Retention and Program Design Board Policy 514 - Bullying Prohibition Board Policy 515 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records Board Policy 516 - Student Medication Board Policy 517 - Student Recruiting Board Policy 518 - DNR/DNI Board Policy 519 - Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies Board Policy 520 - Student Surveys Board Policy 521 - Disability Nondiscrimination Board Policy 522 - Student Sex/Gender Nondiscrimination Board Policy 524 - Internet Responsible Use Board Policy 525 - Violence Prevention (REPEAL - covered in newly adopted Board Policy 430 (498) Board Policy 526 - Hazing Prohibition Board Policy 527 - Student Use and Parking of Motor Vehicles; Patrols, Inspections and Searches Board Policy 528 - Student Parental/Family/Marital Nondiscrimination Board Policy 529 - Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students Board Policy 530 - Immunization Requirements Board Policy 531 and 531A - Restrictive Procedures - REPEAL Board Policy 531 - The Pledge of Allegiance Board Policy 532 - Use of Crisis Teams, School Resource Officers, and Peace Officers to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds Board Policy 533 - Wellness Board Policy 552 & 552A/552B/552C Relating to Student Safety - REPEAL Board Policy 553 & 553A553B Relating to Student Chemical Use - REPEAL Board Policy 557 & 557A Relating to Students in Homeless Situations - REPEAL
III.C. Board Policies and Administrative Procedures Review (Section 200) (DISCUSSION)
The Board Development Committee will present the following proposed updated/revised Board Policies for Section 200, School Board, for a second reading. Board Policies recommended for repeal are also included. Information on the policy changes and notes is attached.
Board Policy 201 - Legal Status of the School Board Board Policy 202 - School Board Officers Board Policy 202.1 - Control of Funds - Signing of Checks - REPEAL Board Policy 202.2 - Control of Funds - Management of Bank Accounts/Depositories for School Funds - REPEAL Board Policy 203 - Operation of the School Board - Governing Rules Board Policy 203.1 - School Board Procedures - Rules of Order Board Policy 203.2 - Order of the Regular School Board Meeting Board Policy 203.5 - School Board Meeting Agenda Board Policy 203.6 - Consent Agendas Board Policy 204 - School Board Meeting Minutes Board Policy 205 - Open Meetings and Closed Meetings Board Policy 206 - Data Privacy Considerations at Public Meetings Board Policy 207 - Public Hearings Board Policy 208 - Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies Board Policy 209 - Code of Ethics Board Policy 210 - Conflict of Interest - School Board Members Board Policy 211 - Criminal or Civil Action Against School District, School Board Member, Employee or Student Board Policy 212 - School Board Member Development Board Policy 213 - School Board Committees Board Policy 213.1 School Board Appointments to District Committees/Organizations Board Policy 213.2 - School Board/School Liaison Procedure Board Policy 214 - Out-of-State Travel by School Board Members Board Policy 298 - Chair Signature Policy (renumbered from 202.3) Board Policy 299 - Legal Counsel (renumbered from 220) Board Policy 230 - Board of Education Compensation and Related Benefits - REPEAL Board Policy 240 - Meetings with Youth Advisory Councils - REPEAL Board Policy 250 - Board of Education Goals - REPEAL Board Policy - 251 - Board of Education Evaluation - REPEAL Board Policy 260 - Levy Campaigns - REPEAL Board Policy 270 - Inclusive Education and Administrative Procedures 270A - Shared Decision Making Framework - REPEAL Board Policy 271 - The Public's Opportunity to be Heard - REPEAL
III.D. Approval of Resolution Canvassing the Results of the November 8, 2016 General School Board Election (ACTION)
A copy of the resolution canvassing returns of votes, the abstract and return of votes cast, and detailed voting information from the November 8, 2016 General School Board Election is attached.
The Administration recommends approval of the resolution canvassing returns of votes of the School District November 8, 2016 General School Board Election.
III.E. Approval of Resolution Canvassing the Results of the November 8, 2016 Special Election (ACTION)
A copy of the resolution canvassing returns of votes, the abstract and return of votes cast, and detailed voting information from the November 8, 2016 Special Election is attached.
The Administration recommends approval of the resolution canvassing returns of votes of the School District November 8, 2016 Special Election.
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Willie Jett may present information on current activities in District 742.
IV.B. Board of Education Standing Committee Reports
Standing Committee Reports will be presented as follows:
Board Development, Policy and Governance Committee (Al Dahlgren, Chair) Community Linkages Committee (Bruce Mohs, Chair) Finance and Audit Committee (Jerry Von Korff, Chair) Legislative Committee (Bruce Hentges, Chair) Personnel & Negotiations Committee (Debbie Erickson, Chair) Integration & Equity Committee (Les Green, Chair) |
Board of Education members may suggest items/topics for future Board Meeting agendas. Items brought forth should have been previously discussed with the Board Chair or Vice Chair, Board Standing Committee, or at a prior Board Work Session/Meeting.
December Work Session Topics: World's Best Work Force Presentation Superintendent's Evaluation |
VI. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (Detail Information)
VI.A. Approval of Agenda.
VI.C. Monthly Treasurer's Report - September, 2016
The Administration recommends approval of the Monthly Treasurer's Report for September, 2016.
VI.D. Approval of Payment of Bills
The Administration recommends approval of the payment of bills and other financial transactions in the amount of $2,062,799.13 (Check Numbers 256576-256873, ACH Numbers 161700655-161700874 and manual checks and wires) and credit card in the amount of $205,826.51 for a grand total of $2,268,625.64.
VI.E. Acceptance of Monthly Financial Report
The Administration recommends acceptance of the Monthly Financial Report for September, 2016.
VI.F. Personnel Staff Changes
The Administration recommends approval of the following personnel changes pursuant to relevant laws and appropriate provisions of negotiated agreements between the Board of Education and exclusive representatives. For new hires, the indicated rates are consistent with current negotiated agreements and Board approved rates of pay. All rates/salaries listed do not include fringe benefits.
VI.F.1. Licensed Staff
New Hire
Courtney Westbrock, Grade 1 Teacher (Long-Call Substitute), Talahi Community School, effective October 25, 2016, through January 27, 2017, Lane BA, Pay Level 1 (full time contract for 61 days). Ms. Westbrock’s salary for this assignment will be $12,858.99. Resignation Jennifer Clear, Language Arts Teacher, South Junior High School, last day of service June 3, 2016. |
VI.F.2. Non-Licensed Staff
New Hire
Haleigh Gadacz, Clerical Classification I, Technical High School, effective November 21, 2016, at an hourly rate of $13.62. Dewayne Bryson, Student Support Paraprofessional, Talahi Community School, effective November 11, 2016, at an hourly rate of $11.85. Jennifer Kosloske, Student Support Paraprofessional, Talahi Community School, effective November 3, 2016, at an hourly rate of $11.85. Patricia Harris, Behavior Support Specialist, Technical High School, effective November 7, 2016, at an hourly rate of $16.06. Hoa Koering, Clerical Paraprofessional, Lincoln Elementary School, effective November 1, 2016, at an hourly rate of $12.10. Leave of Absence Ismail Ali, Bilingual Communications Specialist, Community Education, effective January 12, 2017, through March 10, 2017. Medical Leave Laurie Rowley, Special Education Paraprofessional, Madison Elementary School, effective September 12, 2016, through January 3, 2017. (This is an extension of a current medical leave.) Resignation Cynthia Hanson, Special Education Paraprofessional, Talahi Community School, last day of service November 2, 2016. Breanna Hubbard, Educational Paraprofessional, Technical High School, last day of service October 27, 2016. Termination James Hall, Kitchen Helper, North Junior High School, last day of service October 31, 2016. Alexandria Grim, Behavior Resource Specialist, Discovery Community School, last day of service October 27, 2016. |
VI.G. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations (Requires 2/3 Majority of Governing Board, Minnesota Statute §465.03)
The Administration recommends acceptance of the following grant awards/donations:
1. District 742 Local Education Activities Foundation (LEAF) Fall Activities and Fund-A-Need grants in the total amount of $32,896.00. (See attached.) 2. Donations to the Apollo High School Granite City Gearheads Robotics Club as follows: $100.00 from Tru-Stone Technologies $250.00 from Central McGowan 3. Grant award in the amount of $10,000.00 to Apollo and Technical High Schools from the CentraCare Health Foundation. The purpose of the grant is to expand the biomedical course options in the District and allows for additional courses in the 2017-2018 school year. The grant will be used in the following ways: $3,600.00 for classroom equipment and supplies; $4,400.00 for teacher training costs; and $2,000.00 for a stipend for teachers to attend training. 4. Donation of hats and mittens to Discovery Community School from St. Cloud Rotary for Grades K-3 students in need. 5. Donation and delivery of mulch to North Junior High School from C & L Excavating, Inc. for Jacobs Garden. 6. Donation in the amount of $750.00 to Tech High School from the St. Cloud Youth Hockey Association for a 2016 SCYHA Scholarship. 7. Donation in the amount of $500.00 to Talahi Community School from SCHWI to have Author Dave LaRochelle visit Talahi. 8. Donation of handmade hats and mittens to Discovery Community School from RSVP, Whitney Senior Center, for children in need. 9. Grant award in the amount of $2,500.00 from the Initiative Foundation to St. Cloud Area School District 742 for the Experience Books for Blind/Visually Impaired Children project. 10. Donation in the amount of $1,500.00 to Apollo High School from Mogadishu Meat and Grocery Store, Inc. for computers in the Apollo main office. 11. Donation in the amount of $50.00 to Tech High School from Deanne and Patrick Hollermann in memory of Marianne Howe to be used for Girls' Sports Programs. 12. Internet Broadband Expansion for Students grant award in the amount of $40,546.00 to St. Cloud Area School District 742 from the Minnesota Department of Education. The grant will be used to provide mobile hotspot access for students who do not have Internet access from home.
VI.H. Apollo Gym Floor Replacement Change Order
The Administration recommends approval of the following change order for the above named project.
- Change Order #1 with Anderson Ladd in the amount of +$775.00 for furnishing an industrial generator and electrical hook ups for sanding machines. This project is funded with long term facilities maintenance funds. This change order is within the approved budget for this project. |
VI.I. Substitute Teacher Pay Rate for District 742 Retirees
The Administration and Board Personnel & Negotiations Committee recommend approval of an increase in the daily substitute teacher pay rate for District 742 retirees from $120.00 per day to $130.00 per day effective December 1, 2016.
VI.J. Call for Bids - Apollo High School HVAC Infrastructure Upgrades
The Administration recommends that the Board of Education authorize a Call for Bids for Apollo High School HVAC Infrastructure Upgrades to be opened on Tuesday, December 13, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. Central Time.
The Call for Bids page will be available at, Department, Business Services. This project will be funded with long term facilities maintenance and capital outlay funds. |
VI.K. Assurance of Compliance and Mandated Reporting
The Administration recommends that the Board of Education acknowledge and approve the Assurance of Compliance and Mandated Reporting.
The State of Minnesota requires that the District annually complete the Assurance of Compliance and Mandated Reporting which provides written assurance that the District does not discriminate in its use of funds provided through the Minnesota Department of Education and that they have informed all mandated reporters of their reporting duties. The Certificate of Assurance is submitted electronically and signed by the Superintendent on behalf of the Board but needs to be approved by the Board in accordance with Minnesota Rule 3535.9910. A copy of the online submission is attached.