September 9, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION - Roll Call) The consent agenda consists of non-controversial items that the Board adopts routinely without debate. Any single member may remove an item from the consent agenda by requesting removal at the time the consent agenda is moved for adoption.
I.A. Approval of Board Meeting Agenda and Work Session Agenda
I.B. Personnel Staff Changes
The Administration recommends approval of the following personnel changes pursuant to relevant laws and appropriate provisions of negotiated agreements between the Board of Education and exclusive representatives. For new hires, the indicated rates are consistent with current negotiated agreements and Board approved rates of pay. All rates/salaries listed do not include fringe benefits. |
I.B.1. Licensed Staff
New Hire
Bekkirae House, ADSIS Teacher, Madison Elementary School, effective for the 2015-2016 school year, Lane BA+15, Pay Level 3 (full time contract for 188 days). Ms. House’s salary for this assignment will be $38,310.00. Kari Amundson, Language Arts Teacher, North Junior High School, effective for the 2015-2016 school year, Lane BA, Pay Level 3 (full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Amundson’s salary for this assignment will be $36,533.00. Susan Janey, Music Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, effective for the 2015-2016 school year, Lane BA+15, Pay Level 5 (full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Janey’s salary for this assignment will be $41,141.00. Rehire Melissa Heitman, Kindergarten Teacher (Long Call Substitute), Talahi Community School, effective August 24, 2015 through November 25, 2015, Lane BA, Pay Level 3 (full time contract for 65 days). Ms. Heitman’s salary for this assignment will be $12,631.09. Additional Assignment Benjamin Thell, Math Teacher, Technical High School, effective August 24, 2015, through January 22, 2016, Lane MA, Pay Level 13 (20% of a full time contract for 98 days). Mr. Thell’s salary for this assignment will be $5,757.08. Mr. Thell is currently a full time contract teacher. Cory Robinson, Physical Education Teacher, South Junior High School, effective for the 2015-2016 school year, Lane BA, Pay Level 3 (40% of a full time contract). Mr. Robinson’s salary for this assignment will be $14,613.00. Mr. Robinson is currently a 70% of a full time contract teacher at Clearview Elementary School. Increase in Contract Cathleen Bengtson, Speech-Language Pathologist, Apollo High School, effective for the 2015-2016 school year, Lane MA+60, Pay Level 16 (10% of a full time contract). Ms. Bengstson’s salary for this assignment will be $6,811.40. Ms. Bengtson is currently a 50% of a full time contract teacher. Mary Baumann-Spooner, Speech-Language Pathologist, Apollo High School, effective for the 2015-2016 school year, Lane MA, Pay Level 17 (10% of a full time contract). Ms. Baumann-Spooner’s salary for this assignment will be $5,889.50. Ms. Baumann-Spooner is currently an 80% of a full time contract teacher. Voluntary Reduction of Contract Kathryn Knutson, Speech-Language Pathologist, effective for the 2015-2016 school year (40% reduction of a full time contract). Ms. Knutson is currently a full time teacher. Resignation Kristina Clem, Special Education Teacher, Kennedy Community School, last day of service June 5, 2015. |
I.B.2. Non-Licensed Staff
New Hire
Christina Johnson, Kitchen Helper, North Junior High School, effective August 31, 2015, at an hourly rate of $11.05. Bridget Grell, Special Education Paraprofessional, Colts Academy, effective September 4, 2015, at an hourly rate of $12.00. Ariana Heying, Special Education Paraprofessional, Madison Elementary School, effective August 31, 2015, at an hourly rate of $12.00. Rebecca Wold, Behavior Support Specialist, Colts Academy, effective August 31, 2015, at an hourly rate of $13.75. Mary Rademacher, Clerical Classification III, McKinley-ALC, effective August 24, 2015, at an hourly rate of $13.89. Brittney Whiting, Transportation Paraprofessional, District Services Building, effective August 31, 2015, at an hourly rate of $12.00. Ann M. Theisen, Special Education Paraprofessional, Kennedy Community School, effective August 31, 2015, at an hourly rate of $12.00. Barbara Daniels, Technology Paraprofessional, North Junior High School, effective August 25, 2015, at an hourly rate of $12.00. Renita Wilke, Behavior Support Specialist, Apollo High School, effective August 31, 2015, at an hourly rate of $12.95. Ladawna Ruth, Special Education Paraprofessional, Riverwoods, effective September 1, 2015, at an hourly rate of $12.00. Lonni Clifford, Special Education Paraprofessional, Talahi Community School, effective September 4, 2015, at an hourly rate of $12.00. Amran Yusuf, Behavior Truancy Interventionist, South Junior High School, effective August 25, 2015, at an hourly rate of $19.98. Kristen Hagen, Behavior Truancy Interventionist, Lincoln Elementary School, effective August 26, 2015, at an hourly rate of $24.25. Allison Walton, Behavior Support Specialist, CO2 Program, effective August 31, 2015, at an hourly rate of $15.35. Rehire Tanya Turnock, Health Paraprofessional, City Life 742, effective August 31, 2015, at an hourly rate of $13.75. Medical Leave Amy Weihs, Special Education Paraprofessional, Apollo High School, effective August 31, 2015, through December 1, 2015. Resignation Julie Carner, Special Education Paraprofessional, Talahi Community School, last day of service April 28, 2015. Wanda Timp, Special Education Paraprofessional, Riverwoods, last day of service June 4, 2015. Yusuf Omar, Classroom Paraprofessional, Madison Elementary School, last day of service June 4, 2015. Christopher Vierzba, Behavior Support Specialist, McKinley ALC, last day of service June 4, 2015. |
I.C. Clearview Elementary School Addition/Remodel Change Orders Totaling +$13,471.00
The Administration recommends approval of the following change orders for the above named project. - Change Order #10 with Ben's Structural Fabrication in the amount of +$1,271.00 for detailing for L4 lintels and to provide 1/4" plates. - Change Order #4 with R & H Drywall Inc. in the amount of +$2,940.00 for added storage room in two classrooms. - Change Order #5 with R & H Drywall Inc. in the amount of +$9,860.00 to add parapet framing, dens glass, insulation and mineral wood insulation at south exterior wall of new gym; to add bulkheads above doors 309A/B and 326 A/B; to insulate, hang gypsum and Dens Glass at cafeteria wall; to add sound transfer framing, insulating and hanging above block walls; to add bulk head at door 335 A/B; and to add gypsum overlay at east wall of Room 302. This project is funded with capital lease levy funds. These change orders are within the approved budget for this project. |
I.D. Sale of Surplus and Obsolete Equipment
The Administration recommends that the Board of Education authorize the sale of surplus and obsolete equipment to be held on Saturday, October 10, 2015, at the District Services Building, 737 Osseo Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN. A listing of items to be sold will be posted at the District website at |
I.E. Madison Elementary School Addition/Remodel Change Order Totaling +$19,397.00
The Administration recommends approval of the following change order for the above named project. - Change Order #1 with KUE Contractors, Inc. in the amount of +$19,397.00 for plumbing changes and new booster heater for the dishwasher and corrections to existing code items, owner requested changes and additional wall and floor patching. This project is funded with Fund Balance. This change order is within the approved budget for this project. |
I.F. North Junior High School Addition/Remodel Change Orders Totaling +$2,946.70
The Administration recommends approval of the following change orders for the above named project. - Change Order #2 with Molin Concrete Products Company in the amount of +$591.00 to add opening for neutralization tank. - Change Order #7 with Masters Plumbing Heating & Cooling in the amount of +$1,175.00 to provide hatch at science room neutralization tank. - Change Order #12 with Masters Plumbing Heating & Cooling in the amount of +$770.70 to relocate return air from conference room into corridor. This project is funded with capital lease levy funds. These change orders are within the approved budget for this project. |
I.G. Transfer of OPEB Debt Service Fund Balance
The Administration recommends approval of transfer from the OPEB Debt Service Fund to the Debt Service Fund in the amount of $264,787.85 as of June 30, 2015. This transfer represents the remaining fund balance after the OPEB bonds have been retired. The Minnesota Department of Education requires the District to transfer the balance into the existing Debt Service Fund. |
II.A. Ten-Year Long Term Facility Maintenance Plan (ACTION)
Bryan Brown, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, will present information about the District's Ten-Year Long Term Facility Maintenance Plan. A copy of the plan is attached. The Administration recommends approval of the Ten-Year Long Term Facility Maintenance Plan.
II.B. Sale of Bonds to Finance A Portion of HVAC Conversion Project and Balance of Building Additions (ACTION)
Kevin Januszewski, Executive Director of Business Services, will review a resolution authorizing $13,130,000 for the financing of the remaining portions of the building additions at Clearview, Kennedy and North as well as energy upgrades to Clearview, North and Westwood and other projects included in the Ten Year Facility Plan. A copy of the resolution is attached. The Administration recommends approval of a resolution ratifying the award of the sale, determining the form and details, authorizing the execution, delivery, and registration, and providing for the payment of General Obligation Capital Facilities Bonds, Series 2015B.