June 28, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION - Roll Call) The consent agenda consists of non-controversial items that the Board adopts routinely without debate. Any single member may remove an item from the consent agenda by requesting removal at the time the consent agenda is moved for adoption. The full text of items approved by consent may be found at the conclusion of the agenda.
(7:00-7:05) |
I.A. Approval of Agenda
I.B. Approval of Minutes (Meetings of May 24 and June 13, 2012)
I.C. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report for May, 2012
I.D. Approval of Payment of Bills and Other Financial Transactions in the grand total amount of $3,968,971.59.
I.E. Acceptance of Monthly Financial Report
I.F. Approval of Personnel Staff Changes
I.G. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations
I.H. Approval for Submission of Grant Applications
I.I. Approval of Proposed Board Policy 807 - Health and Safety Policy
I.J. Approval of Health and Safety Programs for 2012-13
II.A. Teaching and Learning Update
Dr. Julia Espe, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning, and Development, will introduce the following presentations:
II.A.1. Apollo High School Advanced Placement Course Presentation
Charlie Eisenreich, Principal, will provide information regarding the Advanced Placement Program at Apollo High School. He will introduce Jeff Sommerfeld, Apollo AP Teacher, along with parents and students, who will provide information about the Socratic Seminar recently held as part of the AP Language and Composition Course.
II.A.2. 2012-2013 Staff Development Calendar
Dr. Julia Espe, along with Chris Ann Johnson, Science Teacher at Apollo, and Brenda Sprenger, Assessment Coordinator, will present information on 2011-2012 Staff Development Activities, as well as review the proposed Staff Development Calendar for 2012-2013. A copy of the calendar is attached.
II.A.3. Kennedy Community School Award
Diane Moeller, Principal of Kennedy Community School, will provide information on the Green Ribbon School Award Kennedy has recently received.
II.A.4. Policy Revisions Related to Student Achievement
Dr. Julia Espe will review proposed policy revisions related to student achievement.
II.B. Vision Card B - Financial Oversight and Resource Stewardship
Kevin Januszewski, Executive Director of Business Services, will present information on Vision Card B relating to Financial Oversight and Resource Stewardship.
II.C. Energy Savings Estimates
Mike Piper from McKinstry will review information on the savings from the Energy Project Improvements that have been completed. Information is attached.
III.A. Approval of Student Handbooks for 2012-2013 (ACTION)
Diane Moeller, Principal, Kennedy Community School, will review the content changes of the student handbooks for the 2012-2013 year.
The Administration recommends approval of the student handbooks for Senior High (Apollo, Tech, and Area Learning Center), Junior High (North, South, and Kennedy), and Elementary & Preschool for the 2012-2013 school year. Copies of the student handbooks for 2012-2013 are available in the Superintendent's Office upon request and will be placed on the District's website. |
III.B. Review and Approval of Tentative Contract Agreements (if any)
(8:30-8:40) |
III.C. Cash Flow Borrowing (ACTION)
Kevin Januszewski, Executive Director of Business Services, will provide information. A copy of the resolution is attached.
The Administration recommends approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance, awarding the sale, and establishing the terms thereof for the General Obligation Aid Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 2012B.
III.D. Madison Addition and Middle School Remodeling Projects (ACTION)
Kevin Januszewski, Executive Director of Business Services, will present information on the Madison Addition and Middle School Remodeling Projects.
The Administration is requesting Board authorization to move forward with the construction drawings and to start the process for financing the projects. |
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Bruce Watkins may present information on current activities in District 742.
IV.B. Board of Education Standing Committee Reports
Standing Committee Reports will be presented as follows:
Board Development Committee (Jerry Von Korff, Chair) Community Linkages Committee (Bruce Mohs, Chair) Finance and Audit Committee (Jerry Von Korff, Chair) Integration and Equity Committee (Les Green, Chair) Legislative Committee (Bruce Hentges, Chair) Personnel & Negotiations Committee (Cindy Harner, Chair) |
Board of Education members may suggest items/topics for future Board Meeting agendas. Items brought forth should have been previously discussed with the Board Chair or Vice Chair, Board Standing Committee, or at a prior Board Work Session/Meeting.
A Work Session is not scheduled for July. |
VI. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (Detail Information)
VI.A. Approval of Agenda.
VI.C. Monthly Treasurer's Report
The Administration recommends approval of the Monthly Treasurer's Report for May, 2012.
VI.D. Approval of Payment of Bills
The Administration recommends approval of the payment of bills and other financial transactions in the amount of $3,749,807.42 (Check Numbers 201703-202380 and ACH Numbers 111201382-111201584) and P Card Totals in the amount of $219,164.17 for a grant total of $3,968,971.59.
VI.E. Monthly Financial Report
The Administration recommends acceptance of the Monthly Financial Report for May, 2012.
VI.F. Personnel Staff Changes
The Administration recommends approval of the following personnel changes pursuant to relevant laws and appropriate provisions of negotiated agreements between the Board of Education and exclusive representatives. For new hires, the indicated rates are consistent with current negotiated agreements and Board approved rates of pay. All rates/salaries listed do not include fringe benefits.
VI.F.1. Licensed Staff
Alternative Leave
Patricia Cespedes-Schueller, Spanish Immersion Teacher, Clearview Elementary School, effective for the 2012-2013 school year. Ryan Cox, Technology Integrationist, District Media Services, effective August 27, 2012 through June 10, 2013. Annual Letters of Appointment Randall Arnold, Assistant Director of Special Education, District Administration Office, effective July 1, 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year, at a yearly salary of $99,804.00. Mr. Arnold has been the Assistant Director of Special Education for 8 years. Shawn Hoffman-Bram, Director of Community Education, Community Education Center, effective July 1, 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year, at a yearly salary of $105,261.00. Ms. Hoffman-Bram has been the Director of Community Education for 13 years. Alicia Jepsen, Director of Early Childhood Services, Roosevelt Early Childhood Center, effective July 1, 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year, at a yearly salary of $85,387.00. Ms. Jepsen has been the Director of Early Childhood Services for 2 years. Scott Wallner, Assistant Director of Community Education, Community Education Center, effective July 1, 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year, at a yearly salary of $92,947.00. Mr. Wallner has been the Director and Supervisor of Adult Basic Education for 11 years. Child Care Leave Nicole Zitzow, Speech Language Pathologist, South Junior High, effective on or about October 13, 2012 through on or about January 2, 2013. Health Leave Andrew Marincic, Special Education Teacher, Sheriff’s Group Home, effective for the 2012-2013 school year. New Hire Melanie Jiskra, Assistant Principal, Talahi Community School, effective with the 2012-2013 school year, Lane AF, Pay Level 1. Ms. Jiskra’s salary for this assignment will be $80,984.00. Michael Rivard, Assistant Principal, Oak Hill Community School, effective with the 2012-2013 school year Lane AF, Pay Level 1. Mr. Rivard’s salary for this assignment will be $80,984.00. BriAnne Zauhar, Assistant Principal, Madison Elementary School, effective with the 2012-2013 school year Lane AF, Pay Level 1. Ms. Zauhar’s salary for this assignment will be $80,984.00. Reassignment Paula Foley, Principal, Westwood Elementary School, effective July 1, 2012. Carol Potter, Interim Principal, Talahi Community School, effective July 1, 2012. Resignation Katie Beckmann, Fourth Grade Teacher, Oak Hill Community School, last day of service August 2, 2012. Tingting Zheng, Teacher, Madison Elementary School, last day of service June 7, 2012. Retirement Mary Jo Kilkelly, Special Education Teacher, Discovery Community School, last day of service July 4, 2012 after almost 28 years of service in District 742. |
VI.F.2. Non-Licensed Staff
Annual Letters of Appointment
Gary Ganje, Director of Technology and Media Services, District Media Services, effective July 1, 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year, at an annual salary of $95,523.00. Mr. Ganje has been the Director and Supervisor of Technology and Media Services for 10 years. Jill Johnson, Activities Director, Technical High School, effective July 1, 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year, at an annual salary of $75,517.00. Ms. Johnson has been the Activities Director for 2 ½ years. Christopher McElroy, Activities Director, Apollo High School, effective July 1, 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year, at an annual salary of $75,517.00. Mr. McElroy has been the Activities Director for almost 4 years. Sebastian Witherspoon, Director of Equity Services, effective July 1, 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year at an annual salary of $85,000.00. Mr. Witherspoon has been the Director of Equity Services for almost 1 year. Supervisor IT and Network Administrator commencing July 1, 2012 for 260 days at an annual salary of $64,235. This is a correction to the June 13, 2012 Board action on the consent agenda where the salary was listed as $62,532. Child Care Leave Jammie Erickson, Special Education Paraprofessional, Westwood Elementary School, effective on September 4, 2012 through on or about December 1, 2012. Compensation Study Adjustments (Effective July 1, 2012) Coordinator GED Chief Examiner from Lane 72, Step 2 to Lane 74, Step 1 Student and Family Advocate redlined at current pay rate at Lane 72, Step 1 and assigned to Lane 70, Step 2. This is a correction to the June 13, 2012 Board action on the consent agenda where the Lane and Steps were listed as Lane 72, Step 6 and Lane 74, Step 5. Web Technician from Lane 61, Step 6 to Lane 65, Step 4 New Hire Hudda Ibrahim, Cultural Navigator (Long Call Substitute), Oak Hill Community School, effective June 5, 2012 through October 1, 2012 at an hourly rate of $10.47. Peggy Schumacher, Class II Clerical, McKinley, effective May 30, 2012 at an hourly rate of $14.87. Retirement Kathryn Ness, Second Cook, Oak Hill Community School, last day of service June 6, 2012 after 22 years of service in District 742. |
VI.G. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations (Requires 2/3 Majority of Governing Board, Minnesota Statute §465.03)
The Administration recommends acceptance of the following grant awards/donations:
1. Donations to the Roosevelt Early Childhood Services Spring Fling, as follows: $150.00 from Rasmussen College Two bikes (value of $160.00) from Horace Mann (Ron Bauer) 2. Donation in the amount of $150.00 to the Area Learning Center from Moms Club of Sartell/Sauk Rapids for Health Realization Girls Group. 3. Donation in the amount of $100.00 to Madison Elementary School from Judith Schearer to purchase books for the Media Center from the Scholastic Book Fair. 4. Donation in the amount of $203.76 to Discovery Community School from the Minnesota School of Business for the P.A.K.R.A.T. Program. 5. Donation in the amount of $200.00 to Discovery Community School from the U.S. Department of Education Early Childhood for Longitudinal Study. 6. Donations to the Tech High School Scholarship Program as follows: $500.00 from St. Cloud Area Youth Basketball Association for 2012 SCAYBA Scholarship $500.00 from St. Cloud Youth Hockey Association, Inc. for 2012 St. Cloud Youth Hockey Assocation Scholarship $300.00 from Jack and Kim Stinogel for 2012 Ron Kaczor Memorial Scholarships 7. Donation in the amount of $600.00 to Tech High School from DeZurik for Skills USA Competition. 8. Donation in the amount of $500.00 to the Tech High School Wrestling Program from Club Almar Sports, Inc. for supplies. 9. Donation in the amount of $20.00 to Roosevelt Early Childhood Center from First Presbyterian Church to feed hungry students. 10. Grant award in the amount of $500.00 to Clearview Elementary School from the Minnesota Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. The funds will be used to purchase equipment that can be used with the elementary fitness program. 11. Donations to Tech High School for the HOSA National Leadership Conference as follows: $20.00 from Melissa and Chad Billig $100.00 from Tandem Orthotics and Prosthetics $500.00 from CentraCare Health Foundation 12. Donations to the Apollo High School Scholarship Program as follows: $500.00 from the St. Cloud Area Youth Basketball Association for Youth Basketball Scholarship $600.00 from the Kiwanis Downtown Club for Kiwanis Scholarship $400.00 from the Veterans of Foreign War Post #4847 for Chuck Mendel/VFW Post #4847 Scholarship $1,000.00 from the St. Cloud Youth Hockey Association for St. Cloud Apollo Youth Hockey Scholarship $1,000.00 from Neal Bellamy for Apollo Connection Scholarship $500.00 from Vijay and Usha Puri for Scholarship 13. Donation of knitting supplies (estimated value of $50.00) to South Junior High School from Crafts Direct for students participating in a Fiber Arts activity. 14. Donation of six (6) bicycles to South Junior High School from Ron Bauer Insurance Agency for awarding to students at the Recognition Assembly from the PBIS Team. 15. Donation of a pallet of steel (estimated value of $285.00) to the Tech High School Welding Program. 16. Grant award in the amount of $2,678.00 to Clearview Elementary School from the Central Minnesota Arts Board to have Christopher Lutter-Gardella conduct a one-week residency on puppetry with kindergarten children. 17. Donation in the amount of $1,000.00 to Apollo High School from John and Lynelle Torgerson for the Class of 2012 Senior Retreat. 18. Donation in the amount of $100.00 to the Classics For Kids Program from Kathleen Hobday to help pay for ticket and transportation costs for District 742 5th grade students to attend a Young People's concert at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis. |
VI.H. Approval for Submission of Grant Applications
The Administration recommends approval for submission of the following grant applications:
1. Grant application in the amount of $3,800.00 by Tech High School to the Central Minnesota Arts Board Small Cap Grant for Schools. This matching grant would be used to purchase additional components to the wireless sound system in the Tech High School Auditorium. 2. "Native Americans Come to the Second Grades" grant application by Clearview, Talahi, Madison and Westwood Schools to the Minnesota State Arts Board in the amount of $28,130.00. This project will bring four Native Americans from Pipestone to conduct one week residencies at Clearview, Talahi, Madison and Westwood on the culture, art, history and music of Native Americans to second graders. 3. Stearns County Inside Out Connections Coalition grant application by Roosevelt Early Childhood Family Education to the Initiative Foundation in the amount of $5,000.00. The purpose of the grant is to continue to explore and advance ways to serve children and famlies impacted by incarceration through the community coalition process that will address priority areas through an action plan developed by the coalition. District 742 will serve as the fiscal agent for this grant with the coalition co-facilitated by Lucy Bauer, District 742 ECFE, and Jeff Pollreis, Stearns County Jail Programs Coordinator. |
VI.I. Approval of Proposed Board Policy 807 - Health and Safety Policy
The Administration recommends approval of proposed Board Policy 807 - Health and Safety Policy. This is on the agenda for the third and final reading. A copy is attached.
VI.J. Approval of Health and Safety Programs for 2012-13
The Administration recommends approval of the Health and Safety Programs for 2012-13. A list of the Health and Safety Projects for the next two years is attached.