February 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Roll Call
2. Closed Session, 6:00pm-6:30pm
2.1. Motion to go into closed session for the purpose of discussing: 1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body 2(c)(1); 2. Litigation 2(c)(11); and 3. Security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel to respond to an actual, a threatened or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public or public property 2(c)(8).
2.2. Motion to suspend closed session
3. Reconvene in Open Session at 6:30pm
3.1. Roll Call
4. Pledge of Allegiance, Gary D. Wright Elementary School
5. Approval of the Agenda
6. Moment of Silence
7. Recognition
7.1. Fall Fine Arts / Clubs Recognitions
8. Public Participation: Members of the public, especially residents of District 300, are welcome to contribute during public participation. To do so, you must sign up electronically via a computer located in the Central Office lobby between 6:00-6:30pm, or the start of the open meeting; be 18 years old or older or have a parent/legal guardian present with you, give your full name and respectfully state your comments, and you are not permitted to mention the names of specific staff members or students. The Board will not respond in this forum but will thoughtfully consider your statements.
9. Public Hearing - Cambridge Lakes Charter School Renewal
10. Board Announcements
10.1. Good News
11. Board Discussion
11.1. Board Committee Reports
11.2. Board Discussion
12. Items for Discussion
12.1. Board Meeting Minutes for January 23, 2024
12.2. Proposed Redacted Closed Session Minutes: Jan-Jun 2022
12.3. Permission to Destroy Closed Session Recordings
12.4. Disposal Report
12.5. Treasurer's Report
12.6. Game Balls Contract
12.7. Technology Services Contract
12.8. Weight Room Flooring Contract
12.9. Interactive Boards RFP
12.10. Non-Resident Student Application and Tuition #1
12.11. Board Policy Review and Revisions
12.12. Freedom of Information Act Report
13. Consent Items
13.1. Approval of Bills Payable
13.2. Approval of Human Resources Report
14. Closed Session
14.1. Motion to go into closed session for the purpose of discussing: 1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body 2(c)(1); 2. Litigation 2(c)(11); and 3. Security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel to respond to an actual, a threatened or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public or public property 2(c)(8).
14.2. Motion to adjourn closed session
15. Reconvene in Open Session
15.1. Roll Call
16. Adjournment