December 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. CALL TO ORDER - 6:00 PM in the River Falls High School Auditorium
4.A. Acknowledgement / Recognition
4.A.1. Wildcat Pride Awards
4.A.1.a. Olivia Redmond - Olivia has gone above and beyond to make her school a place where all students can find non-judgmental assistance.
4.B. Spotlight on Education: River Falls High School - Wiley's Wardrobe
Presentation Link
4.C. Superintendent, Administrative, and Student Representative Reports
4.C.1. Superintendent Report
4.C.1.b. School Forest Update
4.C.2. Administrative Reports
4.C.3. Student Representatives Report
5.A. Approval of minutes, bills and recommended employment
The following have been submitted for approval:
Item 1: November 22, 2021, Regular Board of Education meeting minutes Item 2: Bills submitted for payment Item 3: Pursuant to Board Policy which references Wisconsin Statutes Sections 111, 118, 121, all employees who require Wisconsin state certification shall be recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education for approval. All recommendations presented at this time are pursuant to approved Board policies and accompanying administrative procedures. Recommended Action: Approve minutes, bills, and employment as presented. |
5.B. Consideration and/or Action to approve December 6, 2021 Educational Program Committee recommendations
The Educational Program Committee met on December 6, 2021, to approve the first reading of revised School Board Policy 352 - Field Trips/Extended Trips, approve the first reading of revised School Board Policy 352 - Rule Guidelines for Field Trips/Extended Trips, to hear an update regarding the River Falls eSchool Charter School benchmarks, and to see the 2020-21 River Falls School District report card presentation.
Recommended Action: 1. Approve the first reading of revised School Board Policy 352 - Field Trips/Extended Trips. 2. Approve the first reading of revised School Board Policy 352 - Rule Guidelines for Field Trips/Extended Trips. |
5.C. Consideration and/or Action to approve December 13, 2021 Finance & Facilities Committee recommendations
The Finance and Facilities Committee met on December 13, 2021, to review the 2022-24 budget projections, to hear an update on the Construction Manager at Risk & Architect agreements, and finally to hear an update on the Renaissance Charter Academy relocation.
Recommended Action: No action, informational only.
5.D. Consideration and/or Action to approve December 13, 2021 Personnel Committee recommendations
The Personnel Committee met on December 13, 2021, to approve the Teacher Professional Compensation Plan revisions, to approve the revised and new Kids Club job positions, and finally went into a closed executive session to review the 2022-23 bargaining goals.
Recommended Action: 1. Approve Teacher Professional Compensation Plan revisions. 2. Approve the revised and new Kids Club job positions.
5.E. Approve the second reading of revised School Board Policy 461 - Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship
The first reading of policy 461 - Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship was approved at the November 22, 2021, Regular Board Meeting.
Recommended Action: Approve the second reading of revised School Board Policy 461 - Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship
5.F. Review resolutions to be addressed during the 2022 Wisconsin Association of School Board (WASB) Delegate Assembly on January 19, 2022, and provide the delegate with direction for voting on WASB resolutions
Each year, the WASB Delegate Assembly votes on proposed amendments and resolutions during its Annual Joint State Convention. Each eligible school district may cast one vote on those resolutions. Alan Tuchtenhagen is the newly appointed delegate to the 2022 convention.
Recommended Action: Provide Delegate, Alan Tuchtenhagen, with direction for voting on WASB resolutions. The Board may give voting direction on an item-by-item basis or on a specific item(s) only or direct the Delegate to vote in the best interest of the School District of River Falls.
5.G. Begin Board Self-evaluation process
Policy 153 calls for the Board to annually plan for and carry through an evaluation of its functioning as a Board. The last Board evaluation was completed March 15, 2021.
Recommended Action: Discuss the process for completion of a Board evaluation. |
5.H. Discussion of future Matrix revisions and/or modifications related to our face mask policy
The Board will discuss our current mask matrix and discuss possible future changes to our mask requirements.
Recommended Action: None, informational only. |
5.I. Proposed/suggested items for the next regular and future Board meeting agenda(s)
As always, Board members will be given the opportunity to suggest items for future Board member agendas.
Recommended Action: As needed. |
5.J. Schedule next Board/Committee meetings
Upcoming Board meeting dates, times, and locations will be reviewed.
Recommended Action: Set the meeting schedule as follows: Educational Program Committee meeting: Monday, January 10, 2021, 6:00 p.m. (District Office Conference room, 852 E. Division Street) Finance and Facilities Committee meeting: Monday, January 17, 2021, 5:45 p.m. (District Office Conference room, 852 E. Division Street) Personnel Committee meeting: Monday, January 17, 2021, 7:00 p.m. (District Office Conference room, 852 E. Division Street) Regular Board meeting: Monday, January 24, 2021, 6:00 p.m. (River Falls High School Auditorium, 818 Cemetery Road) |
6. Request for Executive session pursuant to Wisconsin § 19.85 (1)(c)(e)(f)(g) for discussion of confidential legal matters related to possible district land lease and/or purchase of property; to discuss current lease agreement and related legal matters; and for the purpose of approving 2022-23 bargaining goals. Roll call vote required.