April 27, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board and Reorganization Meeting
Agenda |
3. Review and signing of Official Oaths of Office
Background: Wisconsin Statute Sections 19.01 and 120.06(4&10) provide for school board members to file an official oath of office on, or prior to, the fourth Monday in April.
Action: Oaths of office must be signed by newly re-elected board members Stacy Johnson Myers and Todd Schultz, and newly elected board member Bob Casey.
4. Public Hearing on Request for DPI Waiver pursuant to Wis. Stat. s. 118.38 due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency for Instructional Hours
5. Public Hearing on Request for DPI Waiver pursuant to Wis. Stat. s. 118.38 due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency for Educator Effectiveness Requirements
6.A. COVID-19 School Closure updates and considerations
6.A.1. End year academic grading (Pass/No Pass)
6.A.2. Continue at-home/distance learning
6.A.3. Senior student considerations (Graduation, Awards, Scholarships, etc.)
6.A.4. Summer School plans
6.A.5. Kids Club plans
6.A.6. Community Education plans
6.A.7. Construction Projects
6.A.8. Wage considerations (Kids Club, Summer School, Bus Drivers) in the event schools remain closed into summer
6.A.9. District budget contingency plan
6.A.10. Employee contract and wages for 2020-21
7. Board Reorganizational Activities
7.A. Election of Officers
Background: Wisconsin Statute Section 120.05(c) mandates that the school board shall annually elect a school district president, vice-president, clerk, and treasurer from among its members.
Action: Elect officers - nominations will be taken by Superintendent Benson for: 1) President, 2) Vice-President, 3) Clerk, and 4) Treasurer. Officers will sign oath of office. Meeting gavel is turned over to newly elected president.
7.B. Determine Board meeting dates, time, and location for the 2020-21 school year
Background: Suggested dates are shown circled in red on the enclosed calendar. (The 2021 Reorganization meeting will be 4-26-21). We will also review the remaining 2019-20 meeting dates, as well as the annual Board Planning Calendar.
Action: Determine Board meeting schedules, times and places. |
7.C. Determine Board Committee Structure and Various District Advisory Delegate/Representative Appointments
Action: Determine committee, delegate and representative appointments including board/committee relationship, meeting schedules, standing committees, meeting place, dates, times, and manner of conducting the Board's business.
7.D. Renew Board's Legal & Liability Insurance Policy
Background: Wisconsin Statute Section 120.13(23 requires a board to give security in such form and amount as the board determines.
Action: Renew the Board's Legal and Liability Insurance Policy as suggested |
7.E. Designate Bank Depositories
Background: Wisconsin Statute Section 120.12(7) mandates the Board designate one or more public depositories in which the money belonging to the school district shall be deposited and specify whether the monies be maintained in time deposits, demand deposits or savings deposits.
Action: Designate bank depositories.
7.F. Acknowledge Board Policy/Procedure - Conflict of Interest
Background: Following a recommendation from the auditor in October of 1994, the Board approved a conflict of interest procedure which calls for each board member to annually sign a statement indicating awareness of the content of the Code of Ethics for Local Government Officials.
Action: Sign statements of acknowledgement (mailed before the meeting). |
7.G. Set date for the 2020 Annual Meeting
Background: Wisconsin Statute Section 120.08(1) mandates that a common school district shall hold an annual meeting. It is recommended that the 2020 Annual Meeting be set for Monday, September 21, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center preceded by the Regular Monthly Board meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Action: Discussion and decision for setting the date and location for the 2020 Annual Meeting. |
8.A. Approval of minutes, bills and recommended employment
Background: The following have been submitted for approval:
Item 1: March 16, 2020 Regular Board of Education meeting minutes Item 2: April 6, 2020 Special Board of Education meeting minutes Item 3: Bills submitted for payment Item 4: Pursuant to Board Policy which references Wisconsin Statutes Sections 111, 118, 121, all employees who require Wisconsin state certification shall be recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education for approval. All recommendations presented at this time are pursuant to approved Board policies and accompanying administrative procedures. Recommended Action: Approve minutes, bills and employment as presented. |
8.B. Consideration of and Action on Resolution on Request for DPI Waiver due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency for Instructional Hours and Educator Effectiveness Requirements
Background: Discussed during previous hearings.
Recommended Action: Approve Resolution on Request for DPI Waiver due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency for Instructional Hours and Educator Effectiveness Requirements |
8.C. Consideration and/or Action to approve "Plan-B" District COVID-19 Response Plan as presented by Superintendent Benson; to include adjusting the school calendar for May 29, 2020 to become the last day of student at-home/distance instruction.
Background: The Board was provided "Plan B" in advance and was discussed earlier in this meeting.
Recommended Action: Approve "Plan-B" District COVID-19 Response Plan as presented by Superintendent Benson; to include adjusting the school calendar for May 29, 2020 to become the last day of student at-home/distance instruction. |
8.D. Approve 2020-21 Bus Driver Collective Bargaining Agreement
Background: The Negotiations committee is recommending the approval of the 2020-21 Bus Driver Collective Bargaining Agreement. The base offer reflects step movement of $0.40, plus $0.15 per cell (2.4%-2.6%). The base offer for trip drivers is a $0.41 per cell increase (2.5%).
Recommended Action: Approve 2020-21 Bus Driver Collective Bargaining Agreement as presented. |
8.E. Approve 2020-21 Support Staff Salary Schedule
Background: The support staff salary schedule reflects step movement, plus a $0.15 per cell increase (3.6%-hourly, 2.9%-supervisor) . Schedule adjustments were made for the special education paraprofessional and accountant groups.
Recommended Action: Approve 2020-21 Support Staff Salary Schedule as presented. |
8.F. Approve the second readings of board policies 342.5 Title I; 342.5-Rule Title I guidelines; and 341.1 Reading Instruction
Background: The first readings of board policies 342.5 Title I; 342.5-Rule Title I guidelines; and 341.1 Reading Instruction were approved at the March 16, 2020 Regular Board of Education meeting.
Recommended Action: Approve the second readings of board policies 342.5 Title I; 342.5-Rule Title I guidelines; and 341.1 Reading Instruction. |
8.G. Approve Committed Fund Balance be designated for the following purposes: 1. $3,325,000 HS Roof Replacement; 2. $316,954 MMS and Rocky Branch Parking Lot Replacement; and 3. $320,000 Budget Stabilization
Background: Each spring the Board designates fiscal year end fund balances into 2 categories based on guidance from the Finance Department.
Recommended Action: Approve Committed Fund Balance be designated for the following purposes: 1. $3,325,000 HS Roof Replacement 2. $316,954 MMS and Rocky Branch Parking Lot Replacement 3. $320,000 Budget Stabilization |
8.H. Proposed/suggested items for the next regular and future Board meeting agenda(s)
Background: As always, Board members will be given the opportunity to suggest items for future Board member agendas.
Recommended Action: As needed. |
8.I. Set dates and times for meetings in May
Background: Upcoming Board meeting dates, times and locations will be reviewed.
Action: Set meeting schedule as follows: Finance & Facilities Committee meeting: Monday, May 11, 2020, 3:00 p.m. Personnel Committee meeting: Monday, May 11, 2020, 6:00 p.m. Regular Board meeting: Monday, May 18, 2020, 7:00 p.m. Above meetings held at the District Office, 852 E. Division Street unless noted differently. |