January 14, 2020 at 3:00 PM - Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order - 3:00 p.m. - District Office Conference Room
2. Manner of public notification of meeting
3. Hearing of visitors or delegations
4. Approve Summer 2020 Capital Maintenance Projects
Background: Administration will present the following Capital Maintenance Project topics:
- Referendum Budget Funds Remaining - $1,873,000 - Eight Year District Roof Replacement Plan - Eight Year District Capital Maintenance Plan (in process version - final plan complete in spring 2020) - Summer 2020 Capital Maintenance Project Plan Approval (roof projects presented in January, remaining projects presented in February) Recommended Action: 1. Approve Meyer Middle School Roof Replacement for $576,224, Rocky Branch Roof Replacement for $707,949 and High School Roof Replacement for $583,493. |
5. Approve 2020-2021 Budget Assumptions
Background: Administration will present the 2020-21 budget assumptions. The 2020-21 budget assumptions are solid given that the State of Wisconsin is in the middle of a biennium budget. Enrollment, assumed at +30 new resident students in 20-21, is the primary assumption being presented by Administration.
Recommended Action: Approve 2020-2021 Budget Assumptions. |
6. Determine Potential Future Agenda Items
Background: Discussion regarding potential future agenda items to be included on upcoming meeting agendas.
Recommended Action: Determine future agenda items as needed. |
7. Recommend next Finance and Facilities Committee meeting
Suggestion: Monday, February 10, 2019, 7PM in the District Office Conference Room, 852 E Division Street.
8. Adjournment