October 21, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
4.A. Acknowledgement / Recognition
Mike Miller- Recognition for years of Service on the River Falls Board of Education
4.B. Spotlight on Education- River Falls High School College and Career Readiness
4.C. Superintendent and Administrative Reports
4.C.1. Superintendent Report- Review Superintendent goals for 2019-2020
4.C.2. Administrative Reports
4.C.3. Student Representative Report
5.A. Approval of minutes, bills and recommended employment
Background: The following have been submitted for approval:
Item 1: September 23, 2019 Regular Board of Education meeting minutes Item 2: September 30, 2019 Special Board of Education meeting minutes Item 3: Bills submitted for payment Item 4: Pursuant to Board Policy which references Wisconsin Statutes Sections 111, 118, 121, all employees who require Wisconsin state certification shall be recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education for approval. All recommendations presented at this time are pursuant to approved Board policies and accompanying administrative procedures. Recommended Action: Approve minutes, bills and employment as presented. |
5.B. Consideration and/or Action to approve joint resolution with City of River Falls related to advocacy for age 21 vape law
Background: The Board and City Council have agreed to collaborate in passing a joint resolution to advocate for legislative action to create an age 21 vape law.
Recommended Action: Approve joint resolution with City of River Falls related to advocacy for age 21 vape law. |
5.C. Appoint a Deputy Clerk for the 2020 School Board Elections
Background: Each year the Board has appointed, pursuant to a recommendation from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, a Deputy Election Clerk for the school board elections. This is to facilitate the election process and assist prospective candidates who wish to file for the school board.
Recommended Action: Appoint Eryn Maloney, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, as the Deputy Election Clerk for the 2020 School Board elections. |
5.D. Consideration and Action to set Tax Levy for 2019-20
Background: The Board of Education is required to set the annual tax levy each October. The levy information will be shared by Director of Finance and Facilities Chad Smurawa.
Recommended Action: Approve the 2019-2020 tax levy in the amount of $20,274,257.00. |
5.E. Approve the second reading of policy 731.3 Use of Electronic Surveillance Technology in public areas of school buildings and district property
Background: The first reading of policy 731.3 Use of Electronic Surveillance Technology in public areas of school buildings and district property was approved at the September 23, 2019 Regular Board of Education Meeting.
Recommended Action: Approve the first reading of policy 731.3 Use of Electronic Surveillance Technology in public areas of school buildings and district property. |
5.F. Consideration and/or Action to approve October 7, 2019 Educational Program Committee recommendations
Background: The Committee met on October 7, 2019 to hear an Open Enrollment update for the 2019-20 school year; 2019-20 student headcount update; Short-Term Foreign Exchange Summer Program presentation; Feasibility update related to River Falls Public Montessori Elementary 7th and 8th grade pilot program; Martin Luther King, Jr. community program update; approve the preliminary FBLA Fall Leadership field trip application and the final field trip applications for the National FFA Convention and River Falls High School Mock Trial team.
Recommended Action: 1. Approve the preliminary field trip application for the FBLA Fall Leadership Conference, November 11-12, 2019. 2. Approve the final field trip application for the National FFA Convention, October 29- November 1, 2019. 3. Approve the final field trip application for the River Falls High School Mock Trial team, November 15-20, 2019. |
5.G. Consideration and/or Action to approve October 14, 2019 Personnel Committee recommendations
Background: The committee met on October 14, 2019 first going into Executive Session pursuant to Wisconsin ยง 19.85(1)(b)(c) for the purpose of considering discipline, compensation and performance evaluation data of a public employee. The committee reconvened to Open Session to hear a Final Certified Staffing update; Approve the addition of new Computer Work Station Technician; review the 2020-21 staffing plan calendar; Approve revisions to Policy 343.2 Class Size Guidelines; hear Preliminary student enrollment and certified staff ratios; a Compensation analysis project update; and to Discuss strategies to address substitute fill rate for teachers, paraprofessionals, custodians, and bus drivers.
Recommended Action: 1. Approve the addition of new Computer Work Station Technician. 2. Approve revisions to Policy 343.2 Class Size Guidelines. |
5.H. Consideration and/or Action to approve October 17, 2019 Finance and Facilities Committee recommendations
Background: The Committee met on October 17, 2019 to Approve High School HVAC guaranteed maximum price (GMP) contract; approve administrative recommendations for "one-time: budget items; and review final 2019-20 tax levy and mill rate.
Recommended Action: 1. Approve High School HVAC guaranteed maximum price (GMP) contract. 2. Approve administrative recommendations for "one-time: budget items. |
5.I. Proposed/suggested items for the next regular and future Board meeting agenda(s)
Background: As always, Board members will be given the opportunity to suggest items for future Board member agendas.
Recommended Action: As needed. |
5.J. Schedule next Board/Committee meetings
Background: Upcoming Board meeting dates, times and locations will be reviewed.
Recommended Action: Set meeting schedule as follows: Special Board of Education meeting: Thursday, October 24, 6:00 p.m. Personnel Committee meeting: Monday, November 4, 6:00 p.m. Educational Program Committee meeting: Monday, November 11, 2019, 6:00 p.m. Regular Board meeting: Monday, November 18, 2019, 7:00 p.m. All above meetings will be held at the District Office, 852 East Division Street |