October 17, 2019 at 3:00 PM - Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order - 3:00 p.m. - Greenwood Elementary School Conference Room
2. Manner of public notification of meeting
3. Hearing of visitors or delegations
4. Approve High School HVAC Bid Pack 4 guaranteed maximum price (GMP) contract
Background: In March 2019, Board gave preliminary approval for Administration to begin design and development for HS HVAC repairs that will occur in summer 2020. Administration presented a funding plan to accomplish the $2,460,000 project. Board approved the funding plan in March and that funding plan remains solid. Originally, a final bid and GMP was expected in November/December 2019. The design and development phase went smoother than originally planned. Administration is presenting the final GMP for October 2019 approval. The project came in a bit under the original projection. Administration is completing the final due diligence on the project GMP bid.
Recommended Action: Approve High School HVAC guaranteed maximum price (GMP) contract. |
5. Consideration and/or Action to Approve Administrative Recommendations for "one-time" budget items.
Background: Due to better than anticipated state funding for 2019-2020, we have additional revenue that can be expended "one-time" on materials and/or supplies, to support teaching and learning.
Recommended Action: Approve Administrative Recommendations for "one-time" budget items. |
6. Review Final 2019-2020 Tax Levy and Mill Rate
Background: The Board of Education is required to set the annual tax levy each October. Enrollment, property valuation and state aid will be finalized by October 15, 2019 providing the district with the opportunity to complete the levy recommendation. Director of Finance and Facilities Chad Smurawa will present the final 2019-20 tax levy to the committee for review. The levy will be presented to the Board of Education for approval at the regular October 2019 meeting.
Recommended Action: None, Informational only. |
7. Determine Potential Future Agenda Items
Background: Discussion regarding potential future agenda items to be included on upcoming meeting agendas.
Recommended Action: Determine future agenda items as needed. |
8. Recommend next Finance and Facilities Committee meeting
Suggestion: Monday, November 4, 2019, 7PM in the District Office Conference Room, 852 E Division Street.
9. Adjournment