May 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting with Closed Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Roll Call (A) (Mr. Bittman)
Call to order the Regular Meeting at __ p.m. A quorum must be met. Roll Call: Ayes / Absent / Motion _____ Members: Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Troy, Mr. Cratty, Mr. Bittman, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Galligar, Mr. Thompson |
2. Closed Session / Roll Call (A) (Mr. Bittman)
Move to enter into closed session at __ p.m. as indicated in the Open Meetings Act and 5ILCS120/2c for discussion of: (1) The appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel; (2) Collective negotiating matters; (9) Student Disciplinary; (11) Litigation; (14) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act. Members: Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Troy, Mr. Cratty, Mr. Bittman, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Galligar, Mr. Thompson Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Absent / Motion _____ |
2.1. Exit or Suspend Closed Session / Voice Call (A)
Move to exit or suspend closed session at __ p.m. and return to open session. Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion _____ |
3. Resume in Public Session / Roll Call (A) (Mr. Bittman) approx. 7:00 p.m.
Resume the Regular meeting at __ p.m. Members: Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Troy, Mr. Cratty, Mr. Bittman, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Galligar, Mr. Thompson Roll Call: Ayes / Absent / Motion _____ |
3.1. Action as Required / Roll Call (Mr. Bittman)
Will come from the Board. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays /Absent / Motion _____ Action: Recommendation will come from the Board. Members: Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Troy, Mr. Cratty, Mr. Bittman, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Galligar, Mr. Thompson |
4. Pledge of Allegiance (Mr. Bittman)
5. Public Comment (Mr.Bittman)
As per Policy 2:230, public comment can be made during this portion of the meeting. The members of the public and district employees may comment on or ask questions of the Board, subject to reasonable constraints. |
6. Revision and Adoption of the Agenda / Voice Call (A) (Mr. Bittman)
Move to adopt the agenda as presented (or with changes). Action: Adoption of the Agenda. Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion _____ |
7. Superintendent's Report (Dr. Rowe)
Updates will be provided at this time. Recommendation: For informational purposes only. |
7.1. HHS Athletic Improvements (R) (Dr. Rowe)
Dr. Rowe will share athletic capital enhancement planning and engage the board in discussion surrounding priority and gather feedback on the projects. |
8. Special Education (Gina Gallicar-Chair, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Troy)
8.1. LIGHT Program Update (R) (Dr. Rowe)
Dr. Rowe will update the board on discussions surrounding the LIGHT program and WOLD architects will be present to share renovation planning updates.
9. Associate Superintendent's Report (R) (Ms. Lombard)
Updates will be provided at this time. Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
10. Assistant Superintendent Elementary Learning and Innovation (R) (Dr. MacCrindle)
Updates will be provided at this time. Recommendation: For informational purposes only. |
11. Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer (R) (Mr. Altmayer)
11.1. High School Cafe Storage Area (R) (Mr. Altmayer)
Mr. Almayer will present a report on the expanded storage area related to the High School Café. Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
11.2. Electric Buses and Infrastructure Update (R) (Mr. Altmayer)
Mr. Altmayer will present information regarding the District's previously approved Electric Bus Purchase and the related EV Infrastructure. Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
12. Community Relations & Student Outreach (Mrs. Murray-chair, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Cratty)
12.1. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests (R)
A monthly report on the FOIA requests is provided in the packet. Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
13. Legislation Committee (Mr. Bittman-chair, Mr. Quagliano, Mrs. Murray)
Recommendation: For informational purposes only. |
13.1. Legislative Updates (R) (Mr. Bittman)
Mr. Bittman will provide legislative updates. |
14. President's Report (Mr. Bittman)
Updates will be provided at this time. Recommendation: For informational purposes only. |
15. Consent Agenda (A) (Mr. Bittman)
All of the following Consent Agenda items have gone through the Committee of the Whole. Prior to adoption, revisions are presented here. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __ Recommendation: Seeking approval and adoption of the Consent Agenda as follows: |
15.1. Finance Committee (Mr. Quagliano-chair, Mr. Bittman, Mr. Thompson)
15.1.1. Payables (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Mr. Altmayer will seek approval of the Purchase Orders issued at $282,995.97; Accounts Payable issued at $13,838.84; Imprest issued at $121,584.85 and Disbursements issued at $9,500,905.52, as presented.
15.1.2. Revenue Contracts (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Mr. Altmayer will seek approval of the revenue contracts for various fundraising activities.
15.2. Human Resources Committee (Mr. Cratty-chair, Mr. Bittman, Mrs. Galligar)
15.2.1. HR Personnel (A) (Dr. Zehr)
Seeking approval of the personnel reports provided and reviewed by the Board, which include explanation for resignations, retirements, terminations, employment, contract revisions, and leave requests, as presented.
15.3. Board of Education (Mr. Bittman)
15.3.1. Minutes (A)
The following minutes are presented for approval.
15.4. Curriculum Committee (Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Galligar, Mr. Troy)
15.4.1. Partner for Prevention (A) (Ms. Lombard)
At the Committee of the Whole meeting, on May 4, 2023, the Curriculum and Instruction Committee recommended moving the contract with Partnering for Prevention forward to the May 18th, 2023 Regular Board of Education meeting for approval.
15.4.2. Regional Safe School Program (A) (Ms. Lombard)
At the Committee of the Whole meeting, on May 4, 2023, the Curriculum and Instruction Committee recommended moving the Intergovernmental Agreement extension resolution for utilization of the McHenry County Regional Safe Schools Program, forward to the May 18th, 2023 Regular Board of Education meeting for approval.
15.5. Buildings and Grounds Committee (Mr. Troy-chair, Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Cratty)
15.5.1. Alarm Monitoring Services Contract (A) (Mr. Renkosik)
At the Committee of the Whole meeting, on May 4, 2023, the Curriculum and Instruction Committee recommended moving the Intergovernmental Agreement extension resolution for utilization of the McHenry County Regional Safe Schools Program, forward to the May 18th, 2023 Regular Board of Education meeting for approval. |
15.5.2. Change Order No. 1 to Roof System Replacement Bid # 2022-68 (A) (Mr. Renkosik)
The Building & Grounds Committee met on May 4, 2023 and requested the Board of Education approve Change Order No.1 to Anthony Roofing, A Tecta America Company, in the amount of $10,570.30 as attached at the May 18, 2023 Board Meeting.
15.6. Policy Committee (Mr. Bittman, Mr. Quagliano, Mrs. Murray)
15.6.1. Recommended Changes for Board Policy (A) (Dr Rowe)
PRESS Updates - March 2023, Issue 111 At the Committee of the Whole meeting on May 4, 2023, the Policy Committee recommended moving the PRESS Updates forward for a First Reading at the May 18, 2023 Regular Board of Education meeting for approval. Recommended Changes for Board Policy
16. Action Items / Roll/ Voice Call (Mr. Bittman)
Action items require a motion and a second; discussion if needed; and roll or voice call. |
16.1. Buildings and Grounds Committee (Mr. Troy-chair, Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Cratty)
16.1.1. Exterior Window Repairs Bid # 2023-08 (A) (Mr. Renkosik)
Mr. Renkosik will present the Exterior Window Repair Bid 2023-08 Recommendation: Seeking approval as presented. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion ______ |
16.2. Finance Committee (Mr. Quagliano-chair, Mr. Bittman, Mr. Thompson )
16.2.1. Supplemental Purchase Orders (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Administration recommends approval of the Supplemental Purchase Orders Report at $3,381,422.18 and Supplemental Accounts Payable at $9,785.12 as presented. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion ______ Recommendation:Seeking approval by the Board as presented.
16.2.2. Bond Issuance - 2023 Forward Refunding Parameters Resolution (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Mr. Altmayer will present a Resolution amending a resolution previously approved by the Board providing for the issue of not to exceed $7,500,000 General Obligation Refunding School Bonds of the District for the purpose of extending the time period during which said bonds may be sold. Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board as presented. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion ______
16.2.3. Extracurricular Base Salary Increase (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
The Huntley Extra-Curricular Committee reviewed and recommended a change to the activity salary schedule for the 2023-2024 school year. Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board as presented. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion ______
16.2.4. Equipment Declared as Surplus - Buses (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Mr. Altmayer is requesting the approval of a list of items to be declared as surplus that are either non-functional or which have exceeded their useful life for the District. Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board as presented. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion ______
17. Human Resources Committee (Mr. Cratty-chair, Mr. Bittman, Mrs. Galligar)
17.1. HESPA MOU Paraprofessionals ESY (A) (Dr. Zehr)
Dr. Zehr will seek the approval of the MOU. Recommendation: Seeking approval as presented. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion ______
17.2. HESPA MOU Nurses ESY (A) (Dr. Zehr)
Dr. Zehr will seek the approval of the MOU. Recommendation: Seeking approval as presented. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion ______
17.3. HESPA Job Descriptions (A) (Dr. Zehr)
Dr. Zehr will seek the approval of the job descriptions. Recommendation: Seeking approval as presented. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion ______
17.4. Multi Year Contract for Associate Superintendent & Interim Superintendent (A) (Dr. Rowe)
The board will consider a 5-year contract for Ms. Jessica Lombard as Associate Superintendent with a provision she serve as Interim Superintendent for the 2023/2024 school year.
18. New Business
19. Adjournment (A) (Mr. Bittman)
Members: Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Troy, Mr. Cratty, Mr. Bittman, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Galligar, Mr. Thompson Motion to adjourn the meeting at __ p.m. Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion _____ |