December 15, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Pledge of Allegiance-Dominick Jayne, 3rd grade student at Navarro Elementary School
2. Invocation-Alissa Elley
3. Call to Order:
3.D. Establish Quorum
3.E. Roll Call
3.F. Announcement that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.043 of the Texas Government Code.
7. Recognitions:
7.I. The Panther Band, under the direction of Roxanne Heckman, earned “Sweepstakes” ratings in marching competition. Melanie Smith (clarinet), Mickey Nelson (baritone sax), and LeAnne Heckmann (horn) advanced to area auditions.
7.J. The Varsity Volleyball team, under the direction of Coaches Baker, Harborth, and Hoffman advanced to Regional Competition.
7.K. The Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country Teams, under the direction of Coach Zaleski advanced to Regional Competition. Courtney Haass advanced to State and placed fourth.
7.L. The Varsity Football team, under the Direction of Coaches Les Goad, Jeff Jones, Tommy Knox, Mike Thompson, David Garza, and Brent Mora, and Michael Shehane won the district championship out-right, and won in Bi-District competition, advancing to Regional. Panthers dominated the All-District Team. Kevin Shehane, Skylair Richter, Kyle Mueller, Edward Adame, Michael Murdoch, P.J. Solis, and Matt Mitchell are Academic All-State qualifiers. The Texas High School Coaches Association recognizes senior football players who have earned a cumulative average of 92+.
7.M. Brandon Streiff donated $200 to the Robot Team.
7.N. Rose Mary Ermel donated books to the High School library.
15. Public Participation
15.P. The presiding officer will call on members of the audience who have signed up to speak prior to the Call to Order. Audience participation at a Board meeting is limited to the public comment portion of the meeting. At all other times during a Board meeting, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board, unless requested by the presiding officer. Please limit comments to 5 minutes. Source: Board Policy BED (LOCAL)
17. Reports
17.S. Campus Activity Reports
17.T. Superintendent's Report
17.T.21. TASB Pre-Legislative Seminar—Renee Rehfeld and Victor Perez
17.T.22. TASA Report on Mandates: Cost Drivers in Public Education
17.T.23. Board Member Training Hours—David Reiley
17.T.25. Child Nutrition Program Review
17.T.27. Traffic Signal at Link Road
17.T.28. Freeport Exemption
17.T.29. Enrollment
17.AE. District Financial Report
37. Consent Agenda
The Board has been furnished with background material on each item and/or it has been discussed at a previous meeting. All items will be acted upon by one vote. Items may be withdrawn for individual consideration. The remaining items will be adopted by one vote. Items withdrawn for separate discussion will be acted upon individually.
37.AM. Minutes: Regular Meeting of Novenber17, 2008
37.AO. Budget Amendment 10: Move funds from the Food Services fund balance for the purpose of purchasing food service equipment.
37.AP. Accept a donation of $250 from Brandon Streiff to the High School Robot Team.
37.AQ. Accept a donation of books valued at $305.05 from Rose Mary Ermel.
44. Action Items
44.AS. Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2007-08
44.AU. Resolution for School Finance Legislation
44.AX. TASB Board Policy Update 84
44.BA. Purchase of a Sentry9000.SFA System for all four cafeterias.
44.BE. Purchase of interactive computer-assisted instructional reading program.
61. Balances and Encumbrances
65. Adjourn
I do hereby certify that this Notice was posted in accordance with the law on December 11, 2008, at the District's Administration Office, 6450 N. State Hwy 123, Seguin, Texas, located in Geronimo, Texas, at 8:00 p.m. Dee Carter, Superintendent of Schools