July 8, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Milford Public Schools Board of Education Information
More Information:
Mission Statement - Milford Public Schools will prepare all students to be successful citizens: Our Mission is fulfilled when all students read with comprehension, speak and write clearly, compute accurately, reason logically, understand and appreciate the fine arts, apply suitable strategies and habits of mind to solve problems, utilize technology to communicate and to understand information and behave morally.
This agenda contains a list of subjects known at the time of its distribution. A copy of the agenda reflecting any changes will be available for public inspection during normal business hours in the District Office. Except for items of an emergency nature, the agenda shall not be altered later than twenty-four hours before the meeting. The Board reserves the right to alter the order of items, as it deems necessary. |
2. Opening Procedures
2.1. Call to Order, Roll Call
2.2. Excuse Absent Board Members (if needed)
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to excuse board member Dave Welsch. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
2.3. Open Meeting Law
More Information:
Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State Statutes, is posted on the bulletin board in the back of the meeting room. |
2.4. Additions to Agenda
2.5. Welcome and Introduction of Visitors
2.6. Community Input
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This is the public’s opportunity to speak to items on the agenda. This is also the public’s opportunity to speak to any topic concerning the school district – since it is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss or take action on the matter at this time. Future discussion can be requested as an agenda item. To be recognized, all participants must complete the Request to Address the Milford Board of Education Form. No complaints regarding specific staff members will be heard during a public meeting. The District has established separate procedures for complaints against individual employees. Thank you for your participation. |
3. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
3.2. Payment of Claims
More Information:
General Fund for $143,605.24 |
4. Reports
4.1. Administrative Reports
4.2. Student Enrollment Report
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We added a few students. Summer numbers are difficult and these numbers reflect what we know as of July 5th.
4.3. 2018-19 Vehicle Mileage Report
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You will see in the report that our total miles increased. Regular routes increased by 4,562 miles and athletics by 3,908. Athletics increased due to schedules not being in our favor last year and the number of conference and district/state tournament games increased - which is a great thing!
4.4. Construction Update/Tour
4.5. Discuss State Funding for Public Education
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Open discussion as needed. |
5. Board Commentary
6. Unfinished Business
7. New Business
7.1. Review and Act on Resolution of School District Standards for Acceptance or Rejection of Option Enrollment Applications - Policy 5004
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There are several attachments for your review. Setting our option enrollment regulations is a yearly item for us. We are not recommending any changes.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the 2019-20 Option Enrollment Resolution as presented. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
7.2. Set Monday, August 26th for Special Meeting to Finalize the 2018-19 Budget and to Hold Preliminary 2019-20 Budget Hearing
More Information:
We generally use the last Monday of the month to close out the current year and to look at preliminary numbers for the next. Hopefully this dates works for everyone.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to set a special meeting of the board of education for Monday, August 29th at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to closes out the 2018-19 fiscal year and for the initial review of the 2019-20 budget. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
7.3. Review And Act on the Following Recommended or Required Policy Updates Including: Revision of Policies: 2002: Organization of the Board, 2006: Complaints, 2014: Relationship with School Attorney (New Name: Relationship with District Legal Counsel), 2017: Indemnification and Liability Insurance, 3003.1: Bidding for Construction, Remodeling, Repair, or Related Projects Financed with Federal Funds, 3004.1: Fiscal Management for Purchasing and Procurement Using Federal Funds, 3016: Smoking, 3028: Sex Offenders, 3039: Threat Assessment and Response, 3046: Animals at School, 3050: Technology in the Classroom, 3053: Nondiscrimination, 4048: Assessment Administration and Security, 4052: Job References to Prospective Employers, 5002: Admission of Students, 5016: Student Records, 5017: Routine Directory Information, 5022 OPTION A: Investigations, Arrests, and Other Student Contact by Law Enforcement and Health and Human Services, 5035: Student Discipline, 5045: Student Fees, 5063: Audio and Video Recording, Revision of Notice of Nondiscrimination, and Special Education Procedures (6000 Series Form); and Deletion of Policies: 4001 Nondiscrimination, 5060: Animals, 5061: Therapy Dogs
More Information:
There are two documents attached. The first is a cover letter and explanation of recommended changes. The majority of the information is from KSB Law. The second document is the red-lined version of the policies.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the recommended policy changes as presented. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
8. Executive Session
More Information:
The Board of Education reserves the right to enter into Closed/Executive Session for 1) the protection of the public interest, or 2) the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and/or the individual has not requested a public meeting. When making a motion to enter into Closed/Executive Session, the member making the motion should be as specific as possible as to the reason(s) for executive session. |
9. Adjourn
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn the meeting Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.