July 9, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Milford Public Schools Board of Education Information
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Mission Statement - Milford Public Schools will prepare all students to be successful citizens: Our Mission is fulfilled when all students read with comprehension, speak and write clearly, compute accurately, reason logically, understand and appreciate the fine arts, apply suitable strategies and habits of mind to solve problems, utilize technology to communicate and to understand information and behave morally.
This agenda contains a list of subjects known at the time of its distribution. A copy of the agenda reflecting any changes will be available for public inspection during normal business hours in the District Office. Except for items of an emergency nature, the agenda shall not be altered later than twenty-four hours before the meeting. The Board reserves the right to alter the order of items, as it deems necessary. |
2. Opening Procedures
2.1. Call to Order, Roll Call
2.2. Excuse Absent Board Members (if needed)
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to excuse board members Ned Pauley and Craig Shaw. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
2.3. Open Meeting Law
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Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State Statutes, is posted on the bulletin board in the back of the meeting room. |
2.4. Additions to Agenda
2.5. Welcome and Introduction of Visitors
2.6. Community Input
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This is the public’s opportunity to speak to items on the agenda. This is also the public’s opportunity to speak to any topic concerning the school district – since it is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss or take action on the matter at this time. Future discussion can be requested as an agenda item. To be recognized, all participants must complete the Request to Address the Milford Board of Education Form. No complaints regarding specific staff members will be heard during a public meeting. The District has established separate procedures for complaints against individual employees. Thank you for your participation. |
3. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
3.2. Payment of Claims
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General Fund for $ 139,437.78
4. Reports
4.1. Administrative Reports
4.2. Student Enrollment Report
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No report this month.
4.3. Vehicle Mileage Report
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As you can see in the report we put on a total of 118,241 miles during the 17-18 school year. This is not counting summer miles. Our daily route miles increased by 927.
We have several buses that are close to or are over the 200,000 mile mark. Our biggest issue is that we have considerable rust on a couple of the older buses. The red mini van and older Malibu are both over 130,000 miles. |
4.4. Discuss State Funding for Public Education
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Open discussion as needed. |
5. Board Commentary
6. Unfinished Business
6.1. Track Repairs
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On Friday you received an update by email that our track base is not holding up to the weight and traffic of the equipment needed for the repair and replacement of the asphalt. The track is cracking and sinking. Unfortunately, it appears we have no other option than to stop the current project and start over. Starting over will consist of removing the current base, replacing the base with new materials, and then installing the asphalt and running the surface as planned.
I should have updated numbers on Monday morning. I do not think we need a motion to make this change as we don't have a choice unless we do not want to offer a track program. I have added a motion.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve removal of the current track base and move forward with replacing the asphalt and performance surface. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
6.2. Building Improvements/Additions
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You were emailed finance options that the District can implement for construction projects. We will spend a little time discussing this if necessary. We will also discuss the needs of the district related to space.
7. New Business
7.1. Appoint Superintendent Wingard as Elementary Principal and Cory Hartman as Administrative Designee for the 2018-19 School Year
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This is the same process we used last year. I need to be appointed Elementary Principal until Mrs. Hartman earns her Provisional Certificate - which she is currently working on. Mrs. Hartman will be considered an Administrative Designee until she completes her degree. Mrs. Hartman will perform the day-to-day duties of that office under my and Dr. Kubicek's supervision. There are some duties that can only be completed by a certificated administrator and we we will once again work through those items as an administrative team.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to appoint Kevin Wingard as Elementary Principal and Cory Hartman as Administrative Designee for the 2018-19 School Year. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
7.2. Act on 2018-19 Breakfast/Lunch prices
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The attachment shows what our conference and some area schools charge for their meals.
The last page shows the dollar amount that area schools transferred into their lunch fund from their general fund in 2016-17. Here are our recommendations: Lunch prices K-6 $2.65 to $2.70 7-12 $2.90 to $2.95 Adult $3.40 to $3.50 Breakfast prices K-6 $1.25 to $1.40 Adult $1.65 to $1.80
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to set K-6 lunch at $2.70; 7-12 lunch at $2.95; Adult lunch at $3.50; K-6 breakfast at $1.40; Adult breakfast at $1.80; and milk at $0.50. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
7.3. Review 2017-18 Substitute Teacher Information and Act on 2018-19 Substitute Teacher Rate
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We had 929 days of leave in the 2017-18 school year and 833 days we hired outside substitute teachers. Majority of the leaves fell under sick leave category. Of the 405 sick days, 170 of them were for maternity leave.
We also attached a substitute pay study that lists what area schools are paying substitute teachers. I would like to go from $125 to $130 for the daily rate. Long term sub. I would like to set that at $150 with the ability to adjust it based on how much planning and grading of papers occurs. I believe we can look at each long term sub situation on an individual basis.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to set the 2018-19 substitute teacher daily rate at $130 and the long term substitute rate at $150. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
7.4. Act on 2018-19 Activity Gate Prices
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Several items to discuss:
The attachment shows what area schools charge for activity gate prices. I would like to raise the adult price to $5 for varsity activities and raise the junior high prices to $3 across the board. Season passes - We sold 39 family passes last year. We would like to keep the price the same next year or eliminate passes all together or go to a punch card process. You will see that there are a number of schools that do not have family passes. Just individual ones. Just something to discuss. Student passes - We sold 7 student passes last year. We are considering letting high school students in free. Right now 5 schools have this practice and several more are considering it. For MPS, we have 75 or more students every night that get in free already due to band, concessions, or for other reasons. I believe this may also help student attendance at activities for those students not in band. The attachment includes information on what area schools transferred from General Fund into Activity Fund in 16-17. |
7.5. Review and Act on Resolution on School District Standards for Acceptance or Rejection of Option Enrollment Applications - Policy 5004
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No changes are recommended for this item.
We are required to review and approve our Option Enrollment Resolution yearly. We just updated this in February but want to get back on our July schedule for this item.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the Resolution on School District Standards for Acceptance or Rejection of Option Enrollment Applications Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
7.6. Set Monday, August 27th for Special Meeting Date to Finalize the 2017-18 Budget and to Hold Preliminary 2018-19 Budget Hearing
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We have talked about this at the past two meetings. Mrs. Kenney has set a meeting for senior parents that evening. I want to discuss starting this meeting at 5:30 so Ned and Tony can attend the senior parent meeting.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to set a Special Meeting for Monday, August 27th at 5:30 p.m. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
7.7. Review And Act on the Following Recommended or Required Policy Updates Including: Revision of Policies: 2002 Organization of the Board; 2006 Complaint Procedure; 2007 Reimbursement and Miscellaneous Expenditures; 2013 Violation of Board Ethics; 3020 Copyright Compliance; 3022 Volunteers; 6027 Field Trips; 3023 Record Management and Retention (formerly Electronic Record Management); 3025 Returned and Outstanding Checks (formerly Returned Checks); 3040 School Safety and Security; 3047 Data Breach and Response; 4012 Staff Internet and Computer Use; 4013 Grievance Procedure; 4014 Employment-Related Sexual Harassment; 5008 Pregnant and Parenting Students; 5017 Routine Directory Information; 5026 & 5027 Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment of Students; 5035 Student Discipline; 5037 Student Internet and Computer Access; 5045: Student Fees; 5054 Student Bullying; 5057 District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy; 6021 District Criteria for Selecting Evaluators to be Used for Spec
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We have several attachments for review. The first is a memo explaining the proposed changes. The other two are the red-lined versions of the policy changes from KSB Law. Had to do it in two scans as the packet was too large to do it in one scan.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the policy updates as presented and discussed. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
8. Executive Session
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The Board of Education reserves the right to enter into Closed/Executive Session for 1) the protection of the public interest, or 2) the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and/or the individual has not requested a public meeting. When making a motion to enter into Closed/Executive Session, the member making the motion should be as specific as possible as to the reason(s) for executive session. |
9. Adjourn
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn the meeting Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.