Tuesday, January 14, 2025 5:00 pm (doors open at 4:30 pm) - Regular Study & Voting Session and Executive Session
Agenda |
1. CALL TO ORDER - Governing Board President, Stan Goligoski
2.A. Welcome - Governing Board President, Stan Goligoski
2.B. Pledge of Allegiance
3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Governing Board President, Stan Goligoski
3.A. Consider approving the agenda, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Board Policy requires the approval of the agenda. |
4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Governing Board President, Stan Goligoski
4.A. Consider approving the minutes from the Regular Study and Voting Session meeting of December 3, 2024, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Board policy requires the approval of minutes.
5.A. Airforce JROTC/CTE Presentation
Presenters: Tiffany Boehle, Director of Career & Technical Education at PHS, Cadet Maj. Hannah Block, JROTC Commander. |
5.B. Challenge Coin Presentation to PUSD Staff
Presenter: Stan Goligoski, Governing Board President |
5.C. Standards Based Instruction
Presenter: Kelsey Secor, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction |
6.A. Summary of Current Events
6.A.1. Superintendent
6.A.2. Governing Board Members
6.A.3. Governing Board Student Representatives
6.B. Community Comments shared with the Governing Board (what comments/concerns do Board members hear from the public in general).
Presenter: Governing Board President, Stan Goligoski |
7.A. CONSENT AGENDA - All those items listed below may be enacted by one motion and approved as Consent Agenda items with or without discussion. However, any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately if a Governing Board member so requests.
The resolutions included in the Consent Agenda have been posted in order to waive the reading of the body of the resolutions. Consider approving the Consent Agenda as presented. |
7.A.1. Consider approving the certified and classified personnel actions as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: A copy of the personnel report is attached for review. Presenter: Andy Binder, Assistant Superintendent/HR Director
7.A.2. Consider approving the donations as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Board policy requires acceptance by the Governing Board of all donations. Presenter: Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer
7.A.3. Consider ratifying the vouchers as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Arizona Revised Statutes require approval/ratification of all vouchers. Presenter: Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer
7.A.4. Consider approving the Student Activities Fund Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for FY24, January, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Please see the attached reports. Presenter: Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer
7.A.5. Consider approving the following government purchasing cooperative, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: PACE PACE provides government agencies opportunities for greater efficiency and economy in acquiring goods and services, taking advantage of state-of-the-art purchasing procedures to ensure the most competitive contracts. PACE provides competitive price solicitation and bulk purchasing for multiple government agencies that yield economic benefits unobtainable by the individual entity. PACE provides quick and efficient delivery of goods and services by contracting with high performance vendors, equalizing purchasing power for smaller agencies that are unable to command the best contracts due to size limitations. PACE maintains credibility and confidence in business procedures by maintaining open competition for purchases and by complying with purchasing laws and ethical business practices. Presenter: Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer |
7.B. STUDY AND VOTING SESSION - If a member of the public wishes to speak to one of the following voting items, please complete and return exhibit BEDH-E, Request for Public Participation in Governing Board Meeting to Sarah Torres, Administrative Assistant to the Governing Board prior to the study and voting session of the agenda. This document can also be found under the Governing Board tab on the PUSD website: https://www.prescottschools.com.
For items with the potential to have many speakers, the overall speaking time may be adjusted by the Governing Board. Speakers will be called to speak in the order in which they signed up, first come, first served. Requests to speak that are emailed will also be first come, first served. Email requests can be sent to sarah.torres@prescottschools.com at any time prior to the study and voting session of the agenda.
7.B.1. Consider nominations and election for the position of Governing Board President.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: The Governing Board annually elects a new President according to A.R.S. 15-321. After electing a new Governing Board President, that person will then take over running the meeting. Presenter: Clark Tenney, Superintendent |
7.B.2. Consider nominations and election for the position of Governing Board Vice-President.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: The Governing Board elected to add the position of Vice-President to the Governing Board. This position would serve as a backup to the President and would not be a President-Elect position. The Vice-President would chair the board meetings in the absence of the President. Presenter: Clark Tenney, Superintendent
7.B.3. Consider approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between Prescott Unified School District No. 1 and Kirkland Elementary School District, No. 23, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Prescott Unified School District No. 1 (PUSD) and Kirkland Elementary School District, No. 23 (KIRKLAND) wish to make this agreement to provide services for KIRKLAND ED-P students, grades K-8, at PUSD and to provide transportation to and from KIRKLAND's enrollment boundaries for KIRKLAND ED-P students. Please see the Intergovernmental agreement attached for additional information. Presenter: Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer
7.B.4. Consider approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between The City of Prescott and Prescott Unified School District for the Services of School Resource Officer at Granite Mountain Middle School, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: A.R.S.§ 15-154 authorizes the District to place peace officers in its schools in accordance with an approved School Safety Program. The District has identified funding to cover one hundred percent (100%) of the total cost for the City to provide one School Resource Officer to provide school resource officer services ("SRO Services") for Granite Mountain Middle School ("GMMS"), while school is in session. The City and the District desire to enter into an agreement whereby the City will identify a sworn, certified police officer to provide SRO Services at GMMS starting January 6, 2025, through May 31, 2025. The City and District have partnered with an SRO for many years. The District is authorized to enter into the Agreement pursuant to A.R.S. §§15-342 and 11-952. The City is authorized to enter into this Agreement pursuant to A.R.S. § 11-952. Presenter: Clark Tenney, Superintendent
7.B.5. Consider adopting Prescott Unified School District's Mission and Vision Statements, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: A Vision Statement describes an organization's long-term goals and aspirations. A Mission Statement is a simple description that describes the purpose of an organization. Please see the example of PUSD's Mission and Vision statements attached. Presenter: Clark Tenney, Superintendent
7.B.6. Consider adopting the Prescott Unified School District Governing Board Operations Manual, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: This manual has been designed to provide Governing Board members with an understanding of their responsibilities, legal and ethical duties, and the expectations of being a member of the board. The governing board is responsible for ensuring the school district provides high-quality education to all students while being fiscally responsible, transparent, and responsive to the needs of the community. A governing Board member's role is to make strategic decisions that impact students' educational experience, to work with the superintendent to implement board policies and to engage positively with stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and the wider community. Presenter: Clark Tenney, Superintendent
7.C.1. Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer, has prepared the School Board Summary Budget Report for your review.
7.C.2. Review the proposed changes in ASBA Policy Advisory 808, Volume 36, Number 6 from November 2024, as presented.
7.C.3. Review the proposed changes to ASBA Policies BEDB and BEDH, as presented.
7.C.4. Consideration of Possible Book Study
Presenter: Clark Tenney, Superintendent |
7.C.5. Discussion of date and potential study items for special study session (Board "retreat")
Presenter: Clark Tenney, Superintendent |
7.C.6. Requests for Future Agenda Items
Presenter: Governing Board President |
7.C.7. Meeting Dates:
Regular Study and Voting Session: 5:00 pm on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, in the PUSD District Office Boardroom. Other Dates: Monday, January 20, 2025 - All PUSD schools/sites closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. |
8.A. Consider recessing the Regular Study & Voting Session Meeting and approving the call for Executive Session pursuant to A.R.S. Section 38-431.03(A)(3) and (4) for the following purposes:
Discussion and possible action concerning the Board's position in pending litigation, including to discuss, consult with, and instruct its attorney concerning the status of U.S. Court (Arizona) Case No. 3:20-cv-08033-SMB, concerning settlement discussions conducted to resolve such litigation, and concerning the settlement of such litigation. RELEVANT INFORMATION: Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(3) and (4), the Board may vote to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion or consultation for legal advice with its attorney, and/or for the purpose of discussion or consultation with its attorney in order to consider its position and instruct its attorney regarding the Board's position in pending litigation and/or in settlement discussions conducted in order to resolve such litigation, specifically to discuss and consult with and instruct its attorney concerning the status of U.S. District Court (Arizona) Case No. 3:20cv08033SMB, concerning settlement discussions conducted to resolve such litigation, and concerning the settlement of such litigation. NOTE: All persons present are hereby reminded that it is unlawful to disclose or otherwise divulge to any person who is not now present, other than a current member of the Board, or pursuant to a specific statutory exception, anything that has transpired or has been discussed during the Executive Session. Failure to comply is a violation of A.R.S. 38-431.03. Recordings of Executive Sessions are not made for the public. The only record of these sessions is printed minutes, stored securely in the Superintendent's office. If any member is recording, these recorded minutes must be stored securely in the same location as the printed minutes. Recordings and printed minutes of Executive Sessions are not available for public review. |
8.B. It is recommended that the Governing Board adjourn the Executive Session and reconvene the Governing Board Regular Study & Voting Session meeting.