October 25, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Adopt final 2021-22 Budget (Action Requested)
Board Book attachments include spreadsheets for the expenditure budget presented in function format and the revenue budget presented in source format as required per Wisconsin State Statutes. A presentation is also included to show many of the highlights of the final budget.
Estimated Time to Present: 15 minutes
III. Adopt Final 2021-22 District Levy (Action Requested)
Administration recommends a final tax levy of $47,323,009; which is $158,488 less than approved at the Annual Meeting and $648,341 less than last year. This difference is due to several variables that are not revealed until after the Annual Meeting including Wisconsin Private Voucher impact which increased 19.4% over last year. This and various other factors led to an intentional reduction in the variable referendum debt defeasance amount to maintain a stable mill rate. The result is a final gross mill rate of $10.27 per thousand dollars of equalized valuation which is 0.02 less than the proposed mill rate from the Annual Meeting.
Estimated Time to Present: 15 minutes
IV. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Requested)
IV.A. Appointments (Additional Staff, Replacement Staff, Contract Increases)
IV.B. Separations (Resignations, Contract Decreases, Terminations)
IV.C. Leaves of Absence
IV.D. Retirements
V. Implementation of 2021-22 WEA Compensation Package (Action Requested)
Director of Human Resources Tabatha Gundrum will present briefly on this item. Administration presented the WEA with an Initial Salary Offer on May 7, 2021. Several conversations happened between the parties throughout the following months. On October 19, 2021, we learned that the WEA membership had voted down the offer, which leaves us at an impasse. The motions of this item will move us forward to formally implement the 2021-22 salaries for our teaching staff.
VI. Adjourn