August 25, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
1.1. ACTION ITEM - Approval of Agenda
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Action Item: Zone #1 Trustee Vacancy
3. Continuous Improvement Plan / Administrative Reports
3.1. Chairman
3.2. Superintendent
3.3. Building Principals
4. Safe Reopening Plan (Formally Covid-19 Contingency Plan)
5. Public / Faculty / Staff Input
6. Policy Review
6.1. ACTION ITEM: 1st Reading: Policy 205 “Continuous Improvement Plan”
6.2. ACTION ITEM: 1st Reading: Policy 443 “Certificated Evaluations”
6.3. ACTION ITEM: 1st Reading: Policy 555 “Communicable Diseases”
6.4. ACTION ITEM: 1st Reading: Policy 562 “Exclusion for Communicable Diseases”
6.5. ACTION ITEM: 1ST Reading: Policy 565 “Immunization Requirements”
7. TMS & SSHS Construction
7.1. ACTION ITEM: Approve August TMS Bond Bills
8. Old Business:
8.1. ESSER Fund update
8.2. Board Doc Software update- Trustee Erickson
9. New Business
9.1. ACTION ITEM: 2020-2021 Hooper Building Financial
9.2. ACTION ITEM: Supplemental Levy and November Election
9.3. ACTION ITEM: Enrollment/ Emergency Levy Discussion
10. Consent Agenda
10.1. ACTION ITEM – Approve the Consent Agenda Items
10.2. Minutes from 07-07-2021 and 08-09-2021 Board Meeting
10.3. Bills paid July 2021
10.4. Budget ending July 31, 2021
10.5. 2021-2022 Bus Routes
10.6. Surplus Auction Results
11. Announcements / Schedules / Correspondence
12. Adjournment