April 28, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
1.1. ACTION ITEM - Approval of Agenda
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public / Faculty / Staff Input
3. Music in the School District
4. Continuous Improvement Plan / Administrative Reports
4.1. Chair
4.2. Superintendent
4.3. Principals
5. Policy Review
5.2. ACTION ITEM: 1st Reading: Policy 514 “Evacuation / Fire Drills”
5.6. ACTION ITEM: 1st Reading: Policy 561.50 “Administering Medications: Diabetes”
5.7. ACTION ITEM: 1st Reading: Policy 563 “Exclusion for Head Lice”
5.8. ACTION ITEM: 1st Reading: Policy 850 “Purchasing”
5.9. ACTION ITEM: 1st Reading: Policy 872 “Inventory Records of Fixed Assets”
5.10. ACTION ITEM: 1st Reading: Policy 972 “Facility Therapy Dogs”
6. Old Business: None
7. New Business
7.1. ACTION ITEM: SSHS Calendar modification for District Track
7.2. ACTION ITEM: SSHS Graduation May 27, 2021
7.3. ACTION ITEM: SSHS Gym Re-roof Bids
7.4. ACTION ITEM: ISBA Trustee Re-Zone Census 2020 Agreement
7.5. ACTION ITEM: TMS Bond Bills Payable
7.6. ACTION ITEM: Superintendent Stein Contract Release
8. Consent Agenda
8.1. ACTION ITEM – Approve the Consent Agenda Items
8.2. Resignations and New Hires
8.3. Minutes from 3-23-2021, 3-24-2021, 3-30-2021, 4-1-2021 Board Meeting
8.4. Tentative Summer Project List
8.5. Bills paid March 2021
8.6. Budget ending March 31, 2021
9. Announcements / Schedules / Correspondence
10. Executive Session: IDAHO CODE § 74-206(1)(b) – Employee
11. Adjournment