December 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call To Order.
2. Roll Call.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Mission Statement.
5. Consideration to Approve or Amend Agenda.
6. Board Member Communications and Ideas.
7. Acknowledgment of Flambeau School District Scholarship Fund - Gary G. Quinn and Cynthia J. Quinn Trust.
8. Motion to Approve the November 20, 2024, Regular Board of Education Open Session Meeting Minutes.
9. Motion to Approve the November 20, 2024, Regular Board of Education Closed Session Meeting Minutes.
10. Motion to Approve the November 21, 2024, Board of Education Work Session Open Session Minutes.
11. Open Forum.
12. Reports.
12.1. Kerber Rose Audit of Financials - Greg Pitel.
12.2. Other Reports.
12.2.1. Presentation of Treasurer's Report.
12.3. Administrative Team Reports.
13. Action Items.
13.1. Business Office Items.
13.1.1. Consideration to Approve the Monthly Student Activity Accounts Report.
13.1.2. Consideration to Approve Expenditures and Receipts.
13.1.3. Consideration to Approve the Final School District of Flambeau's FY 24 Financial Statement.
13.2. District Office Items.
13.2.1. Consideration to Approve the Initial Resolution Authorizing General Obligation Bonds in an Amount Not to Exceed $7,500,000.
13.2.2. Consideration to Approve a Resolution Providing for a Referendum Election on the Question of the Approval of an Initial Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds in an Amount Not to Exceed $7,500,000.
13.2.3. Motion to Approve the 2024-2025 Course Handbook.
13.2.4. Consideration to Approve the Initial Overnight Field Trip Request for the Senior Class to Mt. Olympus, Wisconsin Dells, WI.
13.2.5. Motion to Approve the Resignation of the Middle School Track Coach, Rachel Nagel.
13.2.6. Motion to Approve the Hiring of the 2024-2025 Middle School Track Coach, Hunter Karaszewski.
13.2.7. Motion to Approve the Resignation of the IMC Director, Amanda Coggins.
13.2.8. Motion to Approve the Resignation of the Night Custodian, Ashley Lehman.
14. The Board of Education will entertain a motion to convene in closed session pursuant Wis. Stat. 19.85(1)(c), (e), (f), and/or (g), as appropriate, to discuss administrators’ performance and evaluations; discuss renewal and/or nonrenewal of administrator employment contracts; review legal invoices concerning privileged and confidential matters; review settlement agreement and report(s) concerning terms of agreement, related investigation and litigation, and possible action; consider settlement agreement regarding administrative employment matter and possible action. The Board may take action on one or more matters in closed session. At the conclusion of the closed session, the Board will entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting from closed session.
15. Next Meeting Information.
16. Adjourn.