January 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State Statutes, is posted in the meeting room at a location accessible to members of the public and attached to the online agenda.
Mrs. Kari Loseke, Board President, will call the Board of Education Regular meeting to order.
2. Roll Call
The Board Secretary will conduct roll call attendance. |
2.1. Approval of Absent Board Members
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Dr. Gilson will lead the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Organization of the Board of Education
All members of the Blair Community Schools Board of Education will be administered the Oath of Office
Approval of Offices and Appointments:
5. Approval of Emergency Additions to the Agenda
6. Call for Removal of Consent Agenda Items
7. Approval of the Consent Agenda
7.1. Waiver of reading minutes from previous meeting
7.2. Acceptance of minutes of the previous meeting as published
7.3. Receipt of Communications
7.4. Treasurer's Report
7.5. Audit of Claims
8. Business
8.1. Items removed from Consent Agenda
8.2. Recognitions
8.3. Acceptance of Gifts
8.4. Consideration of Communications
8.4.1. Blair High School Dance Team
The Blair High School Dance Team is requesting permission to attend the Nationals Send Off Performance on Sunday, January 26, 2025, from 3:30pm - 6:30pm. The dancers will perform their National Pom and Hip Hop routines along with other schools from the area, as they prepare to head to Orlando, Florida, for the Universal Dance Association national Dance Team Championship.
8.4.2. Local Community Scholarship Ceremony
A letter has been received from Christine Ross, Blair High School Counselor/Local Scholarship Chair, to request permission to host a Local Community Scholarship Ceremony at Blair High School in the Auditorium/Cafeteria on the evening of Sunday, April 27, 2025. Ms. Ross has received requests from our local community to hold a reception for all local community-affiliated organizations and feels holding it on a Sunday evening would allow for the greatest participation.
8.5. Comments From The Public
This is the portion of the meeting when members of the public may address the board about matters of public concern.
8.6. Committee Reports
8.6.1. Policy/Curriculum Committee
The Policy Committee met on Monday, December 16, 2024. Meeting minutes are attached.
8.6.2. BG&T Committee
The Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation Committee met on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Meeting minutes are attached.
8.6.3. Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Meeting minutes are attached.
8.7. Deerfield Elementary Project
On February 27, 2024, Mr. Jeff Steinbeck shared with the BG&T Committee the need for a boiler heater at Deerfield Elementary to heat the well water that is circulated through the building loop for heating purposes. The building has heat pumps that function off the well field water for heating the building. In the colder months, when the water from the wells becomes colder, it will stop the heat pumps from working. The heat pumps will stop at around 50-55 degrees water temperature. When the days and nights are cold, and it doesn't get above freezing, the water temperature will drop. Right now, on January 8th, we are getting 47 degrees water, which has caused the gym heat to quit working and also a few classrooms. We are only getting those rooms and the gym to about 60 degrees room temperature. In talking to Rick Brant, this has been a problem since the building was built. With the added gas-fired heater to the water look, we can control the temperature of the water coming in and keep the heat pumps working even when we reach extreme cold in the winter. This will also help the system to not have to run so hard and will prolong the life of the units. Mr. Steinbeck asked Mechanical Systems to hold the one water loop heating unit (Lochinvar boiler) that is available in Omaha until Tuesday, January 14, 2025. This would allow us to get the project started as soon as possible. The project could be done while school is in since it will be in the mechanical room by the playground and the gas line will be run across the roof of the building for the boiler heater. The cost of the new boiler system from Mechanical Systems is $68,800.00.
In addition, we will need to purchase, install, and program a new Alerton controller for the new boiler system controls in the amount of $17,983.00. |
8.8. Approval of New Teachers
8.9. Acceptance of Resignations and Retirements
8.10. Superintendent Report
8.11. Informational Items
Monthly Board Reports
9. Adjournment