May 19, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Roll Call and establish a quorum
1.2. Prayer
1.3. Pledge
1.4. Mission Statement
2. Superintendent Report: Staff and Parent of the month, Student Recognition FFA, Summer Board Calendar, and Budget Workshop
3. Academic report: The Mane Event, STAAR, Online Registration, June 1st -Professional Development Day, Texas Teacher of the year Program
4. Administrative Reports to include campus Reports, Athletic and Technology Reports
4.1. Elementary Principal's Report: Enrollment, Events/Programs, Discipline, Assessment/Academics, Recognitions
4.2. Middle School Principal's Report: Enrollment, Calendar of Activities, Discipline Notices, Parent of the month, Teacher of the month
4.3. High School Principal's Report: Transcripts, Graduation 2016 & 2017, Grade Calculations, Current Enrollment, Graduation Ceremony, Grade & attendance verifications, caps & gowns, Senior exams, Senior Trip, Graduation Practices & Ceremony, General Information,
4.4. Athletic Director's Report: Athletic Report
4.5. Technology Director's Report: Recent Activity
4.6. Director of Operations and Facilities: High School, Junior High, Elementary, Transportation
4.7. Director of Food Service Report: Café Menu and updates and preliminary review report
5. Consent Agenda:
5.1. April 21, 2016, May 10, 2016 and May 16, 2016 Board Minutes
5.2. Business Manager's Report:
5.2.1. Bills as paid
5.2.2. Cash Balances
5.2.3. Monthly Collection of Taxes
5.3. Blooming Grove ISD Summer Board Calendar
6. Action Items
6.1. Consider Reorganization of Board to Elect a Board President, Board Vice-President and Board Secretary
6.2. Consider Professional Employment Contracts
6.3. Budget Workshop to set Board Goals for 2016 - 2017 district budget
6.4. Consider Adjournment
7. Executive Session (Closed Session)
7.1. Discuss Personnel As It Relates to Employment Contracts