February 19, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Establish a Quorum
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. Prayer
2. Public Forum
3. Administrative Reports
3.1. Principal's Reports
3.1.1. Enrollment,
3.1.2. Discipline Reports
3.1.3. Upcoming events
3.2. March Date
3.3. Athletic Directors Report
3.3.1. Upcoming events
3.3.2. Latest Results
3.4. Superintendent Report
3.4.1. Upcoming events
3.4.2. Awards/Recognitiions
3.4.3. Discuss appeal of comptroller property value study
4.1. Minutes of the regular meeting on January 15, 2009.
4.2. The Financial statements, budget amendments, tax collection report, list of non-payroll checks. bank reconciliation report
4.3. Consider approval of Usage agreement with Blooming Grove Youth Activities Association
4.4. Consider approval Booster Clubs proposal to sell advertisement at the softball and baseball fields.
4.5. Consider contracts for Athletic Director, Business Manager, Principals and Maintenance Director.