December 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. This is an Open Meeting of the Hickman Nebraska Governing Body. The City of Hickman abides by the Nebraska Open Meetings Act in conducting business. A copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is on display in this meeting room as required by Nebraska State Law. Notice of meeting and copies of this agenda have been publicly posted prior to the meeting at the Hickman City Hall, Hickman U.S. Post Office, U-Stop Market and the City of Hickman website.
1.B. Participant Sign-In Sheet Available & Disclosure of Meeting Recording Process Notice Posted.
1.C. Registered Agenda Speakers: All individuals requesting to be Registered Agenda Speakers must fill out a Registered Speaker Card & submit to Recording Clerk. The Mayor or Presiding Meeting Officer reserves the right to deny this request, or will call you to the podium when your agenda Item is ready to be heard. Presentations, if allowed, may be limited to five (5) minutes per person, with a limit of three (3) individuals speaking per topic position. Please come to the podium, and clearly state your name and address for the record and the agenda topic you wish to speak upon in a professional manner. Public Hearing Testimonies may be limited to five (5) minutes per person. All individuals requesting to hand out documents to City Council Members must deliver them directly to the City Clerk for distribution.
1.D. The City Council may vote to go into Executive Closed Session on any agenda item as allowed by Nebraska State Law. The Governing Body may be excused and re-enter the City Council meeting room at any time after reconvening open session.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Mayor Communications
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approval of November 26, 2024, City Council Meeting Minutes
5.B. Claims and Accounts Payable Report
6. Proclamations, Presentations, Appointments, Affirmations & Introductions
6.A. Oath of Office, Newly Elected Council Member Justin Drahota
6.B. Nomination & Election of 2025 Council President
6.C. Resignation of Ray Paulson as Electrical Inspector
6.D. Affirmation of Mayor's Appointments of City Appointed Officials, City Department Heads, Planning Commission, Board of Adjustments and Other City Positions and Assigned Committees
7. Reports
7.A. Planning Commission Report
7.B. Lancaster County Sheriff's Office Report
7.C. Community Center Report
8. Public Hearings - None
9. Unfinished Business
9.A. Ordinance 2024-16, an ordinance vacating the north/south alley in Block 19. (Third Reading)
10. New Business
10.A. Resolution 2024-21, Holiday Greetings
10.B. Ordinance 2024-21, amend Subdivision Agreement of Salt Creek Reserve 1st Addition.
10.C. Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Change Order No. 10 for change in paving extents and slope, increase of $5,885.70.
10.D. Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Change Order No. 11 removing Bid Alternate1: Sandblasting, repair, and repair of existing final clarifier from contract, decrease of $84,630.00.
10.E. Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Change Order No. 12 for change in oxidation effluent telescoping valve mounting and grating, headwords grating, and pump station lighting, increase of $25,632.47.
10.F. Consideration of BizSecure Managed Services Renewal with Bizco Technologies for the amount of $1,741.20 per month.
10.G. Invoice No. 2882 to Schmader Electric Construction Co. Inc. for Buel Phase 3 Apartment Complex (Hickman Hills) Electrical Infrastructure Project for the contracted amount of $62,900.00 with consideration of request for waiver of Special Damages due to delivery date of materials.
10.H. Tort Claim, Property Repairs at 655 Chestnut Street
11. City Administrator’s Report
12. Governing Body Comments & Council Correspondence
12.A. Norris Public Power District notification of Electric Rate increase.
12.B. The City Office Closed for Christmas on Wednesday, December 25, 2024; and New Year's, Wednesday, January 1, 2025
13. Meeting Adjournment