June 25, 2015 at 8:30 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call of the Board of Education
II. Recognition of Visitors
II.1. Taylor Court and Holly Brisbin, MACC Childcare Students
III. Public Participation
IV. Approval of the Agenda
V. Correspondence
VI. Administrative Reports/Comments/Information Items
VI.1. General Education Report – Michelle Goodwin
VI.2. Career Technical Education Report – Celena Mills
VI.3. Special Education Report – Katie Flynn
VI.3.a. 2014-2016 COTA/PTA Salary Schedule
VI.3.b. 2015-2016 Interpreter Salary Schedule
VI.4. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Scott Koenigsknecht
VI.4.a. Establish the July Organizational Meeting Date
VI.4.b. August 2015 Board Retreat Date
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes held May 21, 2015
VII.2. Approval of out-of-state conference stays for Chris Hamman and Stephanie Sinclair to Glendale, Arizona for July 14-17, 2015; Betsy Smith to Washington D.C. for October 15-17, 2015
VII.3. Approval of over-night conference stay for Colleen Norton to Traverse City, MI for June 16-18, 2015; Michele Ludtke to Traverse City, MI for June 16-18, 2015; Celena Mills and Michelle Goodwin to Traverse City, MI for June 21-24, 2015; Kariann VanBurgel to Lansing, MI for June 22-25, 2015; Sharon Riebel and Brenda Woods to Holland, MI for July 20-24, 2015; Leslie Bragdon and Rachel Sneller to Traverse City, MI for August 9-12, 2015; Marilyn Rosenberger, Sandy Miller-Keeler and Debi Kraft to Traverse City, MI for August 17-18, 2015; Sandy Miller-Keeler and Donna Walker to Kalamazoo, MI for September 21-23, 2015
VIII. Approve/Disapprove the Borrowing resolutions for Special Education and General Education
IX. Approve/Disapprove Budget Amendments for the 2014-2015 school year, inclusive of outstanding June obligations
X. Approve/Disapprove the 2015-2016 Appropriation Resolution for Budget Adoption for General Education, Special Education, Career Technical Education, Special Education Building Site, Debt Service Fund and Food Service
XI. Approve/Disapprove Insurance Carriers: SET/SEG for Worker's Compensation and SET/SEG for Auto, Property, Board Liability, Umbrella, etc.
XII. Approve/Disapprove Invoices for Payment
XIII. Approve/Disapprove Personnel changes as presented by Superintendent
XIII.1. Resignation: Marty Combs, Special Education Supervisor, effective June 30, 2015
XIII.2. Resignation: Derek Cooley, Special Education Supervisor, effective June 30, 2015
XIII.3. Resignation: Katie Flynn, Associate Superintendent of Special Education, effective June 30, 2015
XIII.4. New Hire: Teresa Boyer, Special Education Supervisor, effective July 1, 2015
XIII.5. New Hire: Stephanie Weese, Associate Superintendent of Finance, effective July 6, 2015
XIII.6. New Hire: Tonya Swanson, School Social Worker, effective August 26, 2015
XIII.7. New Hire: Kelli Sowers, School Psychologist, effective August 26, 2015
XIII.8. New Hire: Danielle Drumm, ASD Teacher, effective August 26, 2015
XIII.9. New Hire: Sarah Rockburn, Middle School EI Teacher, effective August 26, 2015
XIII.10. New Hire: Matthew Balenger, Early Childhood Teacher Consultant, effective August 26, 2015
XIII.11. Retirement: Merry Kim Meyers, Agri Science Teacher, effective June 19, 2015
XIII.12. Transfer: Esther Combs from ASD Teacher Consultant to Special Education Supervisor, effective July 1, 2015
XIII.13. Termination: Para Educator, effective June 5, 2015
XIII.14. Termination: Para Educator, effective June 25, 2015
XIV. Approve/Disapprove the COTA/PTA Salary Schedule for the 2014-2016 School Years
XV. Approve/Disapprove the 2015-2016 Interpreter Salary Schedule
XVI. Approve/Disapprove Second Reading of revised policies: 1240; 1420; 3220; 3120; 4120; 3139; 5320; 5350; 5517.01; 8400; 2260.01; 5114; 8390
XVII. Approve/Disapprove Organizational/Special Meeting Date for July 2015
XVIII. Approve/Disapprove entering into Executive Session for purposes of Contract Negotiations
XIX. Approve/Disapprove Support Staff Wages and Benefits per Contract for 2013-2016 as Negotiated
XX. Approve/Disapprove Certified Staff Wages and Benefits per Contract for 2013-2016 as Negotiated
XXI. Information and Discussion Items for Future Meetings
XXII. Adjournment