July 23, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order.
Absent: |
II. Open forum.
III. Discussion/Action: Consider approving the Elkhart I.S.D. Board of Trustees Goals for the 2012-13 school year.
Dr. DeSpain
Recommendation: Approve the Elkhart I.S.D. Board of Trustee Goals for the 2012-2013 school year.
IV. Discussion/Action: Consider appointing Elkhart I.S.D.'s representative and alternate to the 2012 TASB Delegate Assembly.
Dr. DeSpain
The Delegate Assembly will meet on Saturday, September 29, 2012 at the Austin Convention Center. The individual you elect will be the Board's voting delegate to the assembly. The alternate would vote in the event the elected delegate could not attend the meeting. Recommendation: Appoint a board member to serve as Elkhart's delegate and alternate delegate to the 2012 TASB Delegate Assembly.
V. Discussion/Action: Consider amending the 2011-12 Elkhart I.S.D. Budget.
Donna Hobson
Amendments will be available at meeting.
VI. Discussion/Action: Consider setting a date (Monday July 30, 2012) at 7:00 p.m. for budget workshop.
Dr. Despain
Recommendation: Set date for budget workshop for Monday, July 30, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
VII. Discussion/Action: Consider setting a date and time for a public hearing on the Proposed 2012-13 Elkhart I.S.D. Budget and Proposed Tax Rate and time and date to adopt 2012-13 Budget and 2012 Tax Rate.
Dr. DeSpain
Recommendation: Adopt the dates as presented: August 27, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. to conduct Public Hearing on 2012-13 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate; August 27, 2012 at 7:10 p.m. to adopt 2012-13 Budget and 2012 Tax Rate.
VIII. Discussion/Action: Review /approve administrative reports.
Reminder: Principals and Technology Director are not required to submit reports during summer months.
VIII.i. Minutes - June 25, 2012 regular and July 13, 2012 called meetings
VIII.ii. Tax Report
VIII.iii. Financial Report
VIII.iv. Elementary Principal Report
VIII.v. Intermediate Principal Report
VIII.vi. Middle School Principal Report
VIII.vii. High School Principal Report
VIII.viii. Technology Director Report
VIII.ix. Special Programs Director Report
VIII.x. Curriculum Director Report
VIII.xi. Superintendent Report
VIII.xi.a. Hear facilities/projects update report
Dr. DeSpain
Dr. D. will give the latest update on the facilities projects.
VIII.xii. Board Communications
VIII.xiii. Board Concerns
VIII.xiv. Miscellaneous
IX. Closed Session:
IX.i. Consider personnel matters with regard to confirmation of hiring/employing professional personnel, resignations, assignments and complaints.
Dr. Despain
IX.ii. Consider discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel.
Dr. DeSpain
IX.ii.a. Additions to Student Transfer List for 2012-13 school year
Dr. DeSpain
We have several new staff members who would like to transfer their children into the district.
Recommendation: Approve additions to student transfer list as presented. |
X. Re-open meeting.
XI. Discussion/Action: Consider items discussed in closed session.
Dr. DeSpain
XI.i. Additions to Student Transfer List
XII. Adjourn.