July 31, 2012 at 5:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
II.C. CI.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of EduSmart Science Software
II.E. CI.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of the District Commitment Between Region One Education Service Center and Donna ISD to Ensure Participation in the Library Services and Media Cooperative
II.G. CI.3 Discussion and Possible Action on Memorandum of Understanding Regarding New Beginnings Behavioral Health Services, Inc. and Donna ISD
II.I. CI.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Women Together Foundation Inc. (Mujeres Unidas) and Donna ISD
II.K. CI.5 Discussion and Possible Action on Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Valley Aids Council and Donna ISD
II.M. CI.6 Discussion and Possible Action on Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Gonzalez Counseling Services and Donna ISD
II.O. CI.7 Discussion and Possible Action on Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Lovin’Care Counseling Services and Donna ISD
II.Q. CI.8 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Out of State Travel for Safe Schools Healthy Students (SSHS) Director to Attend Sustain Ability Conference in Washington, D.C.
XIX.T. BF.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Paragon Sports Constructors, LLC Certificate of Substantial Completion for Donna ISD Bennie La Prade Stadium Track and Turf Project
XIX.V. BF.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Project for Donna Independent School District Network Operating Center (NOC) Project RFP No. 062612-221
XIX.X. BF.3 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Purchasing 160 Mini-Netbooks for W.A. Todd 9th Grade Campus with Instructional Materials Allotment Fund (IMA)
XIX.Z. BF.4 Discussion and Possible Action to "Reject" (RFP) #061112-215 for Disposal of Personal Property Maintenance & Facilities Department Used HVAC and Chiller Units "AS IS" and Approval to "Rebid" Item Using the State of Texas Buyboard as the Procurement Method
XIX.AB. BF.5 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendor for (RFP) Bid #061212-216 for Installation of Surveillance Cameras at the Excel Academy, 3-D Academy and Business Office
XIX.AD. BF.6 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendor for Bid #0626412-217 (RFP) Improvement of Paving Drainage at M. Rivas and J.W. Caceres Elementary Campuses
XIX.AF. BF.7 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendor for (RFP) #062612-219 Re-Bid for Employee Uniform Rental
XIX.AH. BF.8 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendor for Re-Bid Windows and Glass Repair Services Bid #062612-220
XIX.AJ. BF.9 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendor for Re-Bid Cafeteria Kitchen Equipment and Refrigeration Repair Services Bid #062612-222
XIX.AL. BF.10 Discussion and Possible Action to Reject Vendor for (RFP) #062612-223 DISD New Transportation Fueling Station and Re-Bid
XIX.AN. BF.11 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Set Date of August 21st for Public Hearing on Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for 2012-2013
XLII.AQ. HR.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Changes to Policy FB (Local), FFH (Local), and DIA (Local)
XLV. II. EXECUTIVE SESSION as Authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084.
XLV.AT. A. Discussion of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel
XLVII. III. OPEN SESSION - Take possible action on matters discussed in Executive Session.
XLVII.AV. A. Approval of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel