September 7, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I.B. Board Recognition
I.B.c. 1. Pledge of Allegiance - Marco Cruz - 5th Grade - Adame Elementary
I.B.e. 2. Pledge to the Texas Flag - Anthony J. Salinas - 8th Grade - Sauceda Middle School
I.B.g. 3. Invocation - Ada Gomez - Rivas Elementary Teacher
I.B.i. 4. Recognition of Region One Secondary Teacher of the Year
I.B.k. 5. Recognition of 2010-2011 Recognized Campuses
In order to promote efficient meetings, the Board may act upon more than one item by a single vote through the use of consent agenda. Consent items will be items placed directly under this heading for which no Board discussion is anticipated and for which the Superintendent Recommends approval. Prior to the meeting, at the request of any member of the Board of Trustees, any item on the consent agenda shall be removed and given individual consideration. Requests for individual consideration are made at least half-hour prior to Board meetings and requests must be directed to either the President of the Board or the Superintendent of Schools |
XIII.N. 1. Accounts Payable
XIII.P. 2. Budget Amendments for General Operating and Special Revenue Funds
XIII.R. 3. Financial Reports for all Funds for June 2011/Litigation Fund July 2011
XIII.T. 4. Financial Statements: Cash Flow Bonds, Science Lab Addition, New Donna High School,
Technology Center and Child Nutrition Program (July 2011) |
XIII.V. 5. Investment Activity Report for July 2011
XIII.X. 6. Report on Monthly Tax Collection for the Month of July 2011
XIII.Z. 7. Approval of Minutes for Regular Board Meeting, August 11, 2011 and Special Board Meetings August
4, 2011, August 18, 2011, August 24, 2011, August 29, 2011 and August 30, 2011 |
XXVIII.AC. SS.1 Architect's Monthly Report (PBK):
* Status Report on New High School |
XXVIII.AE. SS.2 Architect’s Monthly Report (ERO):
* Status Report on All of Donna ISD’s Current Facility Projects |
XXXIII.AH. CI.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Special Education Consolidated Grant
Reallocation Funding, NOGA # 000830027239 |
XXXIII.AJ. CI.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Special Education ARRA/Stimulus Grant
Reallocation Funding NOGA # 000830027239 |
XXXIII.AL. CI.3 Report on 2010-2011 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Results
XXXIII.AN. CI.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Regarding New
Beginnings Behavioral Health Services and Donna ISD |
XXXIII.AP. CI.5 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Additional $20,000 to NOGA 11104558711006 for
Total NOGA Award of $40,000 from TEA Dropout Recovery Performance Pay Grant for Donna 3D Academy |
XLIV.AS. BF.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Consultants for Special Education Services: Speech
Services, Occupational Services and Physical Therapy Proposals No. # 052511-153 |
XLIV.AU. BF.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Agreement with North Alamo Water Supply
Corporation for Wastewater Treatment Facility for Donna North High School |
XLIV.AW. BF.3 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Contractor for Donna ISD 3D Academy Project
XLIV.AY. BF.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Initiate Final Payment to ASAGO, LLC. DBA
ASAGO Construction for Donna ISD District Wide Paying Project ($113,568.65) |
XLIV.BA. BF.5 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of the 2011 Donna ISD Anticipated Collection Rate
and Excess 2010 Debt Tax Collections |
XLIV.BC. BF.6 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Certified Appraisal Rolls for 2011
XLIV.BE. BF.7 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Adopting by Resolution the Official Tax Rate for
the 2011-2012 Fiscal School Year |
XLIV.BG. BF.8 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of the State of Texas Buy Board and the State of
Texas Co-op as the Procurement Method for the Donna High School Football Field Turf and Track Field |
XLIV.BI. BF.9 Consider and Approve an Order Authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Donna
Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2011; Delegating Certain Authority to the President of the Board of Trustees of the School District and Superintendent of Schools Pursuant to the Provisions of Texas Government Code, Sections 1207.007 and 1207.008; Levying a Continuing Direct Annual Ad Valorem Tax; Authorizing the Refunding of Certain Outstanding Bonds; Authorizing the Execution of a Bond Purchase Contract; Approving an Official Statement, Execution of an Escrow and Trust Agreement, the Subscription and Purchase of Certain Federal Securities, and Making Other Provisions Regarding Such Bonds and Matters Incident Thereto |
XLIV.BK. BF.10 Discussion and Possible Action for Selection of Underwriters for Series 2011 Refunding Bonds
XLIV.BM. BF.11 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Endpoint (Anti-Virus) Solution for DISD
LXVII.BP. HR.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of the 2011-2012 Student Code of Conduct
LXVII.BR. HR.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of the Shelter Agreement Between Donna
Independent School District and the American Red Cross |
LXVII.BT. HR.3 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Request RFPs for the District’s Voluntary
Employee Insurance Benefit Products |
LXVII.BV. HR.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Certified Professional Development Appraisal
System (PDAS) Appraisers for 2010-2011 |
The open forum part of the meeting is provided by local board policy, BED (LOCAL) the open forum is provided by the Board of Trustees as an opportunity for citizens to comment on any matters relating to the Donna ISD. The board can only listen to the matters addressed and cannot deliberate or decide on any matter presented. However, any comments directed at any specific employees of the District or any specific personnel matter must be made in executive session. a person seeking to comment on any matter must sign-up with the Board before the meeting begins and shall indicate the topic about which they wish to speak. Delegations of more than five (5) persons shall appoint one person to present their views. Public comment on any matter will be limited to three (3) to five (5) minutes per item. |
LXXVII. IV. EXECUTIVE SESSION as Authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084.
LXXVII.BZ. A. Discussion of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel
LXXVII.CA. B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding CSI Leasing Contract Amendments
LXXVII.CB. C. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Amendment to Superintendent’s Contract
LXXXI. V. OPEN SESSION - Take possible action on matters discussed in Executive Session.
LXXXI.CD. A. Approval of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel
LXXXI.CE. B. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding CSI Leasing Contract Amendments
LXXXI.CF. C. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Amendment to Superintendent’s Contract