April 7, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
II.C. 1. Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Resolution of Acknowledgment Make Education a
Priority |
II.G. 2. Discussion and Possible Action on "Miracle at Donna" Documentary Proposal for Donna ISD as
Presented by Producer/Director Frank Aragon |
X.K. BF.1 Discussion and Possible Action Authorizing Administration to Utilize Buyboard and Texas Coop
for Athletic Equipment Purchases for the Multipurpose Activity Center |
XIII.N. CI. Discussion and Possible Action on Ratification of Approval of ELA/Reading, ESL, Writing, Spelling,
Handwriting, PK Textbook Adoption |
XVI. III. EXECUTIVE SESSION as Authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084.
XVI.Q. A. Discussion of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel
XVI.R. B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding E-Rate Appeal
XVI.S. C. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Proposed Settlement of Lucia M. Garza v. Donna
Independent School District, Cause No. 07-3755-E |
XVI.T. D. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Dispute of CSI Lease Agreement
XVI.U. E. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Counter Claims Against Engineer Expert Mark Stanford,
DBA Stanford Consulting as a Result of Expert Services Provided in Donna ISD v American Contracting |
XVI.V. F. Discussion and Consultation with Attorney Regarding the Possible Renewal, Non-Renewal,
Extension or Non-Extension of All Campus Administrator Contracts and All Central Office Administrator Contracts |
XVI.W. G. Consider and Discuss Recommendations for Renewal of Employee Term and Probationary
Contracts |
XVI.X. H. Consider and Discuss Proposed Non-Renewals of Term Contract Employees
* Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers |
XVI.Y. I. Consider and Discuss Proposed Non-Renewals of Term Contract Employees Due to Program
Change * Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers |
XVI.Z. J. Consider and Discuss Termination of Probationary Contract Teachers at the End of the Contract
Period * Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers |
XVI.AA. K. Consider and Discuss Termination of Probationary Contract Teachers at the End of the Contract
Period Due to Program Change * Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers |
XVI.AB. L. Consider and Discuss Proposed Non-Renewals of Term Contracts of Retire/Rehire Employees
XVI.AC. M. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Resignations of District Teachers
XVI.AD. N. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Athletic Department
XXXI. IV. OPEN SESSION - Take possible action on matters discussed in Executive Session.
XXXI.AF. A. Approval of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel
XXXI.AG. B. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding E-Rate Appeal
XXXI.AH. C. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Proposed Settlement of Lucia M. Garza v. Donna
Independent School District, Cause No. 07-3755-E |
XXXI.AI. D. Discussion and Possible Action Dispute of CSI Lease Agreement
XXXI.AJ. E. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Counter Claims Against Engineer Expert Mark Stanford,
DBA Stanford Consulting as a Result of Expert Services Provided in Donna ISD v American Contracting |
XXXI.AK. F. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Possible Renewal, Non-Renewal, Extension or Non-
Extension of All Campus Administrator Contracts and All Central Office Administrator Contracts |
XXXI.AL. G. Consider and Take Possible Action on Recommendations for Renewal of Employee Term and
Probationary Contracts |
XXXI.AM. H. Consider and Take Possible Action on Proposed Non-Renewals of Term Contract Employees
* Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers |
XXXI.AN. I. Consider and Take Possible Action on Proposed Non-Renewals of Term Contract Employees
Due to Program Change * Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers |
XXXI.AO. J. Consider and Take Possible Action on Termination of Probationary Contract Teachers at the End of
the Contract Period * Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers |
XXXI.AP. K. Consider and Take Possible Action on Termination of Probationary Contract Teachers at the End of
the Contract Period Due to Program Change * Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers |
XXXI.AQ. L. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Proposed Non-Renewals of Term Contracts of
Retire/Rehire Employees |
XXXI.AR. M. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Rescinding Previous Board Action to Terminate/Non-
Renew Teacher Probationary/Term Contracts |
XXXI.AS. N. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Athletic Department