March 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
All attendees will be required to wear a face mask and practice social distancing if attending the Board Meeting
Roll Call / Visitors
Pledge of Allegiance
Open Forum: Board Policy 2:230 (those wishing to speak will be given time to address the Board regarding agenda or non-agenda items)
* Consent Agenda (5 Minutes)
That the Board of Education approves the consent agenda as presented. |
Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of February 17, 2021
The minutes are included for Board review.
Approve Closed Session Minutes of February 17, 2021
The minutes are on file.
Approve Payment of February Payroll/March Warrants
The warrant lists are attached for Board review. David Negron and Frank Adams reviewed the bills.
Approve Pleasant Dale Park District Before and After School Program Intergovernmental Agreement
That the Board of Education approves the Pleasant Dale Park District Before and After School Program Agreement for the 2021-22 school year. This is an annual approval with no changes from prior years.
Approve FY21 Preliminary Staffing Recommendation
The Board reviewed the Preliminary Staffing Recommendations at the February Board meeting.
Approve March 2021 Personnel Report
That the Board of Education approve the March 2021 Personnel Report consisting of the retirement of elementary resource teacher Denise Spetter; hiring of Erin Collins, Carol Kavanaugh and Karin Ursin as elementary lunchroom aides; Superintendents contract for 2021-2026; reduction in FTE for Michelle Jarosik from 1.0 to .52; re-employment of non-tenure personnel and non-renewal of non-tenured teachers.
Informational Updates
Superintendent Dave Palzet will provide the Board with a brief update on items listed.
Instructional Model Update
District COVID Dashboard Update
Administration's Report
Strategic Blueprint Action Steps 2021-22
Special Board Meeting Date
After the election on April 6, the Board must certify and seat the elected Board members between the dates of: April 27 and May 4. It is being recommended that this Board meeting be held on Wednesday, April 28 at 6:00 p.m.
Review of Board Policy 8:10 Public Relations
The proposed changes are in red. This policy will be on the April Consent Agenda for approval.
Items for Next Agenda:
Approve Strategic Blueprint 2021-22 Action Plans; Approve Board Policy 8:10 Public Relations; FY22 Parent/Student Handbook; Review of Service Provider Bids/Contracts.
Open Forum: Board Policy 2:230 (those wishing to speak will be given time to address the Board regarding agenda or non-agenda items)
Closed Session
That the Board of Education moves into closed session at _________ to discuss student disciplinary cases. |
Student disciplinary cases