March 20, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Roll Call / Visitors
Pledge of Allegiance
Open Forum: Board Policy 2:230 (those wishing to speak will be given time to address the Board regarding agenda or non-agenda items)
* Consent Agenda (5 Minutes)
That the Board of Education approves the consent agenda as presented. |
Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of February 20, 2019
The minutes are included for Board review.
Approve Closed Session Minutes of February 20, 2019
The minutes are on file.
Approve Payment of February Payroll/March Warrants
The warrant lists are attached for Board review. Mark Mirabile and Frank Adams reviewed the bills.
Approve General Counsel - Kriha Law Firm
The Board conducted an interview process and has selected Kriha Law Firm to act as general counsel as of March 21, 2019.
Approve Pleasant Dale Park District Before and After School Program Intergovernmental Agreement
That the Board of Education approves the Pleasant Dale Park District Before and After School Program Agreement for the 2019-20 school year.
Approve FY20 Preliminary Staffing Recommendation
The Board reviewed the Preliminary Staffing Recommendations at the February Board meeting.
Approve March 2019 Personnel Report
That the Board of Education approve the March 2019 Personnel Report consisting of the retirement of Maureen Olsen and Wendy Rydberg at the end of the 2018-19 school year, Char Reschke effective January 15, 2020, Jeanne Williamson, Kristin McFadden, Judy Johnson, Kay Lewellyan, and John Reid effective the end of the 2019-20 school year; resignation of Joy Tristano, resource teacher, effective April 23, 2019; extension of Fred Bell's unpaid disability leave; honorable dismissal of Corey Gallai; and reemployment of certified personnel.
Reports and Discussion Items
Informational Updates
Superintendent Dave Palzet will provide the Board with a brief update on items listed.
Library Update
Strategic Blueprint Update
Administration's Report
Professional Learning Update (10 Minutes)
FY19 Parent/Student Handbook (15 Minutes)
Program Cost Analysis (10 Minutes)
Review Board Policy 2:230 Public Participation at School Board Meetings... (10 Minutes)
School Improvement Plan Update (15 Minutes)
eLearning Day Review (15 Minutes)
The district held their first eLearning day on February 19, 2019.
Board of Education Information Requests (5 Minutes)
This is a standing Board agenda item that allows the Board to discuss and verify information requests to the Superintendent.
Approve Board of Education Information Requests
Items for Next Agenda: (5 Minutes)
Middle School Schedule Recommendation; Approve Library Bids; Discuss Summer Construction Projects; Review School Board (sec. 2) Board policies; Review of Service Provider Bids/Contracts.
Open Forum: Board Policy 2:230 (individuals will be given time to address the Board regarding agenda or non-agenda items)
Closed Session (30 Minutes)
That the Board of Education moves into closed session at _________ to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District; student disciplinary cases; and Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular district has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the District finds that an action is probably or imminent, in which case the bias for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the closed meeting minutes. |
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District.
Student disciplinary cases
Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular district has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the District finds that an action is probably or imminent, in which case the bias for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the closed meeting minutes.
Written Reports