December 21, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Public Comments
III. Superintendent's Report
III.A. District Improvement Plan
III.B. fy18 School Calendar
III.E. Financial Report
IV. President's Report
IV.A. District Financial Overview
IV.B. Referendum
IV.D. Communications
IV.E. Policy
IV.F. Finance
IV.G. Legislative Report
IV.H. Correspondence
IV.I. South Berwyn Education Foundation (SBEF)
IV.J. Buildings and Grounds
V. Action Items - Consent Agenda - Items may be removed from the consent agenda on the request of any one member. Items not removed may be adopted by general consent without debate. Removed items may be taken up either immediately after the consent agenda or placed later on the agenda at the discretion of the Board.
V.A. Minutes
V.B. Bills and Payroll
V.B.1. Approve payment of bills totaling $1,416,875.27.
V.B.2. Confirm payment of the payroll for 11.25.16 in the amount of $928,259.36 and 12.9.16 in the amount of $935,074.62. Authorize preparation and release of payroll dated 12.23.16,1.6.17 and 1.20.17.
V.C. Adopt policies 3:30
Chain of Command; 6:255
Assemblies and Ceremonies; 6:260 Complaints about
Curriculum, Instructional Materials and Programs; 7:280 Communicable and
Chronic Disease; 7:285 Food Allergy Management Program.
Approve non-resident status for SVR #81 with two children as discussed
in closed session.
V.E. Approve out of state
travel for Beatriz Maldonado to attend the Imagine Learning and ALAS State
Affiliate Leaders Conference in Provo, UT from 2.16.17 to 2.17.17. – The conference will provide much needed professional development from the organization that supports administrators who work in districts with
predominantly Latino students. There is no cost to the district
for this conference.
V.F. Approve ShoreTel Connect Phone Solution with installation, training,
warranty, and year-1 support from Pentegra Systems for a cost of
$167,376. This is a budgeted expense.
V.G. Approve the Suburban School Cooperative Insurance Pool (SSCIP) Liability Insurance
Renewal at a cost of $129,031. This is an annual renewal and a budgeted expense.
V.H. Adopt resolution to authorize final aggregate tax levy for
the year 2016. The tax levy must be filed by the last Tuesday in December.
V.I. Approve bid documents prepared by Fanning
Howey for the Emerson wall repairs and roofing replacement project as presented
by the Buildings and Grounds committee.
V.J. Approve Personnel Report
A. Employment B. Resignations C. Retirements D. Leaves of Absence E. Dismissals F. Last Chance Agreements G. Changes of Status H. Job Descriptions I. Notice to Remedy J. Approve Superintendent's Contract |
VI. Non Consent Agenda
Adopt resolution providing for and requiring the submission
of the proposition of increasing the limiting rate for School District Number
100, Cook County, Illinois, to the voters of said School District at the
consolidated election to be held on the 4th day of April, 2017.
VII. Meeting Evaluation
VIII. Adjourn