August 10, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
3.1. FOIA Request
3.1.1. NBC News requesting copies of settlement agreements for any FOIA lawsuits; invoices from any FOIA lawsuits.
3.1.2. FOIA request from Prarie State Wire - requesting staff information.
3.1.3. SmartProcure - Requesting purchase order summary.
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.1.1. Regular Board Meeting Session Minutes - June 8, 2023
4.1.2. Closed Session Board Minutes - June 8, 2023
4.2. New Hire
4.2.1. Kathryn Brown - Westdale School - Kindergarten Teacher - Replacing Sarah McCune- Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.2. Julia Swider - MECC - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.3. Allyson Bathje - MECC - Pre-K Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.4. Jose Torres - Westdale School - 4th Grade Bilingual Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.5. Jaquelyn Echeverria - Scott School - Grade 1 Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.6. Margaret Logerquist - Scott School - Grade 5 Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.7. Emma Lewis - Westdale School - Grade 3 Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.8. Molly Paquette - Scott School - SLP Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.9. Ashley Pesch - Scott School - Grade 4 Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.10. Robert Bruggeman - Westdale School - Assistant Principal - Effective July 31, 2023.
4.2.11. Jennifer Dominguez - MECC - Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.12. Maria Rosas - MECC - Teacher - Replacing Crystal Cardenas - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.13. Solidad Iniguez - Scott School -Lunch Monitor - Effective August 16, 2023.
4.2.14. Bryant Villegas - Mannheim Middle School - Bilingual Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.15. Marissa Kumkowska - Roy School - Teacher - Replacing Kyle Swaba - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.16. Lorena Felix Rosales - Scott School - Lunch Monitor - Effective August 16, 2023.
4.2.17. Maryann Aritzmendi - MECC - Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.18. Tania Villegas - Mannheim Middle School - Bilingual Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.19. Angelina Herrera - Enger School - Classroom Monitor - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.20. Tadeo Segarra - Westdale School - Custodian - Effective July 31, 2023.
4.2.21. Janely Morales Gurrola - Enger School - Enger Rising Aide - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.22. Sarah Doucet - Roy School - Lunch Monitor - Effective August 16, 2023.
4.2.23. Shane Allen - District Office - District Sub Custodian - Effective July 31, 2023.
4.2.24. Tammy Johnson - Mannheim Middle School - Health Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.25. Yolanda Witherspoon - Scott School - Teacher Sped Resourse Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.26. Agustin Aguilar - District Office - Sub Custodian - Effective August 3, 2023.
4.2.27. Joseph Nudo - Mannheim Middle School - Gr. 8 Sped Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.28. Eva Cegielski - MECC - Permanent Substitute - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.2.29. Mary Kay Costello - MECC - Teacher - Speech and Language - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.3. Resignation
4.3.1. Marina Ceron Moctezuma - Scott School - Classroom Aide - Effective June 8, 2023.
4.3.2. Megan Fethiere - Roy School - Teacher - Effective June 26, 2023.
4.3.3. Jennifer Espana - Scott School - Secretary - Effective August 1, 2023.
4.4. Bills
4.4.1. Bills - June 2023
4.4.2. Bills - July 2023
4.5. FMLA
4.5.1. George Letarte -Requesting FMLA commencing June 5, 2023 and concluding June 27, 2023.
4.5.2. Daria Bernardi - Administration Center - Secretary - Requesting intermitendt FMLA.
4.6. Position Changes
4.6.1. Crystal Cardenas - MECC - Teacher - Moving to Roy School Kindergarten - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.6.2. Yesli Carrera - Westdale School - Lunchroom Monitor - Moving to Scott School - Lunch Room Monitor - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.6.3. Belgis Abuhashish - District Substitute - Moving to MECC classroom aide - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.6.4. Kristen Kelly - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Moving from English Language Arts to Social Studies - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.6.5. Lucia Duran - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Moving from SpEd to ELA - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.6.6. Samantha Urbinati - Scott School - SpEd Classroom Aide Moving to Regular Ed Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.6.7. Alexis Palella - Scott School - SpEd Classroom Aide Moving to Roy School SpEd Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.6.8. Abigail Ortiz Valles - Mannheim Middle School Math Teacher Moving to Mannheim Middle School ESL - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.6.9. Samantha Oakley - Mannheim Middle School Health Teacher Moving to Mannheim Middle School English Language Arts Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.6.10. Geraldine Roncal - Scott School - Lunch Monitor Moving to Scott School Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.6.11. Ana Trujillo - Substitute Custodian Moving to Mannheim Middle School Custodian - Effective July 1, 2023.
4.6.12. Ranulfo Delgado - District Wide Custodian Moving to Mannheim Middle School Custodian - Effective July 1, 2023.
4.6.13. Miguel Diaz - District Wide Custodian Moving to Mannheim Middle School Custodian - Effective July 1, 2023.
4.6.14. Victor Peralta - Mannheim Middle School Custodian Moving to Scott School Custodian - Effective July 1, 2023.
4.6.15. Tristin White - Mannheim Middle School Custodian Moving to District Wide Custodian - Effective July 1, 2023.
4.6.16. Abigail Ortiz Valles - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Moving from ESL to Gr. 6 Bilingual Math - Effective August 15, 2023.
4.7. Intent to Retire
4.7.1. Patricia Klug - Enger School - Kitchen Monitor - Effective August 12, 2023.
4.8. Dismissed from Duty
4.8.1. Maria Cerna - Enger School - Classroom Aide - Effective May 27, 2023.
4.9. Computer By 2023 - 2024
4.10. First Reading of Board Policy
4.10.1. 2:80, Board Member Oath and Conduct -The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review. An option is added to footnote 3 if a board wants to designate a local official to administer the oath of office.
4.10.2. 2:80-E, Board Member Code of Conduct - The exhibit is unchanged
4.10.3. 2:170, Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services - The Legal References and footnote 1 are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.4. 4:45, Insufficient Fund Checks and Debt Recovery - The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.5. 4:50-E, School District Payment Order - The exhibit is unchanged.
4.10.6. 4:55-E, Cardholder’s Statement Affirming Familiarity with Requirements for Using District Credit and/ or Procurement Cards - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.7. 4:60-E, Notice to Contractors - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.8. 4:80-AP1, Checklist for Internal Controls - The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.9. 4:100, Insurance Management - The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnote 2 are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.10. 4:160-AP, Environmental Quality of Building and Grounds - The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.11. 5:230, Maintaining Student Discipline - The policy and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.12. 6:10, Educational Philosophy and Objectives - The policy and footnote 1 are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.13. 6:40-AP, Curriculum Development - The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.14. 6:120-AP1, E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians Regarding Section 504 Rights - The exhibit and footnote 1 are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.15. 6:190, Extracurricular and Co-curricular Activities - The policy is unchanged. Footnote 1 is amended and a new footnote 2 is added in response to a five-year review.
4.10.16. 6:220-E1, Authorization to Participate in Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Program; Responsible Use and Conduct Agreement - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.?
4.10.17. 6:220-E2, Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Program Student Guidelines - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.18. 6:240, Field Trips - The policy is unchanged. Footnote 5 is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.19. 6:240-AP, Field Trip Guidelines - The procedure and footnote 1 are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.20. 7:15-E, Notification to Parents of Family Privacy Rights - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.21. 7:150-AP, Agency and Police Interviews - The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.22. 7:275, Orders to Forgo Life Sustaining Treatment - The policy and its footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.23. 7:280-E3, Prevention of Staphylococcal Infections for Schools - REWRITTEN. The exhibit is updated and rewritten in response to a five-year review.
4.10.24. 7:300-E2, Certificate of Physical Fitness for Participation in Athletics - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.25. 7:305, Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries - The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.26. 7:305-AP, Program for Managing Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries - The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review and P.A. 102-1006, requiring that emergency medical dispatchers be included in the group of first responders who annually review the school-specific emergency action plans for interscholastic activities.
4.10.27. 7:330, Student Use of Buildings – Equal Access - The policy, Cross References, and footnote 1 are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.28. 7:330-E, Application for Student Groups that Are Not School Sponsored to Request Free Use of School Premises for Meetings - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.29. 8:25, Advertising and Distributing Materials in Schools Provided by NonSchool Related Entities - The policy is unchanged. Footnotes 1 and 5 are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.10.30. 8:95, Parental Involvement - The policy is unchanged. Footnote 1 is updated in response to a five-year review.
5.1. Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation - Ron Carleton
5.2. Fiscal Year Tentative Budget - Alicia Cieszykowski, Director of Fiscal Services, CSBO
5.2.1. Tentative District 83 Fiscal Year 2023 - 2024 Budget Report
5.2.2. LASEC Tentative Budget Report for Fiscal Year 2023 - 2024.
10. Buildings, Grounds, & Transportation Report