February 17, 2016 at 9:00 AM - Policy Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
2.a. January 20, 2016
3. Old Business
3.a. Tabled Policies
3.a.I. Policy 2:220AP - NEW Board of Education Meeting Procedure Timeline
3.a.II. Policy 2:220E2 Exhibit - Motion to Adjourn to Closed Meeting
3.a.III. Policy 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure
3.a.IV. Policy 2:220E1 Exhibit - Board Treatment of Closed Meeting Verbatim Records and Minutes
3.a.V. Policy 2:220E3 Exhibit - Closed Meeting Minutes
3.a.VI. Policy 6:315 HS Credit for Students in Grade 7 or 8 - New to District
3.a.VII. Policy 7:305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
4. New Business
5. Audience to Visitors
6. Adjournment