January 4, 2022 at 8:00 AM - Buildings & Sites Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Discussion Items
II.A. Lost Time - Overtime Report
Due to the holiday season, attached is the report for the 12/1 - 12/21 time period. An updated report will be shared at the meeting.
II.B. Summer 2022 Work: Phase I MacArthur - HVAC Contracts
The District has worked with Arcon and AMSCO to develop plans for Phase I of the MacArthur Retrofit work. This work includes retrofitting the 33 Bard units and all programming services by Honeywell. A proposal for the work has been submitted by Emcor. eCube has provided a proposal for the commissioning services. This work has been exempted from public bidding as proprietary and specific to our proven solutions at other buildings.
II.C. Outdoor Educational Environments - Update
We are currently in the process of evaluating design options for outdoor learning environments. Each building presents its own set of challenges and desired outcomes. Amy will provide an overview of each location and progress to date.
II.D. Grodsky Administration Building - Basement Updates
The current basement has several issues that are in need of correction. Administration has been working with Arcon to develop a plan to address these issues and improve the offices, workspaces and storage areas to serve the District well for many, many years to come.
II.E. Arlington Easement at Eisenhower School - Update
Following meetings last week between the District and the City and their respective architect and engineering firms, a DRAFT proposal has been submitted to the District's attorney for legal review. Pending approval, the agreement will be brought to the full Board for action. A copy of the DRAFT agreement has been attached for the Committee's review.
II.F. Township High School District 214 Wildstang Usage Agreement - Update
The initial five-year contract with THSD214 is up for renegotiation and renewal July 1st. The prior agreement allowed usage of several instructional spaces at MacArthur by the D214 Wildstang Robotics Program in exchange for site and classroom enhancements, including furniture and equipment. Moving into the renewal, District 23 is requesting an annual contribution by D214 as well as several pieces of equipment, including large and small scale 3D printers, software and supplies as well as improvements to MacArthur building graphics.
II.G. MacArthur Middle School - Library Phase II
Planning for Phase 2 of the MacArthur Library is underway and includes additional soft and hard seating components along with some mobile book storage which also serve as a divider for smaller instructional spaces as needed.
Anticipated budget for Phase 2 is $18,000 and will be paid for utilizing the BOE furniture allocation for MacArthur as approved in the FY2022 budget. Preliminary product guides and renderings have been attached for the Committee's review. Final layouts and proposals will be brought to the full Board for approval.
II.H. e-Rate RFP's for Pipe Replacement and Network Improvements
Maria and the technology team have been working with our e-Rate consultant, Gerry Zeller on two RFP's. The first is for Category 1 reimbursable work addressing an outdated underground pipe that runs from the northwest corner of Sullivan straight across the field, parallel to the bus zone sidewalk to MacArthur. This will most likely require special construction to dig up the current pipe and replace it with one that is deeper into the ground and new to last another 20 years or so. We believe the current pipe to be shallow and possibly damaged, allowing water to enter when we have rain.
The second RFP is for Category 2 work and involves seeking reimbursement for much of the Empist Managed Network Services. Copies of both RFP's are attached.
III. Old Business
IV. New Business
V. Adjournment