Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
The Board of Education of the Olympia CUSD #16 was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Kevin Frazier with the following board members and administrators present: Kevin Frazier _____; Carolyn Hansen _____; Trena Glenn _____; Laura Cremeens _____; Steve Matter _____; Doug Maris _____; Shawn Hohulin_____; Superintendent Andrew S. Wise_____; Assistant Superintendent Joshua R. Olsen _____; OHS Principal Ed Jodlowski_____; OMS Principal Andy Walsh _____; ONE Principal Ben Lee_____; OSE Principal Stacey Rogers_____; OWE Principal Matt Nordstrom_____.
Absent: ___________________________________________________________ Others Present: _____________________________________________________ The Pledge of Allegiance was led by _____________________________________. |
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Approval of Consent Agenda
A motion was made by _____________________, seconded by _________________ to approve the consent agenda that includes:
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. |
3.A. Approval of Agenda
3.B. Approval of Minutes, including Executive Session, from the January 12, 2015 regular Board of Education meeting (Attachment)
3.C. Approval of Minutes from the January 28, 2015 Annual Financial Workshop (Attachment)
3.D. Approval of Bills and Financial Reports (Attachment)
3.E. Confirm the resignation of Imelda Ummel - Special Education Aide at Olympia South effective February 13, 2015 (Attachment)
3.F. Employ the following Education Support Personnel:
3.F.1. Norma Gourdier - Special Education Aide at Olympia South effective January 20, 2015 (Attachment)
3.F.2. Teresa Hawkes - Classroom Aide at Olympia South effective February 2, 2015 (Attachment)
3.G. Approve the change in hours for Jennifer Olson, Aide, from 7.25 to 6.0 per day effective February 17, 2015 (Attachment)
3.H. Approve the final 2014-2015 Education Support Personnel Seniority List (Attachment)
3.I. Approve the final 2014-2015 Non-Tenured Certified Seniority List (Attachment)
3.J. Approve the final 2014-2015 Tenured Certified Seniority Lists (Attachment)
3.K. Approve the 2015 Senior Class Trip to Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, IL on May 21, 2015 (Attachment)
3.L. Approve the 2015-2016 updated OHS Course Description Book (Attachment)
4. Communications
4.A. A folder will circulate around the Board table.
4.B. All State Musician Performance Recap - OHS students Lauren Hostetter, Doug Stribling, & Tyler Devault
5. Committee Reports
5.A. Buildings & Grounds Administrative Sub-Committee Update - Steve Matter, Shawn Hohulin, & Assistant Superintendent Josh Olsen (Attachment)
5.B. Olympia Advisory Council (OAC) Meeting Update - Laura Cremeens, Assistant Superintendent Josh Olsen, & Superintendent Andrew Wise
6. Administrative Reports
6.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report - Joshua R. Olsen (Attachment)
6.A.1. Seniority Lists (Consent Agenda Attachments)
6.A.2. School Board Member Email Hotlink
6.A.3. Certified Evaluation Instrument (Attachment)
6.A.4. Hoovey Premier
6.A.5. 5 Essentials Survey
6.A.6. Director Retirements (Attachment) (Executive Session Motions)
6.A.7. Small Fleet Vehicles (Attachment) (Motion)
6.B. Principals' Reports
6.C. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Andrew S. Wise
6.C.1. District Dashboard (Attachment)
6.C.2. 2015-2016 School Calendar Recommendation (Attachment) (Motion)
6.C.3. Board Policy Revisions/Updates - First Reading (Attachment)
6.C.4. RFP for Bond Underwriting Services (Attachment) (Motion)
6.C.5. DRAFT Memorandum of Understanding for Certified Staff Evaluation Tool (Attachment)
6.C.6. "Standing Up" - Monday, March 9 (Attachment)
6.C.7. IASB Panel Presentations RFP (Attachment)
6.C.8. IASB Cornbelt Spring Dinner/Meeting - March 17, 2015 - Bloomington School District #87 (Attachment)
6.C.9. Re-employment of District Administrators (Executive Session Motion)
6.C.10. Re-employment of District Directors (Executive Session Motion)
6.C.11. Superintendent's Contract (Executive Session Motion)
7. Other Business
8. Action Items
motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve the declaration of surplus property and sale of vehicles as presented by Assistant Superintendent Josh Olsen.
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve 2015-2016 School Calendar as presented by Superintendent Andrew Wise. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve the Request for Proposal for Bond Underwriting Services as presented by Superintendent Andrew Wise. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. |
9. Opportunity for Public Input
10. Executive Session
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to meet in Executive Session at __________ p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity.
Ayes __________ Nays __________ A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to reconvene open session at __________ p.m. Ayes __________ Nays __________ |
11. Actions As A Result Of Executive Session
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve the re-employment of the following District Administrators effective through June 30, 2016: Joshua R. Olsen, Ed Jodlowski, Matt Hurley, Brian Roney, Andy Walsh, Ben Lee, Stacey Rogers, and Matt Nordstrom.
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____;Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve the re-employment of the following District Directors effective through June 30, 2016: Scott Powers, Trent Keller, Mary Idleman, and Scott Thornton. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____;Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve the continued contract of Superintendent Andrew S. Wise effective through __________. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____;Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve the Intent to Retire from Mary Idleman, District Food Services Director, effective June 30, 2016 pending all qualifications have been met. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____;Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve the Intent to Retire from Trent Keller, District Transportation Director, effective August 1, 2017 pending all qualifications have been met. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____;Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____;Cremeens _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____. |
12. Adjournment
At ________ p.m. a motion was made by ______________________, seconded by _____________________ to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried by unanimous vote.