August 10, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order / Establish a Quorum.
2. Invocation / Pledge.
3. Audience Participation.
4. Superintendent Report.
4.A. Financial Report -
4.A.1. GISD Financial
4.A.2. GCSEC Financial
4.B. Facilities / Construction Update.
4.C. Back to School Update.
4.D. Communications.
4.D.1. New Staff Orientation - Thursday, August 13th, 8:15am @ High School
4.D.2. Convocation - Monday, August 17th, 8:30 to 10:00 - Breakfast - 8:00am @ High School
4.D.3. Superintendent Professional Development: Future-Ready Superintendent Network.
4.D.4. Upcoming Meetings.
4.D.4.a. September 14th, Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
4.D.4.b. October 19th, Public Hearing on FIRST, 5:45pm @ HS
4.D.4.c. October 19th, Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ HS
4.D.4.d. November 16th, Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
4.D.4.e. December 14th, Public Hearing on TAPR, 5:45pm @ HS
4.D.4.f. December 14th, Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ HS
4.D.4.g. January 19th, School Board Recognition Dinner, 5:30pm @ Admin
4.D.4.h. January 19th, Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
5. Board Member Report.
5.A. Board member to serve on GIFT Board.
5.B. Board Emails.
5.C. TASA Outstanding School Board Awards,
6. Consent Agenda Items.
6.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s).
6.B. Previous Month Bills.
6.C. Budget Amendments.
7. The Board will Consider, Discuss, and/or take Appropriate Action Regarding the following:
7.A. Grayson County Special Education Co-op SSA Budget for 2015-2016.
7.B. Gunter ISD Budget for 2015-2016.
7.C. Fractional Funding.
7.C.1. Notify TEA to utilize a shift in fractional funding in order to garner new revenue - If the district's compressed rate is less than $1.00 and has "copper" pennies available to move over to the compressed rate in order to reduce or eliminate the "fractionally-funded" penalty imposed against the Basic Allotment, the district will benefit from the movement. For the movement to take place, the board of trustees must notify the commissioner in writing by September 1, 2015. Gunter ISD gains $83,693.00.
7.C.2. Action, if any, on Subjects Discussed in Closed Session.
7.D. Tax Rate for 2015-2016.
7.E. Kerfoot Trust Scholarship-Discussion.
7.F. Extracurricular Code of Conduct.
7.G. 2015-2016 Drug Testing Policy.
7.H. 2015-2016 Student Handbook.
7.I. 2015-2016 Student Code of Conduct.
7.J. Closed Session in Accordance with Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.074.
7.J.1. Personnel
7.J.1.a. Crystal Smith - Kindergarten Teacher
7.J.1.b. Superintendent Contract.
7.K. Action, if any, on Subjects Discussed in Closed Session.
8. Adjournment.