September 20, 2010 at 6:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge and Invocation.
3. Audience Participation.
4. R-Time: Bullying Prevention Program Report - Tara Rice, Elementary Counselor.
5. Extracurricular Report - Roger Reed
6. Superintendent Report.
6.A. Financial Report.
6.B. Enrollment Update.
6.C. Demographic Study Update.
6.D. Facility Committee Update.
6.E. Refunding of Bond update.
6.F. Communications.
6.F.1. Team of Eight Training - Oct. 4th 6:00pm
6.F.2. Board Meeting - Oct. 18th 6:00pm
6.F.3. Tioga/Gunter Joint Meeting - Nov. 1st 6:00pm
6.F.4. TASBO Certification - Connie Williams
7. Board Member Report.
8. Unfinished Business.
9. Action Items.
9.A. Routine Business.
9.A.1. Consent Agenda - Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s).
9.A.2. Consent Agenda - Approval of current bills.
9.B. Regular Business.
9.B.1. Approve Campus and District 2009-2010 Improvement Plan Evaluations.
9.B.2. Approve TASB Policy Update 88.
9.B.3. Approve Memorandum of Understanding between G.I.F.T. and the Gunter I.S.D.
9.B.4. Approve Resolution of Acknowledgement Make Education a Priority.
10. "Executive Session"
10.A. Closed session in accordance with Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.074 and to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officer or employee.
11. "Open Session"
11.A. Action.
12. Adjournment.