June 15, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - President Peccola
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Forum
4.1. Written Correspondence
4.1.a. Note from Terry Obernuefemann
4.1.b. Note from Carolyn Demaree
4.2. Audience Input
5. Reports/Requests
5.1. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Brad Skertich
5.2. Financial Report - Mrs. Uta Robison
5.3. Special Education Report – Mrs. Ali Underwood
5.4. Budget Committee Update – Dr. Dennis Craft
5.5. Curriculum Committee Report - Mrs. Vicki Reulecke
6. Approval of Minutes
6.1. Approval of May 18, 2020 Board Minutes
7. Approval of Board Bills for June 2020
8. Monthly Financial Statements for May 2020
9. Unfinished Business
9.1. Approval of Amended Budget 2019-20
10. New Business
10.1. Spending in FY 20 Prior to FY 21 Approval
10.2. Resolution Appointing Representative for MISSVIC
10.3. Interfund Loan
10.4. Increases Per the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act 2010
10.5. Approval to Establish Hispanic Heritage Club at Collinsville High School
10.6. Approval of Consolidated District Plan
10.7. Approval of CHS Math Textbook Series Proposal
10.8. Approval of Bid for Sanitary Sewer Improvements at Collinsville High School
10.9. CAVC 2020-21 Tentative Budget
10.10. Presentation of Board Policy Updates
10.11. Discussion of November School Board Convention
11. Closed Session
12. Personnel
12.1. Non-Certified Resignations
12.2. Recommendation for Employment for the 2019-20 CHS and CMS Summer School Programs
12.3. Recommendation for Coaching Stipend
12.4. Motion to Approve Extended Contract Days for Staff
12.5. Certified Employee Resignations
12.6. Non-Certified Employee Recommendation for Employment
12.7. Employment Recommendatons for Administrators
12.8. Approval of Administrative Contracts
12.9. Recommendation for Activity Sponsors at Collinsville High School
12.10. Recommendation for Re-Employment of Assistant Athletic Director
12.11. Recommendation for Department Chairs at Collinsville High School
12.12. Recommendation for Appointment of Behind-The-Wheel Drivers Education Teachers at Collinsville High School
12.13. Recommendation for Band Volunteers
12.14. Certified Employee Recommendation for Employment
13. Adjourn