December 19, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - President Peccola
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Forum
4.1. Written Correspondence
4.2. Audience Input
5. Reports/Requests
5.1. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Robert Green
5.1.a. Presentation on Evidence Based Funding
5.2. Financial Report - Mrs. Uta Robison
5.3. Special Education Report – Mrs. Ali Underwood
5.4. Budget Committee Update – Mr. Gary Clark
5.5. HART Team Presentation
5.6. Student School Board Member Presentation - Ms. Emma Weil
5.7. Freedom of Information Requests
5.7.a. 11/4/16 Request from Dan Boris (Service Employees Intl. Union Local 73) for employee and job related information. Complied in part 11/14/16.
5.7.b. 11/15/16 Request from Jared Rutecki (Better Government Assoc.) for bargaining agreements, contracts, legal settlements, and budget and payroll information. Complied in part on 11/17/16.
5.7.c. 11/16/16 Request from Alexis Cortes (BND) for records related to 11/14/16 board meeting. Complied in part on 11/23/16.
5.7.d. 11/30/16 Request from John Rekowski for FOIA Requests receive from 11/1/16 through 11/30/16. Complied 12/1/16.
5.7.e. 12/1/16 Request from Nathan Mihelich (IRTA) for information on teachers and administrators retiring in 2017. Complied 12/5/16.
5.7.f. 12/5/16 Request from Hal McGehee on FOIA request and information released. Complied 12/5/16.
5.7.g. 12/6/16 Request from Alexis Cortes (BND) for records on individuals barred in 2016. Complied in part on 12/13/16.
6. Approval of Minutes
6.1. Approval of November 14, 2016 Board Minutes
6.2. Approval of December 5, 2016 Board Minutes
7. Approval of Board Bills for December 2016
8. Monthly Financial Statements for November 2016
9. Unfinished Business
9.1. Approval of Revisions to Consent for Release of School Records Forms
9.2. Approval of Updated Board Policy Recommendations
10. New Business
10.1. Approval to Lease Copy/Print/Scan Machines
10.2. Approval of 2016 Tax Levy
10.3. Discussion of Budget Cuts
10.4. Discussion of County-Wide One Cent Sales Tax
10.5. Presentation of Board Policy Updates
11. Closed Session
12. Personnel
12.1. Non-Certified Resignation
12.2. Volunteer Coach Recommendations
12.3. Motion to Approve Additional Compensation for Staff
12.4. Non-Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment
12.5. Non-Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment
12.6. Consider Dismissing an Athletic Coach - Item Tabled
13. Student Discipline
13.1. Student Discipline - Expulsion
13.2. Student Discipline - Expulsion
14. Adjourn