January 20, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum
2. Open Session-6 p.m.
2.A. Invocation
2.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
2.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
2.D. CISD Mission Statement
3. Special Recognitions
3.A. School Board
3.B. Introduction of Chief Financial Officer
3.C. VFW Teacher of the Year Winner
3.D. All-District Football
3.E. Special Olympic Athletes
4. Information Reports (No Action Required)
4.A. Texas Accountability Performance Report
4.B. Project INSPIRE
4.C. Artificial Turf Cost for Brave Stadium
4.D. Technology Update-Stuart Burt
5. Public Comments
6. Action Items
6.A. Consent Agenda
6.A.1. Minutes
6.A.2. Financial Reports
7. New and Unfinished Action Items
7.A. Consideration and possible approval of 2014-2015 School Calendar
7.B. Consideration and possible approval of CYAA Lease Agreement
7.C. Adopt resolution for the designation of investment officer
7.D. Adopt resolution for the designation of TexPool representative
8. Closed/Executive Session-Section 551, Texas Government Code
Personnel-Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
8.A. Personnel-Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
8.A.1. Superintendent's evaluation, contract, and compensation
8.A.2. Resignation of professional personnel
8.A.3. Employment of professional personnel
8.A.4. Additional personnel at CHS for remainder of 2013-2014 school year
8.A.5. Grant Superintendent authority to hire additional personnel at CHS
9. Reconvene Open Session
9.A. Action Items
9.A.1. Superintendent's evaluation, contract, and compensation
9.A.2. Employment of professional personnel
9.A.3. Approval of additional personnel at CHS for remainder of 2013-2014 school year
9.A.4. Approval for Superintendent to hire additional personnel at CHS, as needed, for remainder of current school year
10. Adjournment