June 14, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting of the Governing Board
Agenda |
This meeting will be both live-streamed and in-person.
If anyone joins the meeting through the live YouTube stream and wants to address the board under Public Comments, a link to a Google Form will be available under the live YouTube link between 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Live YouTube Stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqxTipn_m7dJzW6MflMnY_w/featured |
1.1. Call to Order and Welcome - Carole Siegler, President
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance - Siegler
1.3. Rules of Order for Governing Board Meetings - Siegler
A link to a Google Form will be available under the live YouTube link between 6:00-6:30 pm. Anyone attending in person can complete the Request To Address The Board form and submit it to the secretary to the Governing Board.
There were no public comments.
3.1. Approval of May 24, 2022, Regular Governing Board Meeting Minutes Memorandum
3.2. Approval of Expense Voucher Memorandum
3.3. Approval of Field Trip Request Memorandum
3.4. Approval of Fundraising Request Memorandum
3.5. Approval of Personnel Memorandum
3.6. Approval of Gifts and Donations Memorandum
3.7. Approval of Proposed High School School Course Fees and Extracurricular Performing Arts Fees for the 2022-2023 School Year
3.8. Approval of Sole Source Addition for Disneyland Resort
3.9. Approval of Core Textbooks for High School Social Studies
3.10. Approval of Update to the Co-Op Purchase List for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
3.11. Approval of Sole Source Vendors List for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
4.1. Approval of Revisions to the Facility Rental Rate Schedule per Policy KF Community Use of School Facilities (second reading) - Action - Denise Bartlett, Assistant Superintendent
4.2. Approval of Revisions to CFSD Performance Award Plan (second reading) - Action - Bartlett
4.3. Approval of High School and Elementary Academic Standards for Social Studies: World History, Economics, and Grade 3 Arizona Studies (second reading) - Action - Mary Jo Conery, Associate Superintendent
4.4. Approval of High School Academic Standards for Orchestra: Symphonic Strings (second reading) - Action - Conery
5.1. Approval of Classified Wages - Action - Bartlett
5.2. Approval of Classified Notices of Appointment - Action - Bartlett
5.3. Approval of Fiscal Year 2023 Proposed Budget - Action - Lisa Taetle, Director of Finance
5.4. Adoption of a Resolution Ordering and Calling for Special Bond Election - Action - Mary Kamerzell, Superintendent
To consider, discuss, amend if desired, and, if deemed advisable, to adopt a resolution ordering and calling a special bond election to be held in and for the district and authorizing the director of finance to comply with certain sections of the Internal Revenue Code
5.5. Adoption of a Resolution Ordering and Calling a Special District Additional Assistance Override Election - Action - Kamerzell
To consider, discuss, amend if desired, and if deemed advisable, to adopt a resolution ordering and calling a special district additional assistance override election to be held in and for the district and declaring the deadline for submitting arguments "for" and "against" the election to the Pima County School Superintendent as August 12, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. and approving the governing board's argument in support of the special district additional assistance override |
5.6. Adoption of a Resolution Ordering and Calling a Special Maintenance and Operation Budget Override Election - Action - Kamerzell
To consider, discuss, amend if desired, and, if deemed advisable, to adopt a resolution ordering and calling a special budget override election to be held in and for the district and declaring the deadline for submitting arguments "for" and "against" the election to the Pima County School Superintendent as August 12, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. and approving the governing board's argument in support of the special maintenance and operation budget override election
5.7. Approval of Superintendent's Performance Pay - Action - Siegler
6.1. 2022 Arizona Legislative / Governmental Activity
There were no requests for future agenda considerations.