August 13, 2021 at 9:00 AM - Full Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Full Board Meeting to Order
II. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the Full Board Meeting of May 21, 2021
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Recommend Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget
III.B. Recommend Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022 Audit Plan
III.C. Recommend Approval of the Fourteenth Supplemental Resolution to the Master Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds, Series 2021B
III.D. Recommend Approval of Electrical Upgrades and Repairs Project
III.E. Recommend Approval of the Blagg-Huey Library Sprinkler Upgrades and Installation
III.F. Recommend Approval of Acceptance of Grants
III.G. Recommend Approval of Delegation of Contract Authority for the Texas Woman's University's Energy Contract with the City of Denton
III.H. Recommend Approval of Online Delivery of the Existing Doctor of Philosophy in Reading Education
III.I. Recommend Approval of Hybrid Delivery of the Existing Master of Education Degree in School Counseling
III.J. Recommend Approval of Fully Online Delivery of Texas Woman's University's 14 Undergraduate Completion Programs
III.J.1. Bachelor of Applied Science, Health Studies
III.J.2. Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting
III.J.3. Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance
III.J.4. Bachelor of Business Administration, Human Resource Management
III.J.5. Bachelor of Business Administration, Management
III.J.6. Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing
III.J.7. Bachelor of General Studies, General Studies
III.J.8. Bachelor of Science, Child Development
III.J.9. Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice
III.J.10. Bachelor of Science, Education
III.J.11. Bachelor of Science, Family Studies
III.J.12. Bachelor of Science, Health Studies
III.J.13. Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology
III.J.14. Bachelor of Science, Sociology
III.K. Recommend Approval of Emeritus and Emerita Faculty
IV. Full Board Agenda
IV.A. Report on Emeritus and Emerita Faculty
Dr. Carolyn Kapinus, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
IV.B. Report on Texas Woman's University 2021-2022 Athletics
Dr. Monica Mendez-Grant, Vice President for Student Life and Ms. Sandee Mott, Director of Athletics
IV.C. Report on Office of Governmental and Legislative Affairs
Mr. Kevin Cruser, J.D., Director of Government Relations
V. Adjourn to Executive Closed Session
V.A. Consultation with Attorney Regarding Legal Matters and/or Contemplated Litigation or Settlement Offers pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code
V.A.1. Consultation with counsel regarding legal matters, including pending, threatened, and contemplated litigation and settlement offers
V.B. Deliberations Regarding Personnel Matters Relating to Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Public Officers or Employees pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
V.B.1. Chancellor Evaluation
V.B.2. Recommend Approval of Compensation Adjustments for Chancellor and President
V.B.3. Recommend Approval of Chancellor and President's Goals for Academic Year 2021-2022
V.B.4. Duties of the Texas Woman's University Board of Regents
VI. Reconvene into Open Session and Take Any Possible Action Regarding Matters Discussed in Executive Closed Session
VII. Report on the Office of the Chancellor and President
Dr. Carine M. Feyten, Chancellor and President
VIII. Future Business
IX. Regents' Remarks
X. Adjourn Full Board Meeting