November 16, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Public Hearing/Regular Meeting
Agenda |
2. A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of San Diego Independent School District will be held November 16, 2011, beginning at 7:00 PM at the San Diego High School Library, S. Hwy. 359, San Diego, Texas 78384.
3. Call of meeting to order.
4. Pledge of Allegiance and to the Texas Flag.
5. Roll Call:
5.A. Librada Vela, President
5.B. Ralph Saenz, III., Vice-President
5.C. Diana Cubriel, Secretary
5.D. Carlos Espinosa, Member
5.E. Pete Guerra, Member
5.F. Roy Guerrero, Member
5.G. Rene Valerio, Member
6. Establish a Quorum:
7. Public forum:
Members of the audience will be given the opportunity to make presentations to the Board. No presentation shall be longer than three minutes. If needed, a closed meeting under Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 and 551.082 will take place to discuss and/or deliberate on employee complaints or student discipline issues.
8. Recognition of Students.
9. Approval of Minutes.
9.A. Action Item:
9.A.1. Consider approving Special Board Meeting/Public Hearing Minutes of October 12, 2011 and Special Meeting Minutes of November 1, 2011.
10. Action Items
10.A. Consider approving a resolution casting votes to a candidate or candidates for the election to the Duval County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the 2012-2013 year term.
10.B. Consider approving a resolution casting votes to a candidate or candidates for the election to the Jim Jim Wells County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the 2012-2013 year term.
10.C. Consider approving a resolution to join Unincorporated Association Concerning the Texas School Finance System and Potential Litigation to Protect the Taxpayers and School Children of Texas.
10.D. Consideration and possible approval for San Diego ISD to become a member of the Interlocal Purchasing System with ESC Region VIII in order to broaden the procurement opportunities from certified vendors.
10.E. Consideration and possible approval to adopt a resolution to participate in The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) of the Region VIII Education Service Center.
10.F. Consideration for San Diego ISD to declare the following items as no longer needed for use by the district and considered to be surplus and will be disposed of by selling listed properties or by an any legal means. These properties are included but not limited to-- desks, chairs, file cabinets, etc.
10.G. Consider approving a Master Service Interlocal Contract between Harris County Department of Education and San Diego Independent School District
10.H. Consideration and possible approval of budget amendments for the 2011-2012 school year, if any.
11. Information Items:
11.A. Tax Collector's Report
11.B. Cafeteria Report
11.C. Bills paid
11.D. Income and Expense Comparison reports
11.E. CD's Now Account and Investments
11.F. TEA payment report
11.G. Schedule of construction costs
11.H. Telebank transfers
11.I. Report on new Collins-Parr Elementary School
11.J. Update on annexation situation.
12. Legal
Closed meeting: Texas Government Code 551.071 to receive information from Attorney regarding any pending or contemplated litigation, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality, Section 551.072 to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property and Section 551.074 to deliberate the employment, evaluation, re-assignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of an employee.
12.A. Personnel
12.A.1. Announce resignations and retirements, if any.
12.A.2. Consideration and possible approval to hire other personnel, if any for the 2011-2012 school year.
12.A.3. Consideration and possible approval to hire Teacher(s) and/or other Professional personnel if any for school year 2011-2012.
12.B. Tax Resale Property
12.B.1. Consideration and possible approval of offer to purchase the following tax sale property.
12.B.1.a. Suit No. 16,606; San Diego Independent School District , Duval County and Benavides I.S.D. vs. Mary Rogers, et al Item 1:Tract 3: Acct. No. 110260-096-0040, Lot 4, Block 96, Original Townsite of San Diego, according to the map or plat thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk of Duval County, Texas.
12.B.1.b. Suit No. 16,606; San Diego Independent School District, Duval County and Benavides I.S.D. vs. Mary Rogers, et al Item 1: Tract 4: Acct. No. 110260-095-0030, Lot 3, Block 95, Original Townsite of San Diego, according to the map or plat thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk of Duval County, Texas.
12.B.1.c. Suit No. 16,606; San Diego Independent School District vs. Mary Rogers, et al Item1: Tract 5: Acct. No. 110260-004-0110, Lot 11, Block 4, Original Townsite of San Diego, according to the map or plat thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk of Duval County, Texas.
12.B.1.d. Suit No. 16,606: San Diego Independent School District, Duval County and Benavides I.S.D. vs Mary Rogers, et al Item 2: Acct, No. 110260-097-0010, Lots 1,2,7,8,9,10, and 11, Block 97, Original Townsite of San Diego, as described in Volume "S", Pages 91,95,96 and 101, Deed Records of Duval County, Texas.
13. Adjourn: