August 8, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish Quorum
2. Prayer
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Consider Approval of the July 11th Regular Mtg. Minutes and the July 25th Special Mtg. Minutes
4. Consider & Approve Proposed Tax Rate for 2019-20
5. Set Date & Time for Public Hearing to Adopt 2019-20 Budget & Tax Rate
6. Consider & Approve Budget Amendments
7. Consider & Approve Salary Schedules
8. Consider & Approve Student Code of Conduct for 2019-20 School Year
9. Consider & Approve ESC 16 Contracts for 2019-2020
10. Consider & Approve Board Operating Procedures Manual
11. Consider and Approve Raising Lunch Prices for the 2019-2020 School Year
12. Review Handbooks for 2019-20 School Year
12.A. Staff Handbook
12.B. Claude Student Handbook
13. Consider & Approve T-Tess Evaluation Criteria, Appraisal Calendar and Appraisers for the 2019-20 School Year
14. Consider & Approve Resolution Regarding Special Education Shared Services Agreement With The High Plains Shared Service Arrangement
15. Administrative Reports
15.A. Principal's Report
15.A.1. Elementary Principal
15.A.2. Jr. High/HS Principal
16. Superintendent Report
16.A. Financial Reports
16.B. "Board Minutes:" Open Forum versus Grievances
16.C. Armstrong County Appraisal District Board of Directors Nomination
16.D. August Board Meetings - August 15th, August 26th, and August 29th
16.E. 2019 Accountability A-F Unofficial Ratings
17. Personnel
(Closed Session as per Texas Govt. Code 551.074-Discuss Personnel) |
17.A. Personnel
17.B. Resignations
17.C. Superintendent Goals
17.D. Deliberate with School Attorney-if needed
(Closed Session as per Texas Govt. Code 551.071-Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney) |
18. Board Report
19. Budget Workshop
20. Adjournment