September 14, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Board Chair Shimek
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Board Chair Shimek
3. Roll Call
Board Chair Shimek
4. Open Forum
Board Chair Shimek
In accordance to board policy 203, a fifteen minute time period is set aside to receive citizen input through this open forum segment on the board agenda. Anyone wishing to have their statement read needs to submit by noon of the meeting date to
5. Approval of Agenda
Board Chair Shimek
6. Consent Agenda
Board Chair Shimek
Consent agenda items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed as a consent agenda item and addressed.
6.A. Financials
6.A.1. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
6.A.1.a. July 2020
6.A.1.b. August 2020
6.A.2. Wire Transfer, EFT and ACH Banking Activity
6.A.2.a. Monthly Wire Detail
June 2020
6.A.2.b. July 2020
6.A.2.c. August 2020
6.A.3. Bank Reconciliation Statement
The bank rec's will be posted in October.
6.A.4. Building Bond Investment Reports
6.A.4.a. July 2020
6.A.4.b. August 2020
6.A.5. Monthly Health/Dental Wire Detail
6.A.5.a. July 2020
6.A.5.b. August 2020
6.A.6. Monthly Check Detail
6.A.6.a. June 2020
6.A.6.b. July 2020
6.A.6.c. August 2020
6.A.7. Monthly ACH Detail
6.A.7.a. July 2020
6.A.7.b. August 2020
6.B. Approval of School Board Minutes
Approvals as follows:
* Board Special Study Session - August 3, 2020 * Board Special Study Session - August 10, 2020 * Board Regular Meeting - August 10, 2020 * Board Study Session - August 24, 2020 * Board Business Meeting - August 24, 2020
6.C. Personnel Items
6.C.1. Candidates for Employment
Approval of Candidates Requested.
6.C.2. Resignations | Terminations | Non-Renewals
Approval as follows:
1. Jackson Adair - Kids' Company Assistant - FH (effective August 28, 2020) 2. Connor Baines - Kids' Company Assistant - JP (effective August 21, 2020) 3. Sarah Bale - Building Substitute - RR/GD (effective immediately) 4. Nicole Bonsma - Child Nutrition Helper - HS (effective immediately) 5. Tiffany Drumm - Early Childhood Screening Nurse - EW (portion of hours) 6. Sheila Elliott - Child Nutrition Asst. Manager - HOMS (effective August 12, 2020) 7. Mousumi Elvin - ECFE Assistant - EW (effective August 21, 2020) 8. Lynn Flattem - Child Nutrition Helper - HS (effective August 26, 2020) 9. Erika Jacque Garza Rodriguez - Kids' Company Assistant - LODL (effective August 21, 2020) 10. Megan Hanzel - Kids' Company Assistant - WW (effective August 3, 2020) 11. Jenna Haug - .4 FTE Art Teacher - JP (effective immediately) 12. Terrence Hill - Campus Supervisor - HS (effective August 6, 2020) 13. Ellen Humbert - Testing Para - TOMS (effective immediately) 14. Ellen Humbert - Special Ed Paraprofessional - TOMS (effective July 14, 2020) 15. Stephanie Janasko - Licensed School Nurse - HS/ALC (effective immediately) 16. Jenny Jungwirth - Music Teacher - FH (effective TBD) 17. Renee Kaiser-Muelken - Special Ed Paraprofessional - HS (effective September 3, 2020) 18. Susan Melville - Testing Para - HOMS (effective immediately) 19. Kassandra Miller - Child Nutrition Site Manager - TOMS (effective September 4, 2020) 20. Carrie Peterson - Licensed School Nurse - Dist. (effective August 21, 2020) 21. Allison Petry - Special Ed Paraprofessional - HS (effective September 1, 2020) 22. Kay Pierson - Special Ed Paraprofessional - FH (effective August 21, 2020) 23. Kay Pierson - Kids' Company Assistant - FH (effective September 4, 2020) 24. Brigette Purdy - Child Nutrition - WW (effective August 28, 2020) 25. Grace Rieckhoff - Kids' Company Assistant - RR/LODL (effective September 6, 2020) 26. Brenda Scherber - Kids' Company Assistant - LODL (effective August 14, 2020) 27. Paul Simonett - Special Education Teacher - HS (effective May 29, 2020) 28. Candace Sopcyzk - Special Ed Paraprofessional - WW (effective August 20, 2020) 29. Jessica Stoodley - Assistant Swim Coach - HS (effective immediately) 30. Nicole Thomas - Lunchroom Supervisor - HOMS (effective August 3, 2020) 31. Amanda Thornton - Daily Substitute - HOMS/TOMS (effective immediately) 32. Jessica Turek - Kids' Company Assistant - JP (effective August 28, 2020) 33. Mikayla Welch - Kids' Company Assistant - EW/LODL (effective August 28, 2020) 34. Nicole White - Kids' Company Assistant - WW (effective August 28, 2020) 35. Janelle Yakymi - Lunchroom Supervisor - HS (effective August 11, 2020) |
6.C.3. Leaves of Absence
Leaves as follows:
1. Carol Anzoleaga - Special Ed Paraprofessional - Dist. (unpaid leave 2020-21 school year) 2. Meghan Blomquist - Elementary Teacher - JP (medical leave extension to December 31, 2020) 3. Nikki Carmody - Kids' Company Assistant - GD (unpaid leave 2020-21 school year) 4. Kristen Dahlen - Child Nutrition Helper - HOMS (unpaid leave 2020-21 school year) 5. Margaret Defor - Media Support - HS (medical leave - September 10, 2020 to June 10, 2021) 6. Ellen Dudzik - Kids' Company Assistant - EW (medical leave 2020-21 school year) 7. Anna Dutke - Early Childhood Teacher - EW (medical leave - August 31 to October 31, 2020) 8. Candice Duval - Special Education Teacher - FH (medical leave - August 31 to TBD) 9. Tessa Fink - Special Ed Paraprofessional - RR (personal/unpaid leave August 24 to December 11 2020) 10.Clark Fleming - Custodian - FH (medical leave - August 12 to September 11, 2020) 11.Janelle Gessner - Child Nutrition - TOMS (medical leave 2020-21 school year) 12. Amy Jopp - Child Nutrition - HS (unpaid leave 2020-21 school year) 13. Lee Korby - TOSA Q Comp Peer Coach - HS/ALC/TO (expanded family medical leave 2020-21 School Year) 14. Mary Kowitz - Child Nutrition Asst. Manager - FH (medical leave 2020-21 school year) 15. Amy Mathis - Child Nutrition - HS (unpaid leave 2020-21 school year) 16. Cassandra McHale - Lunchroom Supervisor - TOMS (unpaid partial leave 2020-21 school year) 17. Patricia Nyhus - Child Nutrition Cashier - GD (medical leave 2020-21 school year) 18. Nichole O'Keefe - Child Nutrition - RR (unpaid leave 2020-21 school year) 19. Dannelle Paulsen - Lunchroom Supervisor - HOMS (unpaid leave 2020-21 school year) 20. Lori Rathjen - Kids' Company Assistant - LODL (unpaid partial leave 2020-21 school year) 21. Aura Sanchez - Head Custodian - HRE (medical leave November 24, 2020 6-8 weeks) 22. Kelsey Simonett - Special Ed Paraprofessional - GD (medical partial leave reduced hours through mid-October) 23. Tresa Thoennes - Child Nutrition Assistant Manager - HS (maternity leave - September 1 to October 23 2020) 24. Kathryn Thompson - Child Nutrition - WW (medical leave 2020-21 school year) 25. Carolyn Yagla - Youth Program Assistant - DSC (medical leave - September 28 to November 18, 2020) 26. Andrea Zack - 4th Grade Teacher - FH (medical leave - August 31 to October 30, 2020) |
7. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
Acceptance by roll call vote is requested.
8. Laker Pride | Special Recognition | Laker Showcase
Celebrating all PLSAS Lakers returning to school in Hybrid and DLA!
9. Personnel Items
Executive Director of Human Resources Quiram
9.A. Certified Staffing Request
Board approval is requested for the following:
* Health Services Coordinator (1.0 FTE) - Districtwide - $0 * Classroom Teachers (3.0 FTE) - Distance Learning Academy - $225,000
9.B. Educational Support Staffing Request
Board approval is requested for the following:
* Classroom Monitors (12 7.5-hour positions) - TOMS, HOMS, PLHS = $125,000 * Campus Supervisor-Greeter (7.0 hours/day) - PLHS = $0
9.C. Approval of Job Descriptions
The board is requested to approve the following job descriptions:
* Classroom Monitor * Health Services Coordinator
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
11.A. PLSAS Ready to Learn and Back to School Report
Superintendent Staloch
11.B. Budget and Enrollment Update
Executive Director of Business Services Cink
11.C. Annual Constitution Week Proclamation
Board Chair Shimek
This proclamation is read annually.
11.D. Annual Columbus Day Resolution
Superintendent Staloch
This resolution is approved annually so that we can conduct business on Columbus Day, October 12, 2020.
12. Policy
Board Chair Shimek
12.A. Informational Purposes Only
Superintendent Staloch
Based on the feedback from MSBA and review of current 904 policy and guidelines it is the administrative recommendation that we use electronic channels to distribute approved flyers from community organizations and district programs during the 2020-21 school year. The policy and guidelines do not need to be altered. The 904 guidelines can still be followed, however during the pandemic approved flyers can only be distributed through an electronic format. The purpose in recommending electronic distribution options is to follow COVID-19 health and safety guidelines to minimize contact of materials (handling of putting flyers in teacher mailboxes and then teachers putting in backpacks, etc.).
12.B. First Reading of Policies
12.B.1. Email Communications
12.B.2. Policy 203: School Board Operating Norms
12.B.3. Policy 204: School Board Member Violation of Policy
12.B.4. Policy 209: Code of Ethics
12.C. Second Reading of Policies
12.D. Board Policy Approval
These policies have been reviewed, with a first reading on August 10, second reading August 24 and are now slated for board approval.
12.D.1. Policy 201.1: School Board Vacancies
12.D.2. Policy 215: School Board Use of Electronic Mail
13. Administrative Reports
13.A. Superintendent Report
13.B. Administrative Reports
13.C. Board Reports
14. Future Events
* School Board Study Session - September 28, 2020 - DSC - 6:00 pm
15. Adjourn